Friday, January 31, 2014



Changing the World

I just finished meditating and was holding onto a VISION for peace, abundance, love, healing, joy, and compassion for the WORLD. Here is my INTENTION: to change the world through the platform of my life. Since you are reading this and we are all connected, you are part of this VISION. Just by contemplating this vision wherever you are right now, you are joining deliberately in raising the vibration of your thoughts, thus your intention for BEING, and ultimately changing the world together! How cool is this? ---Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, joy, abundance, and success than I can imagine possible. Come what may. The universe supports me. "...have a beautiful day

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Stop Fooling Yourself

Words are so powerful. The way you communicate with yourself and others has direct positive or negative effect in everything you do. Start by observing the thoughts that happen to you. Check out your 'SELF Conversation' from time to time. What are you telling yourself? What kind of questions you are asking yourself? Sometimes you realize that your nagging mom or bossy dad are speaking for you. Sometimes you hear your demanding costumers, the news anchor, or that commercial on Persian Radio is speaking for you. The world outside has nothing to offer but a collective agreements on FEAR based thoughts to hold you bondage in mediocre living. An INSPIRED living MUST be discovered through SELF AWARENESS, MEDITATION, AND CULTIVATING EMPOWERING THOUGHTS FOR YOURSELF. Tune into the broadcast of the universe, nature, and harmonizing peace within sentient beings. Tune into SILENCE from time to time. Stop running away from yourself and pay attention to what your heart is asking from you. IT NEEDS YOUR ATTENTION for self LOVE, self acceptance, and opening to JOY. You will not acquire this state through shopping, gossiping, lying, playing victim, passing out judgment, and hiding in the closet portraying someone you are NOT! STOP PRETENDING, STOP FOOLING YOURSELF. STOP SELLING YOURSELF SHORT! -Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: "I am more than good enough. I respect and love myself. I trust the universe to guide me on my higher path. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, wealth, and happiness than I can imagine possible. It's happening now. All of my needs are met. Come what may...." have a peaceful day

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Heart & Mind

Dear reader, I am really glad you are reading this message right now because I'm sure you weren't thinking about this very next thought I'm planting in the fertile soil of your consciousness. Are you ready? Ask yourself...."What is the creative vision of my soul? and What is the purpose for my life?" Now, whatever you were thinking before these thoughts, they were not of high energetic vibration. As you contemplate these thoughts, allow yourself to fall into daydream, or night dream to whatever answers your subconscious comes up with. Practice and ask yourself repeatedly all day. Anything that aligns with your heart and embedded with LOVE is worthy for you to act upon. Take a deep breath right now, enjoy this moment, you are being loved and cared for ---Namaste. ---Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I Am love in action. I am available and receptive to more abundance and success than I can imagine possible. It's happening NOW, all of my needs are met, everything is happening for my GOOD. The universe supports me. Come what may!".....have a spectacular day

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Going Within

Realize and know your greatness. Don't get stuck in your current situation that seems to be pulling you down in life. Whatever it is! It can be health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, love issues, or whatever it is that feels like it has your hands and legs tied up. The way OUT of anything happening is diving WITHIN. Meaning that you've got to invest time in yourself. Start right here by declaring: "I AM PRIORITY IN MY LIFE. I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF". Don't wait, don't let that second thought tell you otherwise. Right NOW, declare: "ALL OF MY NEEDS ARE MET. LIFE SUPPORTS ME. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR MY GOOD". There is an intelligent power within you , in your heart, that has a capacity to pull you out of whatever you are experiencing. Connect to it, feel it, commune with it, pray and meditate with it. YOU'VE GOTTA DO THE INNER WORK! Then as your consciousness expands and shift, your outer WORLD will manifest beauty, love, joy, abundance, peace, success, healing, compassion, and harmony. As you give all these qualities away for the INTENTION to CHANGE THE WORLD, you'll get to keep more of it in your own LIFE. Ultimately, You'll realize, that your life, is the life of GOD, the universal ONE POWER, ONE LOVE, ONE SOURCE.---Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "There is more than enough. I am available and receptive to more miracles than I can imagine possible for my life. The universe supports me. I am blessed and a blessing. Life supports me. Abundance and Health is the order of my day. Joy is all that I KNOW. It's all happening here in the NOW. I am GRATEFUL for it ALL."....have a beautiful day

