Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

You are reading this because some place deep in your heart you've felt love and there is no deeper sense of unconditional love between you and your Mom. You've experienced that regardless of challenges in the family, things that may have happened between you, or anything that has separated you from it. Each breath you are taking as you are reading this, was once combined with the oxygen that your mother took while you were in her womb. She was the giver of life and creator of your energy field. That will never change for her, yet as you grow apart and cut your emotional umbilical cord from her, you tend to feel the separation and act out from it. Realize that, in the mystic realm, you have an extremely important bond with this BEING who you Chose to incarnate through and pick up her DNA, the genetic material that allows your soul to reflect and reveal the glory of the Cosmos according to its unique pattern, through a special platform called your LIFE. A significant pattern of your life has been shaped by your MOM. The pattern of compassion, nurturing, joy, beauty, excellence, wisdom, warmth, generosity, caring, sharing, LOVE, and Peace. On this day, I give thanks to my MOM, one of the most unique individual souls gifting this planet with her beauty and love, her compassion and kindness, her sweet laughters and kind heart, her healing voice and loving touch. I'm grateful to have chosen her for my radiance as she's been the light clearing out my path to divine destiny. I send my gratitude and love to our planet, mother earth. Sending her healing and love, embracing her in compassion to continue its' generosity for us, honoring her with every essence in my BEING. If you are a MOM, I embrace and shower you with my love and thank you for choosing to BE who you ARE! - Namaste....Happy Mothers Day to Everyone  I love you MOM -Dr Rod.

Affirmation: "I am Grateful"

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