Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Clearing confusion 

A lot of confusion takes place when you don't know what you want out of life. What happens then, you fall into regret of your past which lowers your emotions into sadness or depression. You do this subconsciously in order to match the vibrational frequency of your confusion. When it's a match, now you feel good because you have concrete justification for your present disappointments. As you live with this attitude, you attract and create more of the same. Here is the cycle: Confusion, then focusing on past regret, matched up depression mood, feeling good about your confusion, attracting more of the same. This is a vicious cycle I see so many people caught up in which is ruining their lives, relationships, health, marriage, and their livelihood over it. If you relate or you know someone caught up in this, reach out and get guidance. It's easy to balance this energy and make your life work. Please visit my site: & get in touch with me for FREE initial assessment 818-317-0839 Thank you πŸ’š

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Being Alone

Be able to tell the difference between being Alone and feeling Lonely.. Feeling lonely comes from a sense of lack. This happens when you are disconnected from your true essence, not able to be in touch with your higher self. Where you have pain inside your heart and don't know where it comes from. It's not a very good space to be in because it hurts and your only way out is to go deep within in order to heal what is the root of that separation. In contrast, BEING ALONE is a GIFT. It's where healing of the heart takes place. It's a quiet space of self realization and internal peace. Away from the drama of the world outside. A blissful opening to knowing yourself. Getting in touch with your true essence and realizing that you don't need anyone or anything to be happy. Because you are directly in touch with the universe itself, and that my friend, is found only in your ALONE moments where you are self reflecting, meditating, and giving rest to your brains cells. Is your Soul smiling during your ALONE moments or are you constantly searching to fill up a void that needs to be healed in your heart? Good question to ponder about....-Dr. Rod.....

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Just a thought: 

Parents have a lot of unreasonable expectations of their children. Sometimes, unnecessary comparison and pressure can damage the kid. When the kid grows up with multiple emotional issues, parents feel lost and think this happened over night. I always think that the best way to deal with this situation is educating yourself first and figuring yourself out before you blame everything on the kid. 

Learn to be more compassionate and listen to your kid rather than criticizing them. Most of our personal issues stem from our family dynamics. Off course , everything is relative and there are those few that become incredible human beings regardless of their damaging upbringing. I see this regularly and feel that our level of awareness can truly make either negative or positive effect on others.πŸ’š

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Journey within

Here is a test to see if you actually read my posts all the way to the end. I'm curious and I have not written something like this for a while. All I know is that I've been experiencing immense heaviness in my heart and weight of humanity on my shoulders. It's been a personal challenge to go through these feelings, however, I know that I am not separated from you, thus, the collective human struggle is being felt by me. I am totally good with that because as a being of light, I've set my mission to uplift, inspire, heal, and transform whoever comes along my path. You , the reader are in this energy field right now. I am grateful for this opportunity because as I am breathing slowly, I feel your breath slowing down. I feel this unified field of love energy forming a beautiful sphere of golden light around us. Take a deep breath and slow down your thoughts. This is a moment of pure communion with the spirit of love. The only power that can heal a wounded heart; pain from the past, and whatever worry that comes in our mind because of the future. This moment is being transcribed in history as a great healing moment. These words will be released into eternity, you and I, together will have our Souls uplifted in order to generate positive energy and shift our inner world from darkness to light, sadness to joy, and fear to faith. With faith, all things all possible. Take another deep breath, visualize an area of your life structure that needs healing. You relationship with yourself, with a friend, family. Your financial life. You health, that part of your physical body that needs healing. Whatever it is that comes to your mind, wrap it around a beautiful violet colored, intense light. See the light actually burning through what you are imagining. As you hold this vision with the violet light around it, repeat and say this affirmation in your mind: "All of my needs are met. I live in a friendly universe that supports, heals, and loves every atom in my body, every emotion in my heart, every thought in my mind, and every circumstance that will get created by my higher Self, now". As you go on through the day, hold on to this vision and affirmation. Know that I will support you on this path, and recognize your greatness. You are meant to serve you higher purpose on this journey. Trust and love yourself, no matter what challenges you'll be confronted with. God is all there is, and so it is......Take another breath and smile my friend....All is well....