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Write your OWN story

What is the narrative to the story of your LIFE, today? It's so important to declare what your experience is going to BE on the get go before you enter your routine responsibilities, work, meetings, and dealing with the crazy world out there. You must set your inner world up by yourself. Meaning that YOU decide what your experiences will be as you hold the space of transformation and spiritual growth. Are you about Joy, passion, compassion, abundance , kindness, and Peace? Are you going to set yourself up for excellence, generosity, creativity, integrity, and LOVE? It's up to you to cultivate any of these spiritual qualities in the fertile soil of you consciousness before you head out in the world. There is so much negativity out there that will get you and pull you down if you are not overflowing with positive energy. That , is your responsibility to seek out. Meditation, prayers, affirmations, visioning, surrounding yourself with positive people, and GIVING. Sharing your Goods with others without any expectation. This is called BEING of SERVICE to another. What is your narrative today? What is your CALLING? Answer the call of your SOUL baby, it's time to break Free and FLOW ....--Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I am a generous Being- living, moving, and having my being in Excellence, joy, abundance, and success. I am Love in action, blessed and a blessing to the world. All of my needs are met, everything happens for my Good, the universe supports me. I give and share of my gifts to the world as I intend to change the world for the better. I Am, God Is. "....have a beautiful weekend.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Self Approval & LOVE

'I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF'...How often do you run away from yourself, not wanting to face the Real YOU inside your heart? As you grow up, you get slapped with so many judgments, expectations, and false belief from your parents, then friends, and ultimately the society. Then, self approval becomes obsolete. You sense the need to prove yourself to others, get into nasty competition, and wear a face mask to portray someone YOU ARE NOT! Look, enlightened living means to be in alignment with the Song of your Soul. To grow into that alignment, the first step is Self LOVE & Self Approval even if old thought patterns bubble up making you think otherwise. You are a piece of universal love intelligence, a living biology of the cosmos becoming aware of it's own presence. Just for this very moment, completely ALLOW self love and self approval to take over your entire being. Walk in this energy field and repeat this affirmation silently in your mind all day: I LOVE AND APPROVE OF MYSELF--Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: I love and approve of myself. I am grateful to be me, pure love intelligence radiating my kindness, compassion, and joy to the world. I am overflow with abundance. There is more than enough in my life. I am available and receptive to more miracles in my life than I can imagine possible. I trust, I forgive, I let go, and I ALLOW the universe flow through my life in grace and with absolute dignity. Peace is the order of my day"...have a beautiful day everyone.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

You are a Miracle

Are you stuck in a situation where your only hope to get out or resolve it is a Miracle? I'm sure a lot of us have faced something like this in our life time and many have gotten our answers, in one way or another. Are you ready for this? Here's a way for MIRACLE to show up in your life OUT OF SEEMING NO WAY. Think about a PERSON or a SITUATION you are holding a grudge with, or having animosity towards someone, or go head look in the mirror and gaze into your own eyes. If there is a feeling of resentment, notice it. I invite you to call or text that person you have issues with, or hold that bitter situation in mind, or while looking at yourself in the mirror, then SAY: "I FORGIVE AND ASK FORGIVENESS FROM EVERY PERSON, EVERY BEING IN TIME AND SPACE WHO IS KARMICALY CONNECTED TO MY PRESENT CONDITION. I AM FREE AND YOU ARE FREE". If you really intend to do this, if you have the COURAGE to do this, you will be astounded by it's results. BE WILLING TO RECEIVE THE MIRACLE, ALLOWING IT TO REVEAL ITSELF IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. Do this exercise for 7 days, inbox me if you need help. -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go , I let go and Let GOD. I am available for Miracles to reveal themselves in my life. I trust the universe. I give myself permission to be great, to be healthy, to be abundance and successful, to love, to heal, and to inspired. I am Peace radiating my light to the world. ".....have a beautiful day everyone

Monday, January 20, 2014

Possibilities & Potential

I love Monday mornings. It gives me an attitude of new beginning. I also love it because I realize so many people around the world hate it, so it gives me a chance to inspire and lift their spirits, thus fulfilling my purpose in life. Focus on two qualities today: POTENTIAL and POSSIBILITIES. As you read this, ask yourself : What are my potentials to change the world? and What are the POSSIBILITIES waiting to be expressed through me? Write down these questions and ask them often. As you change your agreements and conversations in your thoughts, you allow your creativity to come up with solutions instead of getting stuck in problems. A change in thought creates infinite possibilities and you potential manifests itself as the universe makes it's own appropriate alignments for your expression. Here we are, MONDAY, new beginning, letting go of the old conversation, creating new thoughts of success, joy, peace, love, abundance, compassion, kindness, giving, health, and happiness with ourselves. Inspired to live today as IF IT WAS OUR LAST DAY ON THE PLANET!!!!!! -Dr.Rod 

Affirmation: Today, is a day of peace, joy, and abundance. I am inspired to express my full potential, available for ALL of life to rush through me. I am available and receptive to infinite possibilities, living, moving, and having my being in excellence. Life supports me."...have a spectacular day everyone

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pulled by Vision

Keep your dreams alive, stay in gratitude and ask yourself this question often: "HOW CAN I CHANGE THE WORLD?" As you hold to a grand vision of peace, love, joy, compassion, abundance, and kindness , you will pull this vision in your personal life and resonate it outwards, creating a life of miracles in action. When you change, the world outside benefits and changes with you....-Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: I am available and receptive to more love, joy, happiness, success, abundance, and peace in my life that I can possibly imagine. My vision is here and NOW, in this moment and I am welcoming it, yielding to it, honoring it, and living it....Come what may! ....have a beautiful day

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Forgiveness is Courageous

How often do you intentionally sit down, relax, and get into a 'Forgiveness' meditation? This is a magical state of being where you free yourself from the past- the pain, anger, resentment, grudge, and fear you carry from others, or perhaps from your own thoughts towards yourself. Oh ya, it's very powerful. The path to healing is through 'Self Love'. In order to find your way into self love though, you've got to 'Forgive'. Some say, "How can I forgive when so many awful things happened to me?". Well, what choice do you have? Can you retrograde in the past and change the events? NO! All you are doing is ruining your present moments and chocking your inner child to death every time you fall for these negative energies. It is a challenging process, however, growth, transformation, and spiritual liberation is NOT for wimps nor is it for cowards! It's FOR YOU, a COURAGEOUS, LOVING BEING of LIGHT.....Take over your CHOICE NOW and Set yourself FREE baby! - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go, I let go and let God. I release the need for holding on to my past circumstances, memories, and feelings. I bless them with Peace and invite the bright LIGHT of transformation into my present moment. I am abundant, worthy, joyous, successful, and FREE. ALL IS WELL in my LIFE."...have a beautiful weekend.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Healing OUR World

This message is intended to heal the hearts of anyone who's ever felt the pain of loss of a special person from their transition into the infinite. As human beings, we will all feel this pain in one way or another, some more intense, some less. However, it's a fact that happens through our concept of death. I AM generating high vibration of compassion and unconditional love, forgiveness and absolute peace for those souls that have left our earthly plane into the NO-THINGNESS in which we've all originated from. Clearing up any mental, emotional, and thought energy that has ever been associated with their life, name, and deeds into perfect order. I AM holding them in absolute LIGHT. I AM also holding their entire families and friends in healing energy of Gratitude, Compassion, Patience, and Release. Today, I will be at Eden Memorial from 10am-12pm, joining our family to say farewell to a great lady, Viollete Khanoom Joon. In her merit, I'm requesting all of my friends to hold her soul in blessing. To hold our family in LIGHT, and to make this a COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT PERIOD FOR KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, FORGIVENESS, LOVE, AND PEACE. This is a worldwide request, a prayer for well being, transformation, healing and harmony for all of us as ONE. Thank you---Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I release and let go, I let go and let God. I am peaceful, receptive, and compassionate. As I heal myself, I heal the world within me, and resonate that loving energy to the outside world. All is well. Peace, be still....RIP

