Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fall in Love

When was the last time that your deeply fell in love with yourself? This is not a selfish statement or in any ways leading you to a sense of separation from others. Rather, it's directing your energy to what is the most important aspect of yourself, Your recognition of how truly incredible and unique you are. What tends to happen is that we forget about ourselves and many times we either ignore or suppress our feelings when they need to be expressed. Every morning is a new beginning. A renewal of an eternal contract between Your Soul and your physical body to align and have a romantic moment in a quiet space of meditation. This is a unique time to fall back in LOVE with yourself all over again, appreciating your own existence and tapping into your highest qualities to come forth. You may not be feeling it at this very moment, yet there is a part of you that is picking up this vibration and will lead you in ways that you'll come back home to the beautiful temple of your Authentic Self. A heart full of love and a discovery of a WHOLE BEING. This is where God resides in YOU! -Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in divine Love. I am available to more abundance, healing, and prosperity than I can even imagine. The universe supports and guides me to my incredible destiny"


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