I am grateful to start a new beginning called the NOW. Yesterday, I experienced a very profound feeling while I was conducting a one on one meditation with a friend of mine over the phone. I was deeply connected to her intention which was to connect with her beloved Mother who had transitioned a very long time ago. She was receptive to receive guidance and wisdom, love and healing, clarity and bliss from this experience. We traveled to a very amazing place from the portal of our heart's Chakra, expanding beyond time and space, beyond the beginning of time, into the void of NOTHINGNESS. I requested for her to BE as a PROXY for every individual who has lost their MOM and is looking to get connected through their soul, through their intuition and receive this energy. As she agreed, we held everyone in this HEALING field together, embracing all the LIGHT BEINGS in our travel, feeling the warmth and comfort, healing and the guidance. I've done many guided meditations as a LIGHT WORKER before, however, yesterday I was expanded beyond what I can describe. I could feel every cell in my body vibrating and the expansion of my Soul completely connected to the cosmos. A blessing was set into motion for our MOTHER EARTH and everything within it, including YOU, who are reading this. Take a deep breath and make today one of the best days of your life regardless of any challenges you are going through. You can change your life and someone else's life just by agreeing to your GREATNESS, right now as you are finishing up reading this. Do we have a deal? -Dr.Rod
Affirmation: "I am whole , perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I can imagine, experience, or manifest than ever before. My life is DiVine. Peace and LOVE are the other of my day. Prosperity shows up as miracles in every area of my life."
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