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Living FREE

Fear of death is one of the most prominent and primordial fears in human existence that occupies your subconscious on a regular basis. It gets to the point where some of us are living as 'DEAD' bodies floating around the planet earth, scared of what's gonna happen in the future. It can paralyze you from BEING your authentic self, living in JOY, experiencing life's full potential, and contributing to the world. In spiritual practices, you die to your FEARS and LITTLENESS every single day! Meaning that you don't live life as if something will happen somewhere down the future, NO, You give life everything you have NOW. You live from an overflow of love, abundance, compassion, peace, kindness, sharing, and creativity that is ALL WITHIN THE TREASURE HOUSE OF YOUR HEART! Don't get hijacked by your FEARS. They are not REAL. Specially what we call DEATH. We live in a cyclical, multidimensional, beautifully ordered, and absolutely intricate cosmos where ALL is unfolding in perfection. TRUST it, TRUST yourself, LIVE in the MOMENT, let go and FORGIVE all of the regrets, shame, and grudges. BE YOURSELF, and LIVE FREE!!!!! -Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: " I am enthusiastic about TODAY, because that's all I've Got. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE, in JOY, in COMPASSION, and in PEACE. I let go and LET GOD to handle my life. I live in FAITH. I am available and receptive to more ABUNDANCE and SUCCESS than I can imagine possible. Come what may! I trust the UNIVERSE. ".....have a peaceful day everyone.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Just generated an incredible amount of healing and divine energy through a guided meditation process. I am extremely uplifted, clear, and focused on my intention which is to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others (YOU THE READER) in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. This is a declaration and intention for CHANGING OUR WORLD TOGETHER. The HOW, doesn't really matter because as you hold this vision in consciousness internally, you welcome it's MANIFESTATION. It's not about Doing, it's about BEING. I hold you in absolute love, peace, abundance, and an energy of GRATITUDE, right here, right NOW, allowing these words to find their own fulfillment in the universe. And so it is....amen....-Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possible imagine. I am free, peaceful, joyous, and grateful for all my blessings, here, NOW."....have a spectacular day

Monday, January 13, 2014

Expanded Awareness

Do you want to change the world? If yes, at this very instance, rise above time consciousness! Take a deep breath, imagining yourself rising above our planet earth, viewing it from above. Go farther back, now look at it revolving around the sun, go further back and watch the sun revolving around it's own planetary constellations. As you expand beyond the mental construct of time and are floating in infinite space, your consciousness is rising above your current paradigm in life, your challenges; tapping into the infinite NOW. Relax into this moment and be available to insights, miracles,- awareness to your higher self. Your Soul is calling you. There are highest qualities of love, joy, peace, health, compassion, abundance, healing, generosity and creativity that are eternally present HERE, once you are available to them, they'll find their way to express themselves as YOU, as YOUR LIFE, as your Thoughts- shifting and shattering your current circumstances, leading you to evolve into your highest self. As you change and heal spiritually through universal laws with order, you become a perfect candidate to change the world! YOU MATTER MOST! YOUR THOUGHTS, ACTIONS, AND REACTIONS TO YOURSELF! (Read this post one more time, become available to this expanded awareness ) You are meant for greatness. It has already happened. You are just making it welcome...Namaste. ..-Dr.Rod

Affirmation:" I AM available and receptive to trans-formation. I am evolving into becoming more of my authentic self. Love is my nature, peace is my attitude, prosperity is the order of my day. Generosity flows through me, kindness reflects through my deeds. I Am free in this very moment becoming one with God...."....have a beautiful day everyone..

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Change from within

Sometimes you wish to change yesterday's deeds and words, specially those that potentially hurt a loved one. But, yesterday is gone into eternity and all you have is your experience to make today just a bit better. Holding on to grudge and pain in your heart kills any relationship, specially the most important person in your life, YOU! Wishing you the most authentic "YOU" today, and forever more! - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: I am willing to change within and reflect my authentic self without. I trust the universe to guide me on my path. I am available and receptive to more miracles in my life that I can imagine possible. Come what may!"....have a great day

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Beyond Stereotypes

There is always a stereotype attached when you think about a specific group of people or community. This is a result of our collective agreements and conversation about others, and ourselves. When we dwell in lower consciousness, we get sold into the drama and chaos of these conversations. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Taking my own community as an example, the first stereotype that comes to mind is that 'Persian Jews' are rich, they gossip behind each other's back, and have 'cheshmo ham cheshmi' which translates into envy/ or jealousy. Not many people initially mention the great act of kindness, charity, support, giving, and contribution they stand for in collective community. Well, this goes with the entire human race's mentality. As the boarders fall down, people become more awaken and realize that we are ONE, these lower conversations will eventually transform into high conversation. Stereotype will change into conversation of LOVE. Envy will die, compassion will flourish. It all starts with monitoring our own conversations with ourselves! BE AWARE of the THOUGHTS YOU THINK and WHAT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! ----Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: "I stand for greatness, monitoring my conversations, I transform every thought, word, and action into LOVE, COMPASSION, AND KINDNESS. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can imagine possible. Come what may....have a great day everyone

Friday, January 10, 2014

Release Resistance

For some reason, you are reading this post. You think it's just an accident or you stumbled upon it. Or, it may be deliberate. You either had an intention to get inspired, or just curious to see what this dude has to say early in the morning. Take a deep breath right at this second! Go ahead, release, take another one. Yes, I'm guiding you....Go ahead, now follow the path of your breath to the bottom of your vertebral column. Right where your tail bone is. Then, exhale slowly through your mouth. Breath baby  One more time....As you are focusing on your breath, there is a loving light surrounding you that is penetrating your energy field. Each time you are breathing in, you are inhaling wholesome ideas, healing energy of peace, and harmonizing with flow of LIFE. And as you are exhaling out slowly, you are removing resistance to your natural state of well being. We are not an accident. You've been intended in this field of energy, right here, as I'm taking this very breath picturing you WHOLE, PERFECT, COMPLETE, HAPPY, PROSPEROUS, ABUNDANT, AND in PURE LOVE! -Dr Rod.

Affirmation: "I am in natural flow with life. Well being is the order of my day. I am available and receptive to more abundance, inspiration, healing, and success than I can imagine possible. The universe supports me. I am blessed. I live on purpose with passion in my heart"....have a blessed day everyone

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Don't underestimate your power and presence within the global community of highly conscious people who's goals are to create a peaceful and united world. YOU MATTER! Every thought, action, feeling, and decisions you make internally, ripples out through the entire Cosmos and creates a SHIFT. You are magnificent and POWERFUL, the choices you make moment by moment are extremely important. As an educator and advocate for peace, I AM intending to take my work GLOBALLY, in person. Not merely on Facebook, but resonating this message to manifest healing, love, abundance, and harmony- INTERNATIONALLY. It all begins with an INTENTION!!! I don't know how I'll get there, however, there is ALREADY HERE, NOW. I know the seeds are planted in the universal mind of possibilities and creation! The result: IS ALWAYS GOOD! ---Dr.Rod

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. The power of INTENTION moves my dreams beyond any boundaries, in total possibilities. I am available and receptive to more ABUNDANCE, HEALING, INSPIRATION, and PEACE than I can ever imagine possible. Come What May! The universe supports me..."....have a spectacular day friends

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Two Conversations

As you start paying attention to your thoughts on regular basis through meditation, you'll realize that there are two conversations going on. One is the mumbo jumbo of the lower frequencies that constantly has a nagging tone, complains, wants more, needs recognition, is in competition, and is never good enough. It thinks in future with worry and is stuck in the past with a feeling of regret because it operates on FEAR. I think you know what I'm talking about. Then, as your mind quiets down, there is a presence. A THOUGHTLESS THOUGHT. A frequency of Peaceful Silence. It knows , and knows that it KNOWS everything about the creation of the cosmos, your purpose in life, the LOVE within your heart, and your CALLING to higher SELF. It's authentic, powerful, and compassionate. It doesn't contradict itself, it only knows gratitude and wholeness. Have you tuned in to this before? As you practice and bring forth this dimension of your BEING, your conversations with the world changes. You open yourself to activated potential that resides within your soul. By saying yes to your new agreements and conversations, you will not only change your life, but positively change infinite lives of others who are connected to you. ---Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I am generous and a generative being. I answer the call to my higher self, making myself available to be of service to the world today. I am available and receptive to more GOOD than I can imagine possible. Abundance is the order of my day, Joy is my way"....have a beautiful day everyone

