Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Darkest moments

Have you ever been caught up in the darkest moments of your life? I have. Way in the past where I couldn't even get out of bed because of being so severely depressed and hopeless. There are many people that are going through the dark night of their Soul right now. Many of them will find the courage and reach out for help. They will extend their hand towards you to lift them out from this darkness and show them the light. The real test is: ARE YOU WILLING to step out of your EGO and comfort zone, from the sense of separation you've been taught from the society, and actually open your heart to help them? The universe will put you to test on a moment by moment basis. Depending on your perception, you'll either hear the cries of those needing your help and act on it, or you turn your back around. You'll fall into the illusion of separation and ignore the call. Imagine if your have pain in your leg. Rather than addressing the pain and see the connection of your leg to the whole body, you'll cut it off and tell yourself; well; it has nothing to do with me. I've got other parts working for me. When the time comes and you are being tested, stop, let go of your judgment about the reasons behind why another human being is asking so desperately for your help, open you heart and give them a chance. You never know, you may just save a life with your smile. You may shift their entire course of existence just by you saying YES! Are you in for this, in for YES? ......Namaste

Affirmation: "I am committed to excellence. My life is the shining light to awaken my fellow spiritual beings. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Abundance is the order of my day. I am inspired and grateful for making a positive change in the world. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine possible. Peace and beauty knock on my door today. I open my heart, allow them in , and take my step in pure faith in alignment with the universe......."


Monday, September 29, 2014

Authentic Being- Your Soul's Hidden Secrets

It's with pure honor and joy that I would like to introduce my latest book: "Authentic Being- Your Soul's Hidden Secrets" to the world .....I am humbled by the experience of putting this book together. I had some of my amazing friends helping me through the journey. Thank you Ariel for choosing the subtitle. Thank you Marjan for reading the initial drafts. Thank you Rebecca for editing and doing the interior graphic design. Finally, thank you Shayan for the amazing cover photograph which pretty much says it all. My intention for this book is the uplift, inspire, heal, motivate, and shine the light on your authentic higher Self and be a positive change in humanity's collective consciousness.
I love you guys...
Namaste   For purchase, visit: https://www.createspace.com/4738099

Friday, September 26, 2014

What would love do now?

"What would love do now?"... How many times have you fall down because of your Ego getting you trapped for comparing who you are, where you are, and what you've been up to with others as a result of getting stuck in your past and blaming yourself that you could have been somewhere else in life? Re-read this question and really think about it. It happens so often on a subconscious level because part of this whole process of re-creation of your Soul's journey is accepting who you are wholeheartedly in the moment. Yet, this task seems to be so difficult and the result of getting caught up in it is so painful. It's a path of self destruction and loosing hope for the future. One thing that helps me after many years of practicing and yet falling down for this very mechanism is to ask myself "What would love do now?"
This is a very powerful question that shifts your attention from your past and all the scenarios your mind makes up to create an opening gap for re-connecting you back to the now. What would love do and chose in this very second? Asking this question personally from yourself shifts your mindset in a positive direction instantly in order to gain freedom from self sabotage. So, here is my question to you: What would love do now in order to accept, cherish, recognize, and completely be at one with your higher Self?.....Namaste +1

Affirmation: "I love and trust myself. I am worthy, I am joy, I am abundant, I am peace."


Wednesday, September 24, 2014


"Even after all this time The sun never says to earth, "you owe me". Look what happens with a LOVE like that. It LIGHTS the whole Sky. " Hafiz


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

True Love

True love between couples comes when each individual soul is on their own path of enlightenment. This happens when an individual knows the meaning of being One with his essence, being connected to her root, and knowing the wisdom of being giving in relationship to themselves first and then the other. It means that he knows he is on his way towards light, climbing up the tree of life, no matter the challenges set on his path. It means that she is deeply in tune with her own feelings, connected to the source of all the beginnings, realizing that she can accept and welcome change at any time. It's a dance that takes place from the empty spaces in their thoughts through the portal of their beautiful hearts, creating a soft channel for their authentic light shine through the thickness of the clouds. Real love is unconditional yet its condition is to remain humble and self less. Centered in the selflessness is a virtue of True love, one that becomes an inseparable connection once it is met at the peak of their inner growth, together, forever as ONE......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. My life is divine."..


