Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Suffering and compassion 

One of the most challenging part of human existence is to see a loved one suffering through dis-ease. This can manifest physically, emotionally, or mentally. It breaks your heart to see once a strong person being capable of taking care of their activity of daily living , now totally dependent on you. It tests your limits for patience and resilience. Patience is the greatest human virtue , however to develop patience, you must develop compassion. Compassion is understanding the lack of understanding. This lack is the lack of knowing the unknown. In the unknown, there is infinite reasons for why something is happening in a persons paradigm that is not understandable to your limited understanding. 

To develop the compassion in you , you must tap into unconditional love. This love is seeing God within everything that's happening. It is putting on the prism of oneness so that your perception is lifted from the world of duality and shifted away from relativity into the world of absolute. The absolute is nothing but the unknown and the absolute only reveals itself as unconditional love when selfless action becomes more important than your own needs met. To strengthen selfless action you must be able to control your reactions. These reactions mostly are rooted in the ego for wanting to be right or wanting to judge your circumstances based on your limited point of view. 

It's a common human struggle and the way to bypass it is to develop faith. This is the absolute substance of what your are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be seen. From faith , you will develop muscles for taping into unconditional love where you'll begin to see the oneness of that which IS. Taking this step will free you from judging the dis-ease that another being is experiencing because now you have compassion for what is occurring. No longer tangled with your ego, you become one with the situation and the experience becomes a spiritual practice for your soul's expansion and growth. Your vibration becomes the vortex of transformation for you , for the person suffering, and for the suffering itself because now you have given this situation a totally different meaning. 

It's our capacity to give a different meaning for any given experience and doing so brings bliss into your life. Experience changes, suffering transforms into joy, and as a result you have grown into a more mature being of Love. This is the sole purpose of existence and our human relationships because each person has a grand lesson for you to develop into a better version of your Self. 



Friday, August 9, 2019

Transition from life to after life 

I’m sending out a massive love and compassionate energy towards anyone, family or friends, who are experiencing the transitioning of a loved one or whom recently gone through the loss of their loved ones. Life is precious and Life is eternal. 

The concept of infinity is hard for us to understand. That which is limitless doesn’t make sense in our minds because are minds are made to work only in the finite world. We need tangible concepts to make sense of things. However, our soul is infinite. It is the direct emanation of the mind of God which is limitless. 

When you breath oxygen, the spirit of infinite makes contact to the finite physical body. The energy that becomes substance of your cells and essentially make up your body comes from the infinite. As we transition and change form by the law of entropy, death, the physical emerges back to the source of energy it came from. Through this transformation, our infinite being reveals itself more freely into the limitless intelligence it origins from. 

Know that you are love and source of love. Know that our ancestors from the higher realms are watching over us to provide guidance and healing vibe towards our evolution. Know that the spirit of God is all that IS. That includes you and me, your loved one who is changing form, and everything else we are attached to in the world of form. 

Our ultimate lesson is to let go of our attachment because this brings us one step closer to who we really are. The ability to let go is very difficult. Be conscious about it and ask God to open more space in your heart center for enabling you to pass through the pain. Ask for healing and know that whatever you are growing through, the entire human family is right there to love and support you. 


Dr Rod❤️

DrRod26.com spiritual life coaching 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Think about what you think about 

You have this amazing capacity to think about what you think about called 'introspection'. Realize how many thoughts you pick up daily are coming from the negative energy around you. The news, media, many people sharing the negative news on Facebook and other social media. Notice how your feeling and how your mood fluctuates due to getting caught up with people's ignorant remarks and comments. 

Where are they getting their thought process from? Are they authentic and genuine, or are they simply reflecting society's struggles over and over again? Coming from fear and hate wont solve anything I tell you that. Projecting your own stereotypes and hatred outward won't solve anything. All you are doing is adding to the collective EGO consciousness that through out human evolution has reached it's peak in many forms, you are witnessing it. Your sole responsibility is to think twice about what you are thinking about. Feel in your heart whether or not what you are thinking about is for the good of the collective consciousness or for it's destruction? 

You know the answer, you don't need to get other people's opinion, thoughts, political expertise and other jargon that conflicts with simple TRUTH: Is what I AM thinking about coming from LOVE or FEAR? It's simple! Is what I'm projecting or adding to world coming from PEACE or creating more of the same as IS? It's simple... You see, when you are not thinking for your Self and not coming from your higher Self, you are giving away your inherent, God given power to someone else's stupidity. You are more than that. When you see yourself in the mirror today, say out loud: I AM MORE THAN THAT.. Sending the world tons of love and healing energy of peace......Namaste....Dr. Rod....❤️


Friday, August 2, 2019

Getting out of sadness

The way out of your sadness is giving of yourself to others by being in service. This means you go beyond your own needs and meet the needs of another being without any expectation in return. There is a pull and push of negativity that is always a constant. It's like gravity. You don't have to seek it out. It is part of what we are experiencing in the bipolar universe. A universe that is made of both a negative and positive network. When you are aware of this, you need to set your intention to actively bring positive charge in your life. This translates into feelings. Your feelings are the indicators of how much positive or negative energy you are dealing with. Love is the only quality that bypasses both energies. Love is absolute. It's not a relative. It's the fabric of which the universe is made up of. It is your essence and your inherent nature. Be aware of this quality and intend it to take over your life because it is the one and only way to transcendence. Remember, you are the main character, director, and the producer of this movie called "your life". First of all, don't take yourself too seriously. For every problem you are facing, there are people having it a lot worse. Second of all, shift your focus on what is great in your life or what you have with gratitude rather than constantly nagging of what is missing and what you wished you had. Vision what is possible and let go of the impossible. The only impossible is impossible. The way out of where your are stuck is going in. The moment you let go and surrender to your higher self, answers will reveal themselves to guide you and open new doors for your unfoldment. Today, focus on what is the best case scenario for your life, reside in love, extend act of kindness to others, and close your mouth if anything other than a blessing is coming out of it! 💚
