Saturday, August 30, 2014

Here, There, & Space in between

There is here, there, and the space in between. There is yesterday, tomorrow, and what is the eternal moment called now. Where ever you are in life is a beautiful place to be because the entire universe conspired it to be the way it is. Stop resisting the things you don't like and situations that are frustrating you. I go through my own challenges, ups and downs, and thought patterns that keep me from experiencing my highest state of being. What keeps me going is my vision ofwhat I wish to experience in the world. What keeps me inspired is allowing myself to freely express emotions that are deep within my heart. Allowing that which needs to be experienced, be touched. It's scary sometimes, but I've passed the point of constraining myself to the norm of society. I don't have to answer to anyone, I don't have to be someone that I am not. I don't have to pretend, yet when I majorly screw up, I own my experience. Falling back on responsibility rather than victimizing myself. It is very difficult to maintain a balance between who you are, who you are becoming, and what kind of vibration you are releasing in the world as a result of who you are becoming. Constant spiritual practice is the only thing that helps me maintain this energy in circulation and giving it all without an attachment or expectation for something in return. I visited a family recently who were going through unbelievable pain. I asked for prayers sent for their daughter in my last post. You guys all participated from all around the world. This is the most beautiful feeling and success for me. When I met her amazing mom who was destroyed under pressure, worry, and fear of her daughter's outcome, all I could think about was activating hope and faith in her. We sat through a short meditation and energy healing. After 20 minutes or so when we were leaving back to meet her daughter in ICU, I asked her: How do you feel? In response she told me: "I HAVE HOPE". Greatest gift one could create in time of distress for another human being is hope and faith. A direct knowing that no matter what happens, there is something bigger, something more intricate, something more sophisticated and incredible that originates from unconditional love. That which Is, and that which Is NOT. That which is here, there, and in the space between. That which is beyond yesterday and tomorrow. Beyond what is NOW. Breath in....Breath out.......I AM..........You ARE..........Namaste

Affirmation: "I am an eternal being of light and love. My life is divine. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I live in the moment and am grateful for all my blessings. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, wealth, health, and happiness than I've imagined. Infinite possibilities are all around me. I attract and allow more good in my life, in every area of my life. My faith is strong, my vision is clear, and I live with the highest purpose of peace and harmony for the entire humanity."

Prayer for Patty

ATTENTION FRIENDS: Please pray and send out your positive energy towards my friends 19 year old daughter, Patty, who is in very critical condition right now at ICU. We were at the hospital yesterday and are holding her in healing light. Their family totally need our support energetically right now. I love you guys and thank you for your kindness in advance.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Watch your mouth

Imagine putting a hot knife in someone's eyes, burning their entire delicate structures, nerves, arteries, and muscles. You've blinded them for life. Well, that's what spreading RUMORS about someone does. However, the real person who becomes disfigured and blind is YOU!! Have you noticed what happens when you are in the depth of mountains and shout out loud? Yes, your echo comes back to you many times stronger. Be very careful of what comes out of your mouth. There is negativity everywhere. You are more precious and significant than falling for people's judgment, negative thoughts, and gossips, thus getting pulled into making up rumors and talking behind people's back for personal gratification

Affirmation: "I let go and let God. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I live in the moment. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. Life is for me. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined."

