Thursday, October 24, 2019

Being here & in the now! 

You are always here and in the now. If you just ran into these words, know that you've been intended to read and catch the energy behind and beyond what the words are willing to convey. There is a seed being planted in your conscious and subconscious mind. This is the seed of excellence, hope, love , and faith. This seed already has the divine idea waiting to find the right conditions to unfold and evolve on its own. 

The presence of God is the fertile ground for this seed, already within your soul , from the beginning of time, beyond the expression of creation, in you and acting in collaboration for you. Whatever you are going through right now is being washed away by acknowledging your greatness. 

Read these words slowly and take a deep breath because your ego is being cracked by the light emanating from your source. As this seed matures on its own timing, it will reveal its blessings as an expression of your life. I know there has been times where you felt helpless, lost your will, and felt so separated from your essence. I know and I've been there where nothing seems to be going your way. 

These are the exact time when you must anchor yourself deeper and stronger in your will. You must release your attachment of what you think must happen and ease into higher order of universe to uphold you. The support you seek is within. The entire cosmos act in coherence once you are aware of your power and wholeness. This is a law and this seed will grow to become a mighty tree of blessings once you trust into this process. 

Let go and allow. Nourish your being with love and find a way to extend loving thoughts to others. The human family is thirsty for this love, so become the fountain for each soul in order to awaken this awareness within them. This is a new set point for your life. Right now. Feel the excitement of being the source of your own excellence and inviting great possibilities of abundance, peace, joy, and prosperity as an expression of your soul. Take a deep breath, hold it, slowly release by saying ohmmmmmmm! 💚 spiritual life coaching 

call: 818-317-0839 for a free consultation in life coaching. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Thought of Hope

When you feel like your back is against the wall, take pride in everything you have done that has worked for you. Focus on what’s right in your life rather than what’s missing. Strengthen your faith and go more within. Meditate longer, pray harder, and let go of how things should be according to you. There is a bigger plan that will reveal itself once you clear out your negative energy and align yourself with divine plan of God for you. Don’t give up and push forward. You will make it through. You’ve got my support and can count on me always. 


Visit: Get a free consultation for life coaching & healing 818-317-0839

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Attention; after reading these few lines, there is a possibility that you will feel happy with a smile on your face, increase a sense of passion for your existence, and tap into more faith within your soul as to how things will work out for you. So, read at your discretion because your attention will create your intention. 

Your intention will focus your energy. Focused energy will cause you to start acting upon your deepest desire. Your desire will open doors of possibilities in order to welcome your wish. What you wish from your heart will manifest in your reality. 

No matter where you are in life, know that you are getting ready for a quantum leap towards the evolution of your consciousness. Take the negative experiences you are battling through now and observe them for what they are. Do not resist them because what you resist will persist. Learn what messages they have for you and simply change your thoughts around them. Choose a different thought and act upon it. 

Choice is a function of your awareness. Spend some time in meditation daily to increase your capacity for more Divine awareness and then create what you want. You are a powerful creator who is capable to re-invent your life based on how you intend it to BE rather than falling trap to mediocre expectations of others from you. Believe in yourself! Believe in your passion! When you feel like giving up, just give up the feeling of giving up. Replace it with hope and kindness towards yourself. The face of kindness is the power that will attract circumstances and people in your life who will assist you to reach your destiny. Your destiny though is hidden in between single moments between your everlasting journey. Be present now, you’ll find contentment underneath the constant voice in your mind telling you there needs to be more. The more you are looking for shows up when you let go of the “need” for having more, rather you increase the quality of BEing more of who you are. Stop, take a deep breath, let this sink, read it over, and share it with someone you truly care for as you keep smiling. 

With eternal love, 

Your Soul❤️ spiritual life coaching 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

What holds the future?

You are on a solitary path of creation and uncovering what you already know to be your highest truth. People show up in your life from all back grounds and experiences. What you do with their experience is a work of art. It's really all about us. Happiness is derived from within. Strength to go on is independent of outside sources, it's dependent on your mastering the inside source. This source is pure love, it's pure compassion, and pure allowing the spirit of peace vibrating into manifestation. Take a deep breath my friend, the process of awakening and unfolding requires your participation by re-cognizing who and what you really are. Who: the singular manifestation of the what. What: the invisible, yet indivisible presence of God that is all that IS and all that is not. You are part of this great mystery. Your existence matters, your being means everything to what you are giving meaning to. Enjoy this insight and roll with it. Smile and take it easy. It's all going to be alright. We don't know what the future holds for us, but we do know what holds the future in consciousness. The presence of God (love) holds our future, today, in this very pre-sent moment. Feel my love coming your way. 

And so it is, amen

I Am 💚 call 818-317-0839 for a free life coaching consultation 

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Back to No-Thing 

When you hold a beautiful rock in your hand, you feel its tough texture and solidity. Your senses tell you that it has a weight and special roughness to it. In reality though, that rock is a condensation of trillions of molecules and atoms that are attracted together, yet if you go deeper within each molecule, you see that it's formed of empty space, formed of NO THING. This is the same as everything else, our lives, our human problems that are condensation of thought forms. You hold old, stagnant memories from the past and repeat them over and over in your mind. This re-creates the same pattern and results. Our challenges are nothing more than thought forms that we carry along the day, obscuring the space of infinite possibility in the PRESENT MOMENT. Think of the heaviness of your problems the same as the rock. When you go deep within, you discover that you can unravel it's origin back to NO THING where it came from. You can then forgive and release that energy to create space for the NEW OUTCOME shot from the mind of God from infinite possibilities to reveal itself. Life then becomes an adventure of knowing Who you are and why you exist!!! Try it! 💚 spiritual life coaching 818-317-0839 Get a free consultation 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Letting go of the pain 

In our life a lot of things happens that we don't really know the reasons for. Sometimes there are absolutely not justification for them. I like this saying and I believe in it. It makes life easier for me to glide through: "Pain is inevitable, yet suffering is optional". As a human being, it's inevitable for me to experience pain. Even my physical body is designed with trillions of pain receptors to give me insights as dis-ease starts taking over my body. It gives me warnings, it directs me to take action and find the cause. Emotional pain is the same. It comes through layers of experiences, the old selves, the younger version of me that went through life's challenges and didn't really know what to do with the pain. As you direct your life towards the path of LIGHT and Self realization, healing starts to take over those areas of pain that has turned into emotional suffering. The suffering was never of your making. You simply didn't know better to deal with the immense pain that had happened. A gentle way of looking at the past can create an avenue for the release of the suffering which many time has caused guilt. Guilt is detrimental as it carries a very low vibration frequency in your emotional body, tying your arms and legs, imprisoning you within your own thoughts, and disabling your growth process. It keeps you in the past and robs your from the experience of the present moment. The way to clear guilt is the knowing that you did the best you knew to deal with the pain you went through. Become aware of it, find the gap between your higher Self, and what keeps on triggering your suffering through the guilt. It's possible to let go and heal of this energy when you are willing and accept the choice of 'possibility'. I went through a deep process about these dynamics yesterday with a client of mine, walking her through the different layers and energy knots that has caused her suffering. As she said: "Healing is a process", and it's a beautiful process when you take dominion over your life. When your intention becomes one which is bigger than yourself and includes the shift into optimism and love for the entire humanity. Your experience will transform in the service to others. For this, I'm totally grateful....Namaste...-Dr. Rod.... 818-317-0839 

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