Saturday, May 10, 2014

Spiritual Arms

I can't help but put myself in the shoes of people who have lost their mom's in their lives and feel the pain they go through. A good friend of mine just did few days ago and the funeral is today. I have the deepest sense of compassion and love towards those BEINGS who are going through this transition as the society is celebrating and honoring our moms. This is a reminder of how precious each of our moments are together. You don't need a national day to celebrate your loved ones, neither do you need a reminder to know that each moment is a gift of life, an eternal space where joy can be created out of NOTHING, where laughter can replace arguments if you CHOOSE to, and where a hug can make a world of a difference. As such, I send out my unconditional love to those friends who have lost their moms and embrace them from far with my spiritual arms around them. I celebrate their Soul's eternal LIGHT! -Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I am LOVE. I radiate beauty, peace, and compassion to the world. I am available and receptive to abundance, joy, and success to manifest in my life, as my life. All of my needs are met. I am that, I am."

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