Thursday, May 1, 2014

You have it ALL

For the next few seconds that you read this, let go of any anxious thoughts or fear of future you are carrying. Intend this to be a moment of calmness and peace of mind. I invite you to take a deep breath and activate the thought of "I AM GOOD ENOUGH". Being more than your physical body and life experiences, this is a sweet moment to realize your Soulful quality, and eternal being of LIGHT and LOVE. In this very moment, I want you to realize that you are extremely POWERFUL. Do not try to get anything from the world. HAPPINESS and BLISS are states of inner BEING that are inherent within your Soul's character. The world outside has nothing to offer you but bunch of negative news, low conversations around how "everything is messed up". You've seen it and heard it. So many people walk in this FEAR based mentality. I don't deny the challenges, difficulties, and dis-eases that are so rampant in our society. YES they exist. So does the antidote to all of them. Once you realize that YOU already have everything you need, BE A DISTRITBUTOR OF LOVE AND JOY. BECOME A PORTAL POINT TO EXPRESS GENEROSITY AND COMPASSION. EXUDE ABUNDANCE in your conversations. If some one says how is life? Get into the feeling tone of EXCELLENCE! The way out of where you are is to GO WITHIN your heart and SOUL. There is no way around it. Don't wait for others to do miracles for you, don't wait for your life to change. Relax into this very second and acknowledge your strength, vigor, intelligence, wisdom, and confidence. If you can not feel this, imagine the best case scenario of your life and go beyond where you are, pulling this energy from your future in to the present moment, the only moment that exists, is here and NOW. Take another deep breath, use this affirmation: "ALL OF MY NEEDS ARE MET. I AM LIVING, MOVING, AND HAVING MY BEING IN LOVE. I AM AVAILABLE AND RECEPTIVE TO MORE PROSPERITY, JOY, HEALING, AND WEALTH THAN I CAN EVER EXPERIENCE, MANIFEST, or IMAGINE POSSIBLE. I FORGIVE AND LET GO, I LET GO AND LET GOD. I AM GRATEFUL FOR NO-THING THAT MANIFESTS INTO MIRACLES IN EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE. I TRUST THE UNIVERSE"...Thanks for reading this far! Now, carry this energy during your day and give it to others. THE MORE YOU GIVE, THE MORE YOU'LL ENHANCE IT IN YOURSELF. Watch and witness how your life becomes a living testimony of GREATNESS! and so it is ,,,,,Amen....-Dr. Rod

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