Monday, September 22, 2014

This too shall pass

Life is full of surprises. You don't know when or where they will come at you. Imagine climbing a ladder made of ropes. As you go up and reach with your hands, you alternate with the opposite leg, hoping that it wont swing around. There are times though that the ladder starts shaking. There are times that the bottom rope may tear and fall apart. There are times that your hands may get tired and slip away. Life is full of unknown factors that come into your experience and swing the ladder you are climbing. However, the moments of uncertainties carry a deeper potential for getting to know an aspect of yourself requiring a strong pull to overcome your fears and find your inner strength, your faith within. Just hang on. Long sentence, I know, it's hard for me to express this. Have you faced a situation like that? Where you are caught in corner and there is nothing you can hold on to but the inner knowing of surrendering to higher orders of life itself? If you feel being in that corner, close your eyes and open your inner eyes. As I gaze in your inner eyes with an eye full of love, I want to tell you that "YOU"LL BE OK, and This Too Shall Pass". No matter where you are and what challenge you are facing, I feel the presence of God right there with you and hold you in the best possible outcome. Namaste. +1

Affirmation: "I welcome life's challenges and look at them as seeds of opportunity for me to grow. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My life is divine. I am guided with divine love, infinite prosperity, perfect health, an immense capacity to love, and be a beneficial presence on our planet. My words are powerful and my intentions are pure. I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. I trust the universe and live in a friendly world of kindness. Joy is the order of my day and prosperity finds me where I am. ".

Saturday, September 20, 2014

In one Glance

Have you ever glanced at someone and felt what's going on in their heart? I'm sure you have. Now, this insight is much stronger with people we truly love, our family members, spouses, siblings, children. People that become more in tune with their own emotions and are not shut down, will tend to pick up others vibes more freely. Here is the challenge though, speaking personally: The line between being in compassion and falling in immense personal pain becomes really thin when you see your loved one suffering. I'm sure you've experienced that as well. Walking this thin line is a work of art. It really takes mastery to stand your ground and be able to remain in compassion rather than fall into personal pain, or rather disappointment. Life is the measurement of each of our moments that passe our awareness in simple glance. It's the quality of the moment that remains eternal and carries it's vibrancy to re-create the next moment. The balancing act of staying in love, peace, and compassion rather than falling into your fears, disappointment, and personal pain has been a major challenge for me as a human being and will be. What helps me move forward is giving my best in the moment and allowing my loved one to experience what they need to experience. Having faith that I am not running this show, that there is a guidance within all of us guiding us. I'm just a simple observer and there are many things that I'm not in control of. There is an element of detachment to the outcome, detachment from trying, focusing in the Being aspect of the moment and letting go. As long as I'm aware of this state of consciousness, I can handle my pain. The moment I get distracted by my wants, needs, and fears, I fall deep into darkness. It's a constant struggle, yet it makes me rise above merely being a physical body. It challenges me to be more connected within, rather than identify with my emotions being controlled by what's happening around me. Love you guys....Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in peace. I trust the universe to handle the details of my life. I have faith, I am strong, and I am in tune with my passion for loving and healing others. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I've ever imagined before. Joy is the order of my day. Kindness shines its healing light on my heart. I release and let Go. I let go and Let God."


Friday, September 19, 2014

You are Beautiful

"The usefulness of what is depends on what it in not"....Lao Tzu..
It's so important in life to realize what you are 'not' in order to recognize what you are. Once you connect to your non-being aspect of you, the material world will take on a new meaning. What you are not is your thoughts, your emotions, your physical body, and the constant fear of the future or the pain of the past. What you are not is the illusion of the materialistic world that is always pushing you in the race of "I am not good enough, therefore I need to have more". What you are not is the combination of Self identification from the judgment of others, specially the society's standard of who and what You Should be. Imagine the physical body you are occupying is floating in an empty space. The empty space between your legs when you walk, your arms as they hang down, the spaces between your shoulders, ears, and eyes. If we anatomically dis-assemble you, your individual parts will not have any meaning or function as who you are. What you are not is the separation you think you are from the whole, the wholeness of the entire universe. As you quiet your mind today, allow yourself to connect to that invisible aspect of you that is indivisible from what you see in the mirror. It's your essence, it's subtle, it's the origin of it ALL. It's made up of love and it's priceless. It's found in your heart and it's not what you THINK it's not. Let go of thinking of what it IS, and what it's NOT now, you'll step in the KNOWING beyond the KNOWING of who and what you Really are. ......Take a deep breath, smile, happy Friday...The beauty of who you Are depends on who you are NOT......Namaste...