Monday, January 6, 2014

Holding the Space

I'm sitting here after meditation thinking how I'm going to express what I'm feeling. Truly, I don't have enough words. There is a silence at the core of my being, it's residing behind my thoughts. There is love here, joy, oneness, and an amazing feeling of trust. Here we are, Monday, opening another chapter of our lives together. I invite you to love the person you see in the mirror today. Then, seek out the best in others, bypassing your judgments and negative thoughts about people. Wish them something you'd truly want for yourself. Health, prosperity, good life, a great relationship. Just focus on positive qualities in them that seem to be lacking. As you do, they will intensify in them. You will assist uplifting their souls. What is more beautiful is that as you hold that space for others, you will attract more of the same qualities in your OWN LIFE. Cane we do this together today? This is how we'll change the world my friends! Namaste....... -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation : "I am one with life, one with God and notice the magnificent of this truth in YOU. I wish you the best in life, wish you peace, with you joy, wish you healing and happiness. I wish you success, abundance, and prosperity. I sincerely wish you the greatest gift of life; self awareness and spiritual growth. As I hold you in this space, I uplift your spirit, know that you and I are connected at the source of our being. I hold you in LIGHT".....have a beautiful day

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Your Character

One of my favorite sayings is: 'What other people think about you is non of your business. Your reputation is in the hands of others. The only thing you have control of is your own character"... Staying authentic and real is a spiritual practice. Bypassing your own EGO dominated thoughts and observing them rather than projecting them to the outside world is a sacred deed. As you mature into a higher state of consciousness, you no longer identify with these thoughts and you don't JUDGE others for having theirs because they are on their own path to self realization, traveling on this earth plane, and experiencing life uniquely from a different paradigm than yours. Our main responsibility is to clear out our own inner closets, thoughts, emotions, and stay harmonized with LIFE as it passes through us. Here is the Key: Love yourself fully and stay in Gratitude always for everything that you have, an THOSE THAT YOU DON'T HAVE. - Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: " I am living from truth with my higher BEING. I am aligned with divine life of the universe, living, breathing, and acting through me. My character is one of love, caring, sharing, compassion, peace, healing, and joy. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I can imagine possible. Life supports me."...have a beautiful day everyone.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Being KIND to yourself is one of the highest forms of spiritual practice. Honoring yourself in different circumstances in life, honoring the higher part of you, your SOUL. How? Monitor your thoughts and feelings. What kind of expectations and questions do you ask yourself? Are they coming from space of LOVE or Are you stabbing yourself in the back over and over and over again? Notice your multiple personalities that show up as a result of your emotions. Being aware as each come up and dis-identifying from them anchors you in a higher realm of possibilities- a higher spiritual domain, where you can find peace, harmony, balance, and a gush of inspiration for moving forward! Open your heart to know the most important BEING in existence, YOU!!! -Dr.Rod.

Affirmation: I intend to welcome the new, to be one with my heart, one with my soul, and allow the universe work its magic in my life. I am available and receptive to more Abundance, healing, inspiration, and creativity than I can imagine possible. I let go and Let God for a magnificent destiny to reveal itself as my life, as my living, as my giving, as my sharing, as my thoughts, and as my existence in every moment.".....have a spectacular day everyone.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


ARE YOU READY MY FRIEND????Here is an INTENTION for this very new day, a new year, a new beginning: I INTEND to be a distribution point of more GOOD, more ABUNDANCE, more LOVE, more JOY, more PROSPERITY, more PASSION, more HARMONY, more CREATIVITY, more COMPASSION, more SUCCESS, more HEALING, more INSPIRATION, more ENTHUSIASM, more KINDNESS, more MIRACLES, and more PEACE than I can ever IMAGINE POSSIBLE. YES, I AM, YES I CAN, and YES, I AM WILLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (copy, share, give away, and live this intention for the year to come) and so it is .....Amen, -Dr. Rod

Affirmation: "I let go and let God. I am LOVE"....have a beautiful day