Dr. Rod....

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bone Marrow Match

I am super emotional to say the least! A lot is going on in my energy field right now as I am in a meditative state writing this note. My breath is deep and my heart space is widely open. My fingers are just typing what my emotions are dictating without any screen whatsoever. I love this space. It's what I strive for. Earlier today I received an email from gift of life bone marrow registry notifying me that I matched to be a marrow donor to someone who is terminally ill with cancer. I registered 12 years ago and now it showed up. A leukemia perhaps or any other blood cancer which I don't know yet. I read the email couple of times before I could believe this great honor. All of the sudden, I just broke down in tears. This was tears of joy and humility. Tears that where rolling down my face straight from my soul. I am all for changing lives but this was taking it literally to a different level of influence. What have I done to deserve this? Was my immediate thought. I have been deep in contemplation and self reflection since. I feel the persons breath and heart beat who's waiting for my blood cells to save his or her life. I can feel the parents emotional pain and suffering of having their loved ones literally being at their death bed. God knows how much they have prayed for a miracle and asked for answered prayer. This is a profound experience coming from the knowing that we are all connected. How can my bone marrow be a vehicle to cure this persons disease? I'm a scientist and a meta-physician. Yet, it still blows my mind away as to how technology's advances can make real miracles happen. All I am thinking is to get to this person as fast as I can. What I can do is to just be in prayer mode and use this experience as a proxy for anyone in the world who is going through a terminal illness. I can be an agent of hope and an answered prayer in my thoughts. I can expand my consciousness and see them as part of my own body, my cells, my blood. With each breath intake right now, I can infuse them with unconditional love and instill the desire to live and give them a second chance to life. Life is precious yet we take it for granted. We argue over things that don't matter and hold grudge on our past for no reason. When we hit a real obstacle by facing life and death situation, we wake up and notice that we are here just as a small parenthesis within eternity. We recognize that any difficult situation we are in is a blessing in disguise. A loving heart and kind action can go a long way. You can influence your surrounding by your state of being. Your vibration and thoughts can literally change the tapestry of the universe beyond what you think. I am speaking to you , the reader who happens to be receptive to this powerful energy exuding from my soul, to your eyes, to your brain, and translating in your heart getting you inspired not to give up on yourself, not to take your life for granted, and start shining your light with the mission you've been blessed to express in this incarnation of yours! To radiate your beauty and passion, joy and compassion to millions of people who are living in despair. The world needs you and you have the responsibility to show up better than yesterday, stronger than the moment ago, plunging into our mysterious universe, singing your verse to the cosmic tune of eternal life. Life is precious my friend and your life matters. I am grateful to be given this opportunity to save a life and I am going head on for it. It's a blessing and I own it. Thank you for reading my sentiments. I AM, God Is, and so it is. Amen. Namaste πŸ’š

Saturday, April 1, 2017

What's your complaint?

What is your 'complaint' of your choice? If you notice, when you get tangled in old emotional junk, past experiences that have hurt you at some point, and issues that have not been healed, they tend to show up here and there and snatch your attention from the Truth of your Eternal Being. Yes, you get hijacked by your EGO's identification with "I AM NOT GOOD ENOUGH", "I AM NOT WORTHY", "I WISH MY LIFE WAS DIFFERENT" in the past, and start having a panic attack on what to do in the future. Both of them a mental trap and prison of your Authentic BEING. Once you start identifying your 'complaint' of choice, recognize that there is a big LIE in there. A lie that is so rampant because of our illusion with separation and lack consciousness. The antidote? Meditation and re-cognition of your innate wholeness, infinite love, and connection to the Universal Source. You have to Give up your Littleness and mediocrity in order to unveil your Soul's Potential for living a life on PURPOSE with Excellence....You can do it, We can do it! -Dr. Rod...