Affirmation: "I am who I am and I take joy in who I am. I am living, moving, and having my being in unconditional love. I am peace, I am beauty, and I am all needs met. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am available and receptive to more miracles of abundance in my life than I've ever imagined. I am passionate and successful, creative and powerful."


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

I Can

Sometimes you may fall down and crash during the day even though you started your day on a positive note. You meditated, exercised, drank your power protein shake, and head out to do what you do. Yet, oooops, LIFE HAPPENS!!! You get caught up in the midst of the storm of negativity around, disconnected, and crash with your nose in a pile of low energetic c**p!. Yes, here is the good news. It happens to all of us and to the best of us. Don't be too tough on yourself. Get up, stand tall, clean yourself, and stop the nagging that it is 'other people's fault'. Take responsibility for your thoughts, words, and actions. These are the three master key to the world of creation. You are a creator and a co-creator with the spirit and you have a mandate to create the highest good possible not only for yourself but for the entire humanity. You matter, you are important, and the thoughts you think matter. So, my friend, don't say "I Can't". That's the trap of your Ego closing the energy of creativity, shutting down your willingness to move in the direction of LIGHT. Instead of "I Can't" and the blame game, judging, self sabotaging yourself with victim consciousness taking you deeper down in a pile of S***, Affirm: "I intend to create. I am worthy, I am love, I am one with the spirit of God. I am abundant and successful. I am joy and happiness in action. I am grateful, thankful, and a blessing to the world. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I trust the universe and have all of my needs met. I am peaceful and serene, I allow myself to just be. Healing is the order of my day"....Follow this thought today when you fall deep into ****. You deserve it....Namaste


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

From victim to VICTORY

Hopelessness is a phase. It is derived from victim consciousness. It's a very low energy field to get caught up with. When people fall trap to this entity, their mind gives them all the excuses why they are hopeless and why life has nothing to offer them. There is a separation between the authentic Self and the Ego. In this case, the Ego is dominating by dictating it's false representation of who you Are. If you know someone who is experiencing this, don't subject them to your judgment of them. Don't make them wrong or right for what they are feeling. The moment they feel and recognize their oneness with the universe, they heal their way from victim to victor consciousness. Victory from the illusion of hopelessness and helplessness is gained from connecting to Self love. You can guide your friend back to themselves by allowing them to vent out without scorning them, without radiating your own misconception about life on them. Simply listen, then, hold them in space of unconditional love. This heavy phase last longer for some and shorter for others. Remember this, anytime you are going through a sad phase and hopelessness, there is something new, something creatively constructive, to propel your Soul on it's way to higher levels of evolution- breaking through in progress. Don't take it hard on yourself and don't blame others. They have nothing to do with what you are experiencing. You must become stronger and discern between what gets you in that stage in the first place and heal yourself out. There is help out there, seek it, and then help others who need your loving, compassionate, and kind energy to pass their stage......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I live a purposeful life with passion. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined. My life is the life of God. I trust the universe and have faith in a good destiny. I am a continuous blessing in action releasing my gifts and talents to the world. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. In this beginning, I receive all the miracles in my life with gratitude and in absolute peace. I love my life.".


Sunday, September 14, 2014

I Am here, I exist

Get comfortable with uncertainty and the unknown. When you feel as if the entire world is against you, borrow from your FAITH, "an absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be seen". This means, gaining strength in the present by tapping into your future, bringing forth the energy you need to pull you out of your mental and emotional captivity. Say this affirmation: "I love and trust myself. I am worthy. I am one with life, one with the presence of God, one with eternal peace. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my being in unlimited abundance and prosperity. Healing is the order of my day in every area of my life. I am here, I exist."......and so it is , Amen. Namaste.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Cancel your appointment

Cancel your appointment with disappointment today. Have You noticed how many times without even noticing, we set an appointment with disappointment with ourselves? I surely do and it stems from a faulty thought of "I am not good enough". This thought is so common on our community. It starts from a very young age when your parents start comparing you to other kids. Their way of encouraging you is to judge you with someone else's talents, how many A's they bring on their report cards, and what kind of school they get into. The love that you came from and is part of the fiber of your being is unconditional. That's the energy behind what we call LOVE, an eternal field of pure potentiality, consciousness, or intention. The love you get introduced by your society, parents, and then as you get to know yourself better becomes 'conditional'. Having a "If, then" format. If you do this and behave like this, then I'll give you this and show you that. The only person that can reverse the void and that empty space in your heart is You. It's done by getting in silence meditation regularly and connect to that deep unconditional love energy that resides underneath the empty space in your heart. Don't fool yourself by trying to get it form other people or finding it in the materialistic world. It's a total illusion. That route will get you to a dead end. It will make you run and run, until you come to a cross road to finally surrender and go within. I'm telling you, been there, done that. Now, I'm inviting you to pause and acknowledge your infinite being and the only source of unconditional love that exists. Deep within your own heart and soul. Discover it, make love to it, and give away as much as it as possible to others so they can also cancel their appointment with disappointment. So they can once again see the glory of their own lively being shining forth into eternity. Smiling now? Good ......Namaste..

Affirmation: "I have and appointment with excellence today. My life is full of beauty and joy. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. life affirms is's miracles through every aspect of my being . I am full of abundance and prosperity, gratitude and peace, creativity and activated genius. I am available for more miracles to show up in my life. I trust the universe."


Wednesday, September 10, 2014


"Paradise is where I AM"....Voltaire.
Are you living in a paradise? It's a thought away. It's where you are residing deep within your heart and soul. Many times, we make life complicated, wishing to be somewhere or having something we are not or don't have. We get caught up in the 'Wanting' rather than Being immersed in the process of Becoming it. If you continue living like that, you'll end up giving up your paradise in the moment to an imaginary life that will never come. There is nothing wrong with visioning and imagining, setting up goals to manifest what you wish. However, not at the expense of sacrificing your present for the future. Every time you feel the deepest feeling of love, you are residing in your inner paradise. Every time you are in an act of giving to another person, you live far beyond a materialistic world, you are walking garden of Eden. You reside in heaven on earth. Stop the chase, stop the race, and stop the unappreciative thoughts that diminish your energy system. As you are reading this, think about the countless blessings in your surrounding right now, the home you live in, the food you eat, the message you are receiving, your friends, family, children, work, and everything you have. Think about every breath it's being gifted to you as a sign of appreciation for the un-foldment of your Soul on a journey into Recognizing your inner paradise here and NOW. A lot to be grateful for, I totally Am, and I invite you to join me. Will You?........Namaste.

Affirmation: " I live in the paradise of my heart and Soul. My life is the emanation of the only on life. The life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in Love. I live in a friendly universe that supports me. I am available and receptive to more prosperity than I've ever experienced before. Peace is the order of my day. Healing is revealing itself in every area of my life. Today, is a magnificent day full of miracles. For this, I am totally grateful and thankful, and so it is,,,,amen".


Tuesday, September 9, 2014


"Relationship" is the ship you tend to take your relations together on a journey where each Soul recognizes it's own glory. How? Through seeking the highest experience of all things, which is living and immersing in pure LOVE. Would you ever drill a hole in your own ship thinking that it won't bother anyone else? I don't think so, because not only you'll sink yourself, but you'll go on the path of destruction to others. There are so many of us that run away from Self love, yet we expect others to love us for who we are. We self sabotage and live in guilt for whatever gives us pleasure. We get caught up with rules of society, religion, parents, and social stigma, hiding behind our masks, living a pretentious life. I know it has crossed your mind or you've lived it at some point in your life. I certainly have. Remember, in order to experience a successful relationship, you have to start getting in tune with yourself. first. Check yourself out. In Farsi we say: "Khodeto daryab". Look in the mirror and see who you are dealing with. Clean up the nasty stuff that don't belong in your heart and allow love take you over. You have a lifetime to master this most important task your Soul begs you to do. Don't run wild looking to get a fix high by others who boost up your Ego and tell you who you Are. You are the captain of your Ship in relations to the entire universe. You are the guide, you are the light, and you have full dominion over which direction to sail your ship towards. Give up the excuses and blaming others for your problems. You are your own master and creator of the life you are living.......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am the master of my own ship. My relationships are shot through the mind of eternity. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE with all of my relationships. I am confident and joyous, trustworthy and fulfilled. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined possible. Life affirms it's blessings in every area of my being. Joy is the order of my day. Peace is all I experience and see. And so it is, amen"


Saturday, September 6, 2014

Have some nuts

Where are your thoughts at right now? No matter where you are in your personal life, you'll notice that there is room to grow, to expand, and to become more. This is a principal and one that I use daily to make a shift in myself so that I get more out of life. I don't quit, even though sometimes I get frustrated and anxious about life itself. One thing that always helps me to get my butt back on track is the sense of awe and appreciation. Whenever I'm centered in my Self, I tap into this surge of incredible awe for nature. As I do my hikes, I get mesmerized by the rocks, landscape, trees, and everything that's there. I was walking with my client yesterday at a park and we ran into a squirrel who was munching on a nut. For a second I became that squirrel and observed life from her perspective looking at us looking at her. It was one of those milliseconds of becoming one with oneness. Have you had that happen to you? I'm sure it has. I started hearing the thoughts of the squirrel laughing her brains out at us. Really! She was looking at our Ego and problems as nothing but a distorted imagination that distance ourselves from our natural state of being. She was so into the nut, chewing it at 1000 beats per second, not getting tired, and not giving a care in the world to anything else. Her tail was raised and with those beautiful brown eyes she was telling me to say this here, now:" Life is precious in every moment. Think before you act and get out of your daily complaints. Stop being a victim. You are more powerful than you think you are, more gracious, and more magnificent. If you can't handle a nagging problem in your thoughts, just grab a nut and chew on it." Clever little squirrel. I'm in awe and appreciation for her message. Today, I let go of my little nagging voice in my head and have some nuts instead out in nature. Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Joy is the order of my day. I release and let go, I let go and let NUT. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, manifested, or experienced before. The universe supports me. I am worthy, I am confident, I am peaceful, and I am free. Healing is revealing itself in every area of my life. and so it is , Amen..".


Friday, September 5, 2014

Missing you

You know how it feels like when you really miss someone? I'm sure you are either experiencing it or have experienced it before. It's a surge of energy that can't be explained too well. It's a void, an emptiness that is yearning to get filled. Have you ever gotten to a point where you've missed yourself? Sometimes, you get so caught up in daily stuff that you forget about yourself. At the end of the day, you think back and say: What happened to me? We are traveling through an infinite space in eternity. What you feel as missing is the part of you that's leading you to remember who you are. It's a part of you that's searching to get information and awaken to its authentic Self. It's an urge, an impulse, a thirst for transforming into something greater than what Is, yet it's first requirement is to See what it Is, accept it, love it unconditionally, and then trust that you'll discover more of it by surrendering to what Is. Do I make sense? Today, look deep inside that feeling of 'missing' the part of you you've been looking for. Notice it, embrace it, and give it a hug on my behalf.....Peace..

Affirmation: "I am that, I Am. All that I Am is the I Am.".


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not to decide, is to decide

"Not to decide, is to decide". This has such profound implications as I read it earlier, then I went into a very deep meditation. Not to love is deciding to live in fear. Not to allow life pass through without struggle, is to hold yourself tight as if you are in charge of everything. Not to be in peace is deciding to get caught into the turmoil of the world. You've seen what's going on around the globe? yes, me too. Not to decide to come from compassion as you observe the chaos of the external circumstances is to join the madness. We are all connected in consciousness. When we think a negative, hateful thought towards ourselves or people around us, that thought gets recorded in the intelligence of our collective consciousness. The result: turn on the news tonight. It's like going to a pizza shop and ordering your favorite pizza. Your creative thoughts are putting the ingredients together, the thickness of the crust, and all the details. You give the order, the chef carries it out somewhere else and the thought actually becomes a thing. So, not to decide working on yourself, meditate, clean up your inner household, get rid of your pain, forgive , and shower yourself with unconditional love is DECIDING TO CONTINUE ADDING TO OUR COLLECTIVE MADNESS. I've simplified this to your favorite pizza. Almost everyone loves pizza. The world would be a much better place if we offered each other a slice of pizza rather than hatred, judgment, envy, fear, and separation. Next time you come across yourself saying "I can't" or "this is impossible to happen" or "I can't decide", please replace your thought to: "I INTEND TO CREATE". Not to decide is to decide. Decide to be love in action, NOW.......Namaste...

"I am one with God, one with life, one with the intelligence of our collective consciousness. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I decide to be compassionate, peaceful, giving, and grateful. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. Healing is the order of my day. Life supports me towards my magnificent destiny. And so it is, Amen".


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Healing the guilt

In our life a lot of things happens that we don't really know the reasons for. Sometimes there are absolutely not justification for them. I like this saying and I believe in it. It makes life easier for me to glide through: "Pain is inevitable, yet suffering is optional". As a human being, it's inevitable for me to experience pain. Even my physical body is designed with trillions of pain receptors to give me insights as dis-ease starts taking over my body. It gives me warnings, it directs me to take action and find the cause. Emotional pain is the same. It comes through layers of experiences, the old selves, the younger version of me that went through life's challenges and didn't really know what to do with the pain. As you direct your life towards the path of LIGHT and Self realization, healing starts to take over those areas of pain that has turned into emotional suffering. The suffering was never of your making. You simply didn't know better to deal with the immense pain that had happened. A gentle way of looking at the past can create an avenue for the release of the suffering which many time has caused guilt. Guilt is detrimental as it carries a very low vibration frequency in your emotional body, tying your arms and legs, imprisoning you within your own thoughts, and disabling your growth process. It keeps you in the past and robs your from the experience of the present moment. The way to clear guilt is the knowing that you did the best you knew to deal with the pain you went through. Become aware of it, find the gap between your higher Self, and what keeps on triggering your suffering through the guilt. It's possible to let go and heal of this energy when you are willing and accept the choice of 'possibility'. I went through a deep process about these dynamics yesterday with a client of mine, walking her through the different layers and energy knots that has caused her suffering. As she said: "Healing is a process", and it's a beautiful process when you take dominion over your life. When your intention becomes one which is bigger than yourself and includes the shift into optimism and love for the entire humanity. Your experience will transform in the service to others. For this, I'm totally grateful....Namaste..

Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete creation of the mind of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. Healing is the order of my day. I am available to more prosperity than I've ever imagined. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I intend to show the face of God as I AM, as Who and What I Really Am, and so it is , Amen".


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shine it up, Baby

Start of a new beginning, a fresh breath, a deep meaningful thought, a new perspective of where you are and where you are heading to. Every moment of life is a beginning of an end and an end of something you've started to do. However, you can be an eternal quality, in eternity by realizing who you Are. We've just started a new month of September, even though I'm a day behind this post because yesterday I was at this most beautiful place in the mountains and all day I was contemplating my existence, my being in life, my purpose, mission, goals, and desires. My mind was completely still most of the day as I was hiking, feeling one with nature, the mountain, the beautiful pine trees, the lake. It was a full day in meditation and introspection. I'm still carrying that energy as I just finished coming out of meditation. I'm holding you in the highest vibration of love energy. If you take a deep breath, put your right hand on your heart, and feel your chest rising up as you inhale, and then breath out, follow your chest contracting while you exhale, you'll realize that the energy behind these words are coming from total compassion. It's deriving from a still mind that doesn't mind to see you successful, joyous, peaceful, abundant, healthy and happy. It's coming from insight, an in-sight derived from a place of No-thingness where it's being translated to what you are reading. Imagine you are stepping into a bubble of golden/white energetic LIGHT. As you enter right now, feel your entire vibration increasing, your cellular DNA releasing any dis-ease or in dis-harmony attached to it from conditioning. You are increasing your energy level and setting forth an intention to step into this month with full on vigor. With faith and resilience as two of your masters, holding you in their arms, guiding you to a beautiful destiny. Do not resist change, as change is the only constant in the universe. Flow with it, allow the highest best for the creative vision of your soul to manifest. This is your month to shine, to love, and to be the greatest you are meant to be. Feel it , believe it, BE IT....I'll be guiding you along the way - Namaste.

Affirmation: "It's my time to shine my light. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Change is the name of my game. I play it with full on vigor, faith, and resilience. I am available and receptive to more love, more abundance, and more giving than I've ever imagine possible. Gratitude exudes through every cell of my being. Passion is my fuel to a successful BEING, then becoming a beneficial presence on our planet. I am ready and willing to live a life of purpose and significance, NOW, and so it is ,,,,,Amen...."..