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Your purpose in life

Yesterday I was talking to one of my clients from long distance. She's made great progress since we've been working together. She's always been on the path of Self Realization. Our journey began because of external challenges she was goingthrough that was effecting her internally. Anyways, it's been a great experience for me to grow with her, because each individual I have an honor working with challenges me to be better. I usually enter a conversation without any agenda. I set an intention before a session and allow the spirit to take over me, to guide me for whatever needs to be said and done. I trust the universe to guide me and my client to our highest best, knowing that the source of healing, love, joy, and peace are all from the spirit. I'm simply a vehicle channeling the knowledge and wisdom through the source and transform it according to my own unique pattern, or talent. If you scroll down under this post, you'll see my statement about "Your Mission/Purpose" in life in the previous post. This came about after our session last night and I got inspired to post it for you and have you say your purpose out loud. I am a firm believer that we are all ONE, all connected to each other. Therefore, what is happening locally in my heart and soul, is also happening cosmically. Our conversation led to finding my client's purpose in life. Guiding her to what her Soul's desire is all about. Characterizing each individual Soul qualities as her mission, reflecting and revealing itself according to her unique pattern here on our planet. This is the grand purpose of each of us to Remember who we are, what we are, why we are here, and what we are suppose to Be, then generate our zest for life from that state of BEING into DOING- Creating Heaven on Earth. The most beautiful notion to discover in your life is to align with your purpose and Be it in every moment of your life. Once you are harmonized with your calling, forces in universe synchronize for the fulfillment of your vision. You'll be pulled by a Vision that is grand, that is cosmic, that will serve All humanity. I read all of your comments and I love them all. Thank you for sharing them with me. As I was writing my statement in the comments last night, my soul added a new dimension to my previous purpose statement. I've discovered a deeper aspect of my purpose because of the work I did with my client yesterday. An inner transformation happened within me. Evolving further in each experience, it made me more humble than ever. Here is my purpose statement and I will capitalize my new insight which I've been blessed by: "My purpose in life is to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I INTEND TO REVEAL THE FACE OF GOD AS I AM, AS WHO AND WHAT I REALLY AM" ..... And so it is, Amen..." I am beyond GRATEFUL.... Namaste....Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am grateful for all that I AM and all that I have. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God, in surrender, in peace, and in LOVE"

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Circulate to Manifest

Have you ever felt that quiet moment deep in your mind where you feel all your needs are met? Where there is not one anxious thought or worry? You can connect to that in meditation where you peal away the layers of thoughts and travel within towards the light in your heart. Each time you do this, you'll see different patterns of energy coming to you, you feel different emotions, and you get a unique experience. You are connected to the field of pure potentiality, consciousness , at all times. In deep meditation you get to Be it literally. Imagine a beautiful pond where the water is calm. No movement. Completely clear and still. When your mind becomes that still, whatever intention you introduce in consciousness will go through series of intricate shifts in energies to manifest. You are one with this field of Abundance, one with all the blessings in life. I invite everyone to participate in the law of circulation today. Please, consciously circulate positive energy, either in a form of prayer, complement, love, or gifts from your heart. Extend generosity to a needy, buy a snack for homeless, give away something to someone that will brighten their day. Call someone you have been in animosity with and ask for forgiveness. My favorite is giving away smile. Be in the process of active circulation. Set your intention for this purpose today. As you give, let go of any attachment to the outcome. The second you send out your positive vibration or energy, jump into Gratitude. Say: "I am grateful and thankful for all of my blessings. All of my needs are met. I live in abundance and prosperity. I am available for more miracles to show up out of nothing into every area of my life. I live in bliss and peace"...Please do this today and let me know what happens later. Much love

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Is and Is Not

All that Is and All that Is Not is Who you Are and Who you are Not. Who you are is Love and how you can get to that realization is start developing trust in your higher Self. It comes through the practice of appreciation. When you realize that there is a law of balance, you'll notice that no matter what happens in your life, you are being taken care of. You will always land back on your point of reference which is inclusive, which is part of wholeness, which loves rather than dwells in fear, which is infused with energy of compassion. This point will be clear as you walk your journey. Steady, without any guilt, hopelessness, and without the fear of judgment. Your job is to be in motion. To set forth intentions and act upon them without speculating the outcome. You make the first move and the universe will take care of the rest. You set your direction towards wholeness, and openings for blessings reveal themselves in every area of your life. All that Is and All that is Not is Who you Are and Who you Are Not. You are Experiencing your Experience right now and having a Satori as they call it. Have a beautiful week. Stay strong!

Affirmation: "I am an eternal being of light. My life is the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am available for more prosperity than I've ever imagined. Joy is exuding through me. Creativity flows in infinite abundance through the fibers of my being. I am kind and peaceful. I am compassionate and humble. I live a purposeful life with full on vigor, in trust, in faith.".

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The gentle LION

"You don't have to roar to exude your power. You don't have to manipulate to achieve greatness. You don't have to judge yourself or others to feel complete."... I had a very interesting dream last night. I had a beautiful lion approaching me. I knew I was sleeping and dreaming but I was awake in my dream. I was testing this powerful lion. I pretended I was sleep. My first reaction in my sleep was to monitor my heart beat because it started increasing as the lion had its face above me. Then, I was meditating in my dream with the lion, appreciating his presence, acknowledging the message he had for me. I could feel him breathing on me as I was meditating in my dream to communicate with this BEING. It was an incredible communication, where I felt he transferred some sort of knowledge telepathically to me. I felt his breath on my neck, his energy was too powerful but I was calm because for some reason I completely trusted this Being to be friendly and harmless. This communication stayed with me for a while. Then I woke up. I was pretty amazed of the experience. Right now I just meditated in my awake state before writing this post. I fell back into my meditation in my dream state. Had the lion revisited. I felt my solar plexus activated. A surge of powerful energy zapped through my entire nervous system. I heard this message from this intelligent lion to you guys: "As you walk the journey of your life, let go of your fears and dwell in love. You don't have to roar to be powerful. There is power in silence. There is strength in allowing yourself and others to be who they are. Non-interference creates openings that will enable the new to come in your life. See simplicity in the complicated. Live with your highest Truth that is the direct result of your spiritual practice. Forgive, allow, let go, and achieve greatness in little things. YOU ARE THE KING & QUEEN OF THE UNIVERSE."...I thought to share the lion's message with you and have you inspired for the rest of the weekend. Love you much ....Namaste...

Affirmation: "I am powerful. I am love. I am living, moving , and having my being in God. I am one with the universe and allow the overflow of abundance to surge through me. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I achieve greatness in every moment of my existence. Giving it all I got. I am in absolute integrity with my Soul and appreciate all my blessings in life. And so it is, Amen.".

Friday, August 22, 2014

Listen and Know

"Those who know, do not talk. Those who talk, do not know."...-Lao Tzu....
Where are you at in your personal relationship with yourself my friend? What kind of inner conversation are you having with yourself? Notice that I'm not mentioning others, because until you become at peace with yourself, others wont matter. Are you looking to gain your own 'approval' or the 'approval' of others on a daily basis? Stop and listen to your heart. Don't talk, listen. Don't give advice, judge or critique yourself. Simply breath in at the exact moment you have the urge to blab on with yourself and word vomit to others. Stop, and listen. Let go of 'wanting' the approval of others for that which you already know. There is a direct connection between you and your higher Self. When you silence your mind, it will speak to you, guide you, and give you this sense of unconditional love towards yourself. You've been there and felt that. However, if you don't stand guard at the door of your mind and allow the madness of world enter, you become sucked into something that's not for you. You know, there is a 'knowing' that I feel. knowing that everything is happening for our higher good and the outcome of this entire saga we call 'life' will be Good. The observer who has manifested this perfection we get to experience a little bit of its Reality, God, has the absolute best outcome in mind. The mind of God doesn't do mistake, create by accident, or default. You are made in the image and likeness of this incredible mind. Let go of the Fear of holding on to what the outcome will be. Relax into the moment, the silence, your direct knowing. From this space, your happiness is assured. Stop, listen, and BE.....Namaste

Affirmation: "My life is the reflection and perfection of the only life that exists. The life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I am available to more prosperity and success than I can ever imagine possible. I give and forgive. Let Go, and let love to take over my life. I am an affirmatory optimist, living with passion. I love and appreciate myself. I am powerful".

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Light up your Path

The more you feel your expansion on the path of Self Realization, the more you re-cognize your challenges as blessings in disguise. Many of your problems can not be solved at the level of the mind, you kink of have not to 'mind' them. Yet, you have to dive deep within your soul and release them to God. Surrender to the higher order of universe and allow the 'Tao' as they name in Taoism, to take you over. Let go and let God. I'm a firm believer that once your intention is clear in your life and you are walking on purpose to make our world a better place in the direction of unconditional love, the people and circumstances you meet will serve you to fulfill this destiny. Each person plays a major role, specially the ones you fall in love with. They are your guardian angels that shine the light on your path and protect you to remain on your path. With that in mind, today, realize which direction you are navigating your life towards, recognize your challenges as seeds of opportunity waiting to give you blessings, vision the best case scenario in whatever you are growing through, and have total FAITH. Faith is usually the only thing that's constant and you can count on. It's your ultimate power to pull you through the rough tides. I have faith in YOU! 

Affirmation: "I let go and let God. I let the universal love energy take over my life. I conquer my challenges through the light that shines from my heart. I am available for more miracles to show up in my life. I hold on to my purpose and live full on with passion. Healing is the order of my day. Prosperity and joy are waiting to enter my Soul. "

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I'm Grateful

In this very second as you are reading this, are you happy in your life? Are you happy with who you are and your accomplishments? Are you at a place in your life where you feel complete sense of acceptance, flow, self love, and absolute gratitude for every blessing in your life? When you read this you may say: "Does anyone really live like this?" or "Is it really possible?" My answer to you is yes, only if you practice the last part which is cultivating the feeling of GRATITUDE in every moment of your life. I'm sure you do it. I'm sure you get up in the morning and say: 'Tanks God' (persian accent), it's morning, and then start shouting at your spouse, kids, or the job you are going to, cussing the situation you are in. I know, it happens. We all do it. We bargain with God and in return for Gratitude we have a list of expectations from some man up above in heavens to shoot down goodies for us. And God forbid if he delays or misses. As we come across our challenges in life, that same God we sent gratitude a second ago becomes our worst enemy. These are thoughts that we all have at some point during our days. As we challenge through what we call life, it's eminent. You've gotta stand your ground and dive within your heart for the experience of deepest feeling of gratitude second by second. Gratitude is not conditional, neither is love, neither the recognition of your oneness with the eternal. Take on this challenge for contemplating gratitude towards the most difficult issues you are facing and the most simple blessings. Get in a proactive motion and start feeling the feelings of unconditional appreciation towards yourself. Yes, don't feel selfish, I said yourself. You are worthy to do so. How often do you acknowledge and appreciate yourself? Get in the habit of doing it right now because as you are honoring your-Self, you are honoring the source that dwells in your heart. First be able to See the blessing and amazing miracle you are, Then, all the blessings and miracles of life will start revealing themselves to you. Namaste..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available to all the blessings in my life. My heart is open to love and my passion for sharing my gift is expanding. I cultivate an attitude of gratitude in every second of my life. Abundance is the order of my day. Prosperity shows up out of NOTHING manifesting into everything through my thoughts, words, and action. I intend to heal and change the world for the better, NOW."

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Success in life

"Success in life is a result of good judgment. good judgment is usually result of experience. Experience is usually result of bad judgment"...See how this statement applies to your life and make the appropriate adjustment in the way you think, feel, experience, and measure your success level at. Success is found in the hidden gaps of every present moment. When you accept yourself as who you are, what you are, and align with the creative purpose of your soul, your success is assured. Much love

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in joy. My thoughts originate from love. I achieve success by being compassionate, peaceful, and giving. My life is aligned with the only life that exists. I am grateful for this very moment. Each breath is a doorway to more success manifesting itself. I am available and receptive to more prosperity than I've ever imagined. My health is my wealth and my kindness is my ticket to more success"

Monday, August 18, 2014

Joy, Truth, Love

"The Highest Thought is always that thought which contains joy. The Clearest Words are those words which contain truth. The Grandest Feeling is that feeling which you call love. Joy, truth, love. These three are interchangeable , and one always leads to the other."....How true is that? Have a fantastic week everyone

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God.".....My writing above was from 'Conversations with God',,,a great book by Neale Donald Walsch

Sunday, August 17, 2014


"Feeling is the language of the Soul. Hidden deep within your feelings is your highest Truth."...A profoundly simply yet very deep statement. You feel me? Each time you acknowledge your feelings, you are in direct communication with God. You are also in direct communication while in the experience of your feelings. The highest feeling is love. Love of the presence which is never an absence. It's a total immersion of your Self, into the higher Self. Did you get that? The love between you and the universe is eternal, it's unconditional, and has been there since the beginning of time. The highest form of love here in our three dimensional world, the world of circumstances and experiences, is the love between human beings. It can be uni-directional, only when the precedence of it is directly emanating and connected to the love with Whole. As you go along your spiritual journey, you'll take away the layers of dense clouds that are obscuring your perception of separation from your source. An inherent, inner energy starts being activated deep within you heart. You fall in love with your beloved and never look back again. Each experience of love between human beings is unique and sacred relative to their own stage of development, state of mind, and spiritual growth. Always know that the love you experienced from another Being was a divine vehicle to guide and direct you into your soul's evolution. Be grateful that you had those experiences, even though sometime the memories of what you are holding about them are bitter. The moment you feel your unity with the ONE love, your life will never be the same. You find beauty in everyone and everything. All you have to offer is your pure essence, your incredible positive vibration. Your soul is smiling now....Namaste..

Affirmation: "I am one with God, one with Love, one with the eternal Truth. My feelings are the direct connection to my soul. I am in tune. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. Life is for me, never against me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, prosperity, and wealth than I've ever imagined possible. Healing is the order of my day. I reside in peace......."

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Being the Observer

Being the observer is not an easy thing, yet it's the only thing you can be. There is a power far greater than what we can understand, see, and feel operating the universe. That power is within us, works in and as us as well. There is no separation. However, there are so many challenges in the world, so many people now getting hurt. You've been watching what's going out in different part of the world. And there are innocent people who get hurt by accidents, illness, and otherhappenings. So, how do you explain this? My answer, I don't know. This is a note to me and I'm in very emotional state right now. How do you go beyond what's happening and hold a space where you know the essence of what's happening is not evil. That you live in a friendly universe. I contemplate, I go deep in my meditation and as my higher Self, because my mind sometimes get locked down, gives up hope and says creates conflict with what I inherently feel. As I tap into my Soul, I feel comfort that there is a perfection happening beyond my understanding. Beyond my little Ego trying to figure everything out. I was at a hospital yesterday, witnessing an innocent human being having her entire physical body shattered from and accident. How do you explain the burden and life changes she'll have to endure. The stress the family will have to endure. Yet, what I know is to give hope and look at things from the light of healing. To discern and recognize what is in front of my eyes is the initial stage of understanding. To see that there is pain, there is suffering, and there is injustice from our human point of view. However, there is that unseen and unheard energy, the inner voice of knowing, the place where is beyond what you observe, it's within an aspect of you that's untouched. From this inner state, I get to chose beholding the presence. The spirit of God, from the deepest spaces between my thoughts , between my cells, echoing out from my over soul. I can't deny it. It doesn't make sense but it's the only thing that's Real to me. I shift my perception and see the the wholeness and healing right among the suffering. As I yield to this beautiful energy, something happens. My experience changes in the very moment and so does the experience of the observer. I have hope. I have faith, and the only thing I am sure is that love overcomes every challenge. I know that the human spirit is more than what we are seeing. I just know it and I've seen how people come together in times of crisis. Darkness only exists because of lack of LIGHT. What's Real is light and where there is darkness, it's our duty to emanate the loving light within our hearts there.....Tune into my personal interview and radio talk show today at 1 pm on 'Depression'. I'll take you on a great ride to touch your Soul. I'll leave the details in the comments.........Namaste.

Affirmation: "I think beyond my mental understanding of what is possible. I am living, moving, and having my being in love. Life supports me and guides me on the right path. My destiny is a great destiny. I am aligned with my purpose and know my calling. I live it on a moment by moment basis. I am available to more miracles, happiness, joy, and abundance than I can imagine possible. As I rise my consciousness and connect to oneness, I take the entire universe with me. I am whole, perfect, and complete as I was created. Infinity is my home, compassion is my prayer, and peace is my Reality..."

Friday, August 15, 2014

Let Go into No-Thing

Are you ready to be free? Free from the prison of the mind that holds you stuck sometimes and makes you wonder why my life is the way it is? I'll give you some suggestions and I'd like you to take up on them. Take a deep breath and relax wherever you are. Realize that you have come from NO-thing. You were directly shot from the infinite mind of the Cosmos, the universal source energy. No-thing means the spirit, means that which can not be named. Once you feel it you can't name it and once you name it you can't feel it. It's essentially your origin. Think of yourself as a speck of light directly emanating for the eternal light of God. Physically, If I take an atom of your body and split it infinitely in halves, looking with a magical microscope to see what I find within you, I will find NO-THING. Only a vibration, a frequency of quarks dancing to the tune of the universe. The beautiful thing is that you will go back to NO-Thing. All the stuff you are accumulating. Everything you have identified yourself with, your education, religion, socio-economic status, your house, your fame, your fortune, and your 'shoes'. You will not take any of them back to your original home, the No-thingness of the cosmos. Everything that is composed will one day be decomposed, including YOU. Now, why taking you to this journey of No-thingness of your Everythingness? I want you to practice letting go. Please go to your closet after you read this. Scan and look at items you have not worn for 4-6 month. Take them out and put them in a bag. Please do not allow your mind to make judgment. Here is what the mind does. If you think too much about the items, it will want to hold on to the Stuff, identifying your value, your essence of Being, your infinite nature, your grandness and greatness, with an old worn out shirt, shoes, slacks, skirt, and outdated ties sitting there. Bypass the Ego's attachment to your possession and let go of them. Circulate it to people in need. Clear out your inner household and create space for new to settle in. De-clutter your inner temple, your thoughts by physically getting rid of anything you are not using. As you decrease your stuff you will increase your capacity for spiritual expansion. For growth to take place. Your challenges will dissolve. I dare you to take on this practice frequently and see what happens. Lighten up, stop hording, get rid of your attachments to Things, stop buying Things you don't need, and step into your NO-THINGENESS nature......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I let go and let God. I allow the universe to take charge in my life. I am an open channel for the good of life to pass through me. I circulate my blessings with the world, release my attachment to Things, and become more of my No-thing nature in the NOW. I am available for more abundance, success, health, happiness, and peace to show up in my life. Beauty and bliss are the order of my day. "

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Get over your Fear

Today, I'm going to conquer my fears. How many of you got stuck on doing something, making a decision, or expressing a way you felt about someone because of your fears? I certainly have fallen for it. Many times when I'm not centered in my Self, I notice the fear crawl up somewhere in my consciousness. We get bombarded by fearful messages from our environment, a nasty picture of the world around us. Listen to your friends conversation today and notice how many people are operating from fear based mentality. It has become norm in our society and what we believe in. However, I intend to invite you on the opposite side of fear. You know what it is. I express it a lot. You've see my one liners: "Sending major Love around the Globe". Actually, that's my favorite writing of my entire posts. Why, because it's simple, it sits with the heart from thousands of miles away, it's global, it's powerful, and it brings us close together. It's delicious and soft, gentle and warm. It brings smile on your face and takes a burden off of your shoulder. So, why is Love so beautiful? So magnificently powerful? Did you experience how your body just changed from the first half of this post until I started mentioning love? The vibration behind the world love takes you back to yourself. What your Soul knows inherently is only love. To conquer fear and tap into love, you must contemplate faith which is "the absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be seen." Think about this definition of faith and once you allowed it to sit in your heart allow it to bind with love. Allow it to stream towards those coagulated areas in your psyche that inhibits your from self expression, creation, decision making, and unleashing the power within you that can move mountains. Don't fall for your fears my friend, they are only an illusion. The only thing that's Real is Love taking your entire life to the next level from absolute Faith in yourself, the God within your heart who is not separate from you. It's invisible yet indivisible from you. It's YOU.....Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in Faith. The power of love guides me and shines the light to where I need to take my next step. I am guided and guarded by a friendly universe. My life is divine. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, and healing than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest before. Enthusiasm gushes through my blood stream and awakens the giant within my heart. I'm awake, my calling is calling me and I'm answering the call."

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Path to Love

I want to help you take the next leap into the evolution of your consciousness right now. You say what? Right now, right here as I'm reading these words? You gotta be kidding me, how could this happen? I tell you this, as you are reading this and centering in your sit, wherever you are, it doesn't matter, time and space doesn't divide us, we are connected in spirit. Our awareness are one and connected through a web of interconnected unit of energies, what we call the matrix of the universe. Feeling a bit more comfortable, keep on reading, because now your energy field has settled, your heart rate slowed down a little, and your breathing is becoming more in tune with the writer. Feel the breath you just took and the rising up of your chest and then as you exhale down, your chest dropped slowly. If you are still reading this I see you in a halo of a beautiful golden light around your aura. It's shining through this interconnected web outwards. At the level of your heart, there is a horizontal field of energy cutting right through the midsection of your physical body. It's a gorgeous green color and is shining in two different direction: Up & Down. Take another deep breath, follow your breath, can you see another field of energy coming down vertically right through your heart? It divides your heart field in midsection, thus shining in two direction: Right & Left. This is a bright blue color that is emanating in these two directions. The two heart fields are increasing your capacity and tolerance for your challenges in life. Right here, these lights are increasing the love in your heart in all four directions as we know it in this physical realm of existence. You feel an increase in vigor, joy, compassion, peace, and kindness right now that will enable you to dance through your day and bypass any kind of negative energy coming towards you. The beautiful golden color is helping you to shift your perception and deepening your perspective about life. Going beyond the superficial lens and seeing deep from the prism of your soul. You vibration is increasing as you have read this far because our consciousness are connected and as I'm raising my vibration right now through the energy behind these words, I'm taking you up with me. On the path of self discovery, there are three things to consider: An increase in your capacity for acceptance, a change in vision and perception, and a rise in your vibrational frequency from an optimist view. All done, you are in it now....Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. My eyes are open to the truth of my authentic Self. My heart shines bright and emanates love. Light is the only thing I see. Abundance is my perception, harmony is my vibration, joy is my best friend, and peace is the energy behind my words. I live with purpose and passion, calling forth mighty miracles in every area of my life. "

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lack of Expression=Depression

Believe me my friend, I've felt it. I felt that despair, the time where you are not really yourself. You've endured so much internal conflict and pressure with yourself that your defense mechanisms all shatter. You are left in darkness. I've been there, seen the darkness, and experienced what it feels like to have lost all hope. Depression is a very unique phenomenon. It grasps anyone and everyone at any stage of their development. You are a three part BEING: physical, mental, and spiritual. Each of these parts play as a whole. There is no separation other than our own unique way of creating separation through the EGO. You have your own way, or mental construct to turn against yourself. Your physical being is always in search for growth. It requires good nourishment, physical activity, and stretching it beyond its average capacity. It needs to be revitalized, cared for, and moved into motion. Anytime you are turning away from taking care of your body, you are depressing it's expression. Thus, negative energies that could only dissipate through exercise and release through hydration, become stagnant in your physical energy field, compressing your body, eventually leading to depression. Your mind in thirsty for new knowledge. For new discoveries, for new ideas to be created through the vision of your Soul. Your mind needs positive thoughts and 24 hour guard against negative thoughts. Becoming an optimist is the way to feed your mind the resources it needs for growth and development into it's full potential. Deprivation of it through watching TV, listening to garbage news all day, