Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Loving Vibe

Good Morning friends; Sending everyone tons of love and positive energy. There has been a lot of effort going on to get to this point, a day before our GALA for Los Angeles Children's Charity Group. I am extremely proud of all our volunteers, for doing such a wonderful job, dedicating so much time, energy, and coming straight from the heart. I like to invite you to be 'PRESENT' to your thoughts and choices today. As excitement rises, so does STRESS. When Stress shows up, it distorts our capacity to be in touch with our Heart, Vision, and INTENTION. Sometimes, it throws a curve ball and misguides us from our path. Regardless, I am consciously holding all of you in MEDITATION and PRAYER today. Feel the LOVING vibe coming towards you each time you are stressed out and feel off path. Tonight, I'll be conducting a group meditation in Encino, Ca at 730 PM..This is a Guided Chakra Healing with reference to Inner Child. I will also do REIKI for spiritual healing...If you'd like to join, please inbox me for RSVP & address. Thank you -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am available and receptive to more Miracles, abundance, peace , prosperity, and joy than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. "...have a fantastic day

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Infinite Patience

Today, I'm working on my patience....I love this saying: "Infinite Patience creates immediate results"....have this in mind as you face different challenges during your day. Realize that there is MORE OF YOU that wants to express and manifest from your higher SELF in any given situation. Stay focused on your INTENTION and PURPOSE without getting dragged down in external circumstances. Every time you are coming from LOVE, you are aligned with the universal life source energy ---Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I am peaceful and serene. I allow myself to just BE. I Am available and receptive to more abundance, success, joy, health, and prosperity than I can imagine possible. All of my needs are me. Life is for me."....have a spectacular day everyone.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Your Dancing DNA

Wow, grateful for another day, another chance to start a new beginning. You notice each time you wake up from a beauty sleep, you are starting a new beginning in what is a timeless, space less, eternal mesh of energetic particles floating and colliding with each other into infinity? We call this our life. As the captain of your life, focus on all the blessings you've got right now. Go ahead, don't wait until you do anything else. Here is a perfect opportunity. Take a deep breath, follow that breath down your spinal cord, give it a bright golden color, so brilliant that it starts highlighting all of your nervous system. The light starts penetrating your various organs, tissues, cells, and finally deep down each cell you've got a special DNA molecule, woven around each atom like a spiral. It's structure is hugging each strand together, in a beautiful harmonizing close tango, vibrating with the OMM sound of creation, before everything started, the sound of creation came out of NO-Thingness, into the manifestation of divine intelligence, shaping and forming itself into YOU, as your LIFE, yes YOU! Take another deep breath, you've got to read this passage one more time, visualizing where I'm taking you because in this space, dis-ease, dis-harmony, lack, limitation, fear, and worry doesn't exist. It's a space of healing, love, and light. Where your breath is supplying oxygen and all the essentials to your body, relaxing your thoughts while you are focused on these words that are coming from a meditative space. I'm connected to this beautiful energy and transferring it right through the light energy, translating into words, from your eyes, into your cerebral cortex, transforming into elector-magnetic field of beautiful information that is being picked up by your SOUL. In this United field of consciousness, we are together transforming our WOLD, because you are giving an agreement to my words, in turn making it into a new conversation, that will shift your internal energy field. It will resonate out to the world and uplift, inspire, encourage, empower, and heal anyone that comes across this post! For this, I am so grateful and thankful and I just let it BE!!!!!- and so it is--Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in God. All of my needs are met. I am divinely guided and lighted to manifest my beautiful destiny. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Come what may!"...have a beautiful day everyone.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Healing in the 'moment'

Have you noticed that tension in your upper shoulders or lower back? It comes and goes with stresses of life. You may have also noticed a heaviness in your heart from time to time. It feels like a dark cloud covering the sunshine that's striving to find it's way through the shadows. These are denser energies that you come across with on a daily basis from your job, kids, partner, family, friends, strangers, and other human being dis-connected from the source. As you read the rest of this post, start paying attention to your breath. Take deep inhalations. I know it's early in the morning or you maybe reading this on the other side of the world. Lets stop in the 'moment' together. The second you INTEND to stop, slow down, and notice your breath flow in your body, you are inviting healing energy to get activated within you. Behind those muscle spasms, heaviness of the heart, and the pressure on your upper chest is a coagulated thought energy that is FEAR based. A fear of 'I am not good enough', a fear of 'lack', a fear of 'future', a fear of trying to get the 'approval' of others. We all have some sort of that fear show up as the EGO takes over our perception and obscures the Reality, the Prism through which our Soul is meant to shine through. You know what? That is absolutely fine because once you become AWARE of these fears and start replacing them with LOVE, it'll loose it's intensity. It will get released because you are so much more than the FEAR. The Truth and you Essence is field of pure Potentiality. Pure unconditional LOVE disguised in flesh and bones, a Powerful energy field that has no beginning and no end. Have you ever contemplated infinity? Breath in, ease up, relax, and expand your consciousness to your INFINITE nature, woven together with GRACE, LOVE, PEACE, COMPASSION, ABUNDANCE, JOY, and HARMONY. If you've read this far and have a smile on your face, your energy field has shifted! We've uplifted the Universe together and changed many lives in this very second! Now, do you recognize how POWERFUL you ARE? ---Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I Am powerful beyond measure. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am divinely guided through the spirit of love and am blessed. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, healing, wealth, and happiness than I can imagine possible. It's all happening NOW, in this very moment, I am FREE"....and so it is,,,,,Amen....Have a beautiful, colorful day everyone.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Inner Laboratory

View your life as a spiritual laboratory where you get to experiment in alchemizing your inner world. Those deep thoughts you have about yourself, others, and life in general. Every time you have a moment of inspiration and feeling of joy exuding through you, you are becoming more aligned with the harmonious tune of the universe. Anytime you feel love and give love , you are participating in your soul's expansion. Anytime you guide someone on their path of self realization, you are actually creating a new world where you'll get to keep the fruits of your labor. When you come across a situation that tends to bother you, look at it from a higher perspective. Look for the opportunity in getting to your inner laboratory and creating Gold from Lead. Creating compassion from insult, Beauty from bigotry, Peace from fear, and Abundance from lack. You get to participate in this transmutation, increasing the vibration of the space around you. Anytime you enter a new segment of your life, perhaps after reading this message, think about this question: HOW CAN I MANIFEST THE BEST CASE SCENARIO NOW? Before you make a decision, or get involve in the next stage of your growth, deliberately ask and activate this question. This will inform your subconscious mind and your higher self to override your conscious choices, specially those that are not aligned with your spiritual values. Through this opening, your intuition will guide you to the path of least resistance and a choice into higher order. You are in a progressive, multidimensional universe, where everything is being orchestrated on your behalf in order to guide and enable you to manifest your divine destiny in this very moment. Smile, Life is smiling right back at you!!!  Namaste...Dr.Rod..

Affirmation: " I am aligned with the universal laws of universe. Love, joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, compassion, bliss, healing, and bliss are the order of my day. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can imagine possible. Come what may! "

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Living the Truth

Many times in life people come in your life for different reasons. If you reflect back at your past, you realize who you attracted in your life either as a personal mate or friend. When you reflect back, look at yourself, where you were in life, what your mentality was, and who you were on a spiritual growth curve. Here is something so important not to miss; As you do this, do it with love, care, and sensitivity towards yourself and people that came in your life. As a BEING of LIGHT, you are unfolding in a constant state of 'NOW'. Your past personality selves created the blueprint to get you to this very second, where you are reading my post and realizing that you did the best you knew how, made the best decisions you knew how. The 'YOU' I'm talking about is the Soul who is unfolding through life's experiences, meeting up with challenges in order to grow and heal in this incarnation. As you become more AWARE of this fact, take Responsibility for your Choices and inner Relationship with yourself. Forgive that personality self of yours who you've been blaming and victimizing so long. Forgive the people who came in your life and left, or are still clinging on to you. You can shift them out or into your life if you get serious about your thought choices, spiritual practices, meditation, and re-gifting of your talents to the society with high INTENTIONS. This is YOUR CHANCE. Today is your day to make it happen. Bless your past, take a deep breath now, and know that you are always guided through the spirit of LOVE....Where ever you are , GOD IS.....---Dr.Rod...

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let Go and Let God. I am living, moving, and having my being in Peace. Life supports me. I am Available and Receptive to more abundance, success, health, healing, wealth, and blessings than I can imagine possible. There is always more than ENOUGH. I share and give my talents back with the world, and in my sharing I get to receive."

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Divine Timing

Everyone has their own divine timing to come to self realization and deal with their past history. Specially the pain and suffering they caused themselves and to others. It takes courage to finally take responsibility for what you've done, what you've said, and recognizing what you've learned which is the most important part. You'll get to this point as you mature spiritually. There is no time limit because we are always leaving in the 'Present' moment. It's not until a certain level of coherent understanding and willingness has touched your heart that you will allow the Truth of your BEING to come forth . Trans-formation requires your active participation. It's often easier for you to stay where you are because 'Change' seems difficult, it's scary to go beyond your boundaries, limiting point of views and belief systems you've picked up from the world. What the world needs is more individuals taking responsibility for their personal thoughts, words, and choices. Getting off of our social masks, fame, fortune, comparison, envy, bigotry, stereotyping, and showing off. The world needs more humble and genuine people. Who are not looking for secondary gain in everything they do. We need more honest people with high integrity. Ones that come with clear INTENTION to make a positive change, not gaining recognition and a boost in EGO. Today, Notice those part of you that needs healing and is yearning to be LOVED. Notice the part of you that needs Forgiveness. Don't run away from it. This is your day!---Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: I Am living, moving, and having my being in Peace. I recognize those aspects of my personality that needs healing, loving, forgiveness, and letting Go. I let Go and Let God to guide me on my path. I am available and receptive to Miracles, Healing, Compassion, and LOVE".....have a great day.

Monday, February 17, 2014


I don't know about you but I've been experiencing intense amount of Energies for the past few days. I'm incredibly receptive to all kind of emotional energies from people and the environment. I even feel and pick up vibes of the trees and flowers, rocks in the mountain, and animals I come in contact with. As my sensitivity has been increasing, so has my responsibility for dealing with them. I find myself more AWARE than ever, yearning to meditate more, to stay connected more, and do more 'light work' with Energy healing. It's a very interesting path of inner growth, with lots of ups and downs. So many times I see the down times about to happen, where my mind starts creating negative stories about life, start telling me Lies about Who I Am, What I Am, Where I Am, and Why I Am. It starts making up False assumptions, bringing up false identities from the past trying to convince me of something that is not True. Be careful on how the EGO and Mind operates. I invite you to get serious about a Spiritual practice, specially MEDITATION regularly. As you expand at a level of consciousness with Awareness of your Higher Self, you will get to keep a high vibration about your TRUE Self. You can not make up Lies about Your SOUL and inner Truth. The higher, positive energies totally cancel the lower negative ones, but it's your RESPONSIBILITY to seek, go within, and get in touch with yourself. As you do , you'll gain Peace and you'll loose your Fears. You'll walk at a center point of the universe, just BEING neural, observing LIFE and participating in it with full on JOY! I'm starting the day in GRATITUDE and sending you LOTS of LOVE, lifting your Spirit to become into full understanding that ALL IS WELL! ---Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: "I am standing in the middle of mind of God. Everything is working together for my Good. All that I need I have within me. My life is a direct emanation of the only life that IS. I Am available and receptive to more abundance, success, healing, prosperity, miracles, and joy than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. "....have a beautiful day

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Stay in FLOW

Spiritual growth and transformation does not happen in a linear fashion. It's a dynamic energy flow requiring your intentional participation. Pattern of wholeness are everywhere, you becoming aware of this wholeness within- is a key to opening yourself up for receiving illumination. It's a beautiful state when you are AWARE and AWAKE! It's very challenging as well because you will fall for your EGO in the process knowing that you have fallen deep inside. Negative thoughts of 'I am not Good Enough', fear, lack , and limitation will show up as you deviate from your authentic self. This is why it's so important to keep yourself focused, balanced, get enough sleep, eat well, hydrate your body, and hang out with like minded individuals. It's your responsibility to pick up the broken pieces and fractured emotions, healing them through forgiveness and love, holding yourself in light of the Spirit, in order to unfold and manifest what is called your 'Divine Destiny'. As a spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation, you have a POWER of choice, discernment, and standing your ground for excellence. As a result, the entire universe will conspire to assist the evolution of your higher Self in perfect pattern, beauty, and joy. YOU ARE IT!!! ----Dr.Rod...

Affirmation: " I Am that, I Am. I am manifesting and allowing my divine destiny through every word, thought, and intentional loving action. As I grow and mature spiritually, I become aware of my wholeness, I allow healing, peace, and love, wash over all of my life structures. I am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, wealth, success, and joy than I can imagine possible. It's all happening NOW, in this moment, with ease, grace, and dignity....and so it is ,,,,amen....have a beautiful weekend

Friday, February 14, 2014

Healing the World

Our world can heal and change only through the power of LOVE. Everyone has that deep, sweet, connection to the universal source who's essence is pure unconditional love. It's not an emotion, it's not shown in balloons or teddy bears, and it's not a date at an expensive restaurant. It's an inner connection to your SOUL where you and the universe become ONE. --Dr. Rod 

Affirmation: "I Am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and my BEING in LOVE, joy, abundance, prosperity, and compassion. I am available and receptive to more miracles, success, peace, and beauty than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. Divine action and creativity is the order of my day.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Trust Yourself

Trust yourself at the deepest level today. What intends to manifest in your life right now is seeking to express itself through you, if you only get out of your own way and allow it to reveal itself. Practice engaging in an attitude of Gratitude and live from an Abundant state of Being....You Are ALREADY a Success- just by recognizing your authenticity, your true Value!! (not what the society, people, family, and friends judge you AS)...-Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: " I am a unique and worthy human being. I intend to express my creativity, love, joy, and genius through the song of my heart. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, peace, and success than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. I am living from the overflow."...have a spectacular day everyone..

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Earlier today I had an amazing insight and self realization during a coaching session with a friend of mine. We had a great conversation while hiking, where I usually do my healing work. I took some time to center myself in the middle of the hike, paused, and was looking in far distance where I noticed two little shades moving very, very slowly. I kept on taking deep, long breath and couldn't see clearly what this was. I'm talking maybe 70 ft in distance away from me. Suddenly, I saw the two little shades transforming into ears of a large bunny rabbit that was completely camouflaged with the background bush and trees. It was so incredible to be present, awake, and aware of this transformation. I was thinking about our life challenges at the moment I saw this transformation and gained clarity. How often are we looking from a myopic point of view, where our problems seems to weigh so heavy, we become helpless, hopeless, and lost in the midst of our thoughts? Yet, so many times we realize that there was a blessing hidden in disguise as a problem when time passes by. That this blessing reveals itself once we are available and receptive to it. Once we notice our connection with the Source of All, having a deep realization and faith that everything happens for our higher purpose in life. That we matter, that our challenges are giving us a new starting point to turn our lives around, expanding in consciousness, and becoming trans-formed. You feel me on this? Take a look at your life and where you ARE right now! Look with a Clear VISION and Ask : What are my blessings in disguise trying to teach me and how are they guiding me to GROW? --Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: " I invite clarity in my life. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I am available and receptive to more miracles, health, healing, prosperity, and success than I can imagine possible. Come what may!"....Peace.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


It is a challenging yet a very beautiful space of BEING when you are present to your thoughts, feelings, and actions. This level of awareness comes from deeper understanding of the world around you and the unique role you partake in it. Your relationship with yourself resonates into the world around you through relationship with others. How often are you aware of criticizing yourself? How often are you criticizing others? Stay in tune with this today, listen to your inner conversation and notice the criticizing thoughts coming about while you are driving, getting into a meeting, ordering Coffee, food, or making LOVE to your partner. It will shock you! The way beyond this and transmuting lower energies of self doubt, lack, and limitation is through AWARENESS that you are more than the chatter, more than the criticizing thoughts, more than your actions, past, future, job, label, bank account, social masks, and roles you play. Acknowledging this Reality will create a space in between your experience that shifts higher energies of love, peace, joy, and beauty vibrating in your favor as a self reflection of your Authentic Being...A BEING of LIGHT & LOVE......Feel into that, you are trans-forming (going beyond previous thought form and pattern of realization) as you finish this very last word......Namaste, - Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: I Am a being of light and love. Life flows to me as the expression of my authentic self. I re-cognize the importance of my existence, connected to my purpose, and fulfill my destiny through Self Realization...My life is Divine. I am available and receptive to infinite abundance, success, health, joy, healing, inspiration, and guidance than I can imagine possible. Peace is the order of my day. As I change within, I get to change the WORLD with me. "....have a beautiful day.

Monday, February 10, 2014

I Am---I have it ALL

Let me take you on a little mental trip on a Monday morning, you probably just woke up, or you might be on the other side of the world preparing to dive in a beauty sleep. It Matters NOT! You are in the MOMENT for the next few seconds as you are reading this, paying attention to your BREATH now. That by itself connects you to the present moment, the realm of ETERNAL NOW, the space of infinite possibilities, where your MIND takes a break and your SOUL has a chance to bring forth it's AUTHENTIC POWER, mesmerizing your thoughts and infusing your INTENTIONS with high vibrational Soul Qualities. This is your starting POINT, sleep or AWAKE, you are NOW inoculated with a touch of LOVE, a tea spoon of COMPASSION, a dash of KINDNESS, with tons of ABUNDANCE and HEALING energy. Remember the breath? With every breath IN right now, Your body is healing to it's natural, peaceful, harmonizing FLOW of BEING and with every breath OUT, your gracious HEART is opening up to LOVE! You are becoming more EMPOWERED and more CONNECTED to the ETERNAL source of ALL that's flowing through my Soul, being transmuted and translated as these WORDS, swimming in your blood stream of thoughts, nourishing your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body. THIS IS OUR BEGINNING POINT: AFFIRMATION: "I AM-----I HAVE IT ALL" ...Namaste.-Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more Miracles , Abundance, Success, Healing, Love, and Prosperity than I can imagine possible. I intend to change the WORLD, NOW....."....have a spectacular day/night

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Never Alone

How do you feel about yourself in your alone time? Do you enjoy your company or you can't stand yourself because your thoughts start to rampage in comparison, sense of separation, and feeling of void that needs something or someone from outside to fill in? Whenever you are in this alone space, notice your feelings and watch your thoughts. The more you think of yourself as whole, perfect, and complete, the more you'll enjoy your alone moments. The more you become connected with your higher Self, the more you realize that you are never ALONE, that there is a PRESENCE wherever you are holding you in it's arms, giving you tons of LOVE! Freedom of the Self happens in the moment you are AWARE of your eternal, beautiful BEING. With this recognition in mind, notice how often you think about what other people are thinking or feeling about YOU, rather than How you are Feeling about them. The moment you shift your energy on how you feel about them, you are empowered and can change any negative feelings to those of loving, compassionate, kind, and peaceful feelings. As you focus on the positive aspects in people, you'll tend to create more of the same positive aspects in them and yourself. Release yourself from comparing and judging people around in order to feel true freedom of your Soul.....IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU!!!!!!- Dr. Rod ...

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in JOY. I release, and let Go. I let Go, and Let God. I love who and what I Am. There is wholeness, power, beauty, and compassion within me seeking to express itself. I Am available and receptive to more abundance, success, health, wealth, prosperity, and healing than I can imagine possible in my life. The universe supports me. Peace is the order of my day."....Have a fantastic Sunday

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Healing the Pain

There must be one person in your life or one situation were your heart feel pain as you think about it. As you are reading this and contemplating on where I'm about to go with this, I invite you to feel what it feels like to be 'Courageous'. Think about where in your life you had a courage to face your challenges and take a leap of faith in facing them. Underneath Courage, this incredible energy you posses, is the vibration of Self Love. I know you have that, otherwise you wouldn't be connected to this writing and reading it right now. It's not an accident, it's a matching of our frequencies in this very moment, guiding you into a quantum leap of higher consciousness. Open your heart and feel the Self Love that's the foundation of your Courage. Take a deep breath, now, go back to that one person and one situation that causes you pain, visualize it, shrink it to a size of a 'white Dove'. Hold the Dove in the palm of your hand. Look at it so fragile and vulnerable. Feel yourself so Courageous and Full of Self Love. As you hold on to this image, I invite you to Forgive this Dove and picture it turning colors from White, to Red, To Green, and then into a bright Yellow....Feel your heart opening up and exuding Self Love towards this Dove, releasing any energy of pain, anger, grudge, and animosity you've been holding on to. As you do this, I like you to release the Dove into an empty space where it came from. Release it with both hands, allowing it to fly far away from your heart, leaving you in complete peace of mind. Bless it away, disappearing int the NO-thingness. Take another deep breath, and repeat this affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and Let God. I AM LOVE". God Bless YOU!....(please read this over couple of times and share your experience with all of us. Allow this to heal and shift your energy. I'm also sending you healing energy of REIKI at this very moment. And so it is, Amen)...-Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am free. I Am abundantly healthy, wealthy, prosperous, and joyous. The universe supports me and guides me to my higher destiny"....have a beautiful weekend

Friday, February 7, 2014

Step Out

It's so important to Realize yourself being in Flow with Life. Step out of the lack and anxiety mentality from time to time and connect with the total perfection of the universe. Go Beyond the daily tasks, thoughts, and responsibilities by turning WITHIN yourself, MEDITATE, and then tune into the sacred CALLING of your SOUL. It needs you to recognize and become available to the message it's constantly sending you. The way OUT of your challenges is really the way IN. A journey deep within your heart, silence, appreciation, forgiveness, trust, unconditional LOVE, then welcoming peace and wholeness. Paying undivided, undifferentiated attention to what is Real, a new conversation and agreement with the Truth of your higher BEING. Maintaining this vibration throughout the day creates a Vortex of GOOD in your life experience. Happy Friday Dear Friend, remember you are meant for greatness, excellence, abundance, success, health, wholeness, beauty, and JOY......YOU ARE IT --- Deep breath in----Deep breath out.....-Dr. Rod....

Affirmation: "I am whole , perfect, and complete as I was created. My body reflects the perfection of the universe. Health exudes through my cells and blood stream. My mind is clear and calm, full of inspiring ideas. My soul is in high resolution with my purpose in life. I Am available and receptive to more miracles, abundance, success, prosperity, and love than I can imagine possible. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my GOOD. NOW, NOW, NOW...."....Have a spectacular NOW everyone

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Think about this

You are a unique and special BEING with a capacity to think about what you are thinking about. As you are reading this, notice the thoughts that are going through your mind, translating the loving energy I'm sending you through my writing, feeling the words becoming actually images and experience. You are AWARE now that this process is happening, waking up to it. Your value and worth does not come from acquisitions of outside 'stuff', rather they come from APPRECIATION of your innate SOULFUL qualities; love, compassion, forgiveness, joy, peace, abundance, giving, sharing, creativity, and harmony. Recognizing these in every segment of your life's experience opens up doors of infinite possibilities to express them through you and co-create a life experience that matches up the quality you are contemplating. YOU ARE A POWERFUL, WORTHY, AND GENIUS BEING. Hold this thought Today and focus on it, bypassing the lower energies that you come across with all day. Set up reminders on your cell phones every 3 hours, saying: "I am love. Right now, I have an appointment with EXCELLENCE, with my Authentic Self"....-Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: " I have an agreement with EXCELLENCE. My appointments with myself is about LOVE, JOY, and PEACE. I Am available and receptive to Miracles of abundance, wealth, success, and prosperity manifest in my life. The universe supports me in my INTENTION to changing the WORLD"....have a beautiful day everyone..

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nobody is Perfect

Nobody is perfect, but everyone can attempt to be authentic and honest. The least we can do is be courageous enough to give it a try, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. - Dr. Rod...

Mind your own Business

Practicing what you preach is a great thought to keep in mind. Don't worry about fixing others or giving them a prescription for "what to do, and what not to do" list for their lives. Become an example of empowered BEING; focusing on your inner life, your attitude, your thoughts, your habits, and your own actions first. Your sphere of influence grows when you mind your own business and don't butt in other people's lives. As you grow mentally, emotionally, and SPIRITUALLY, you share your experiences, exude your light, and emanate your love just for the SAKE of BEING yourself, speaking from your HIGHER SELF- not "TRYING to FIX OTHERS". Everyone is on their own path, learning from their mistakes, awakening at their own Divine Timing. YOUR JOB: MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS and DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO FOR YOURSELF!---Dr.Rod..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. I trust and let go. I allow and receive. I am available and receptive to more Abundance and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Life supports me. I love and respect myself"...have a peaceful day everyone..

Monday, February 3, 2014

You are IT!

Let go of comparing yourself to others because every time you do, you are lowering your strength and energy. You are made up of light energy and Elements of the Stars, a spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation, reflecting and revealing the beauty of the entire Cosmos that is within you. This self Realization frees you from lower energies of jealousy, envy, being pretentious, and fake. Once you become aware of your Authentic Self, you can see the best in others because ALL you have is the BEST of you seeing them through THE EYES OF YOUR SOUL. You become at ease and at peace with yourself, never feeling LONELY, but always in touch with your Soul. Sometimes, there are moments of intense pain where you get caught up in past story of your life, an expectation that was NOT met, a promise that you told yourself and thought was Real that never happened. These feelings of abandonment, lack, and void are BLESSINGS in disguise guiding you to DO the INNER WORK on yourself. Forgiveness, Self LOVE, and Gratitude for your life's experience. Don't shut yourself up ,rather dig deep inside your heart; There is Courage there, LOVE, and Compassion asking to be discovered and shared from your BEING to the world you perceive as Real. It's what you MAKE of it. Try seeing yourself as a Healing Angel in disguise, exuding Light and Joy everywhere you step today. You are IT....Breath in : I AM.......Breath out: I HAVE.....Something within you Knows, and Knows that it Knows what I'm talking about ------Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete as I AM. I Am available and receptive to more Abundance, Joy, and Beauty than I can imagine possible. I see life through the lens of Transformation, planting seeds of success, peace, and love everywhere I go. The universe supports me. Prosperity manifests as the template of my inner BEING."....have a spectacular day..

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Stillness

I don't know if you've ever reached a point deep within the stillness of your mind and had a chance to contemplate about your past, all the ups and downs, the dramas, those times your heart was broken, and the other times you patiently put the broken pieces back together? You observed in that stillness of your mind the different path you took and all the choices you made, some causing you joy, some major pain at the time you looked for approval, love, and inner worth! Have you ever touched that space where you see where you've come from, observing the connections of each thought, each deed, and each outer relationship? If you did, you are becoming aware of your timeless, space less essence, a being of eternal light, that is becoming AWAKE, realizing that you were always guided and protected to this point right NOW, noticing, WOW, your life is a reflection of ONE Source that is in everything, everywhere, at any time, beyond your perceptions and past memories. You see your TRUE face in the mirror of your eternal Truth and magnificence glory of your BEING. Take a deep breath an notice that each experience, each desire, each self reflection is part of the unfoldment of your Soul as it gets to express itself. It manifests EVERYTHING that is in support to YOUR journey here. ALLOW yourself this space to realize and expand in consciousness, it's an impulse pulling you towards a specific soul quality. This is a beautiful space to be, to feel, and to express through. And this JOURNEY continues my friend.---Dr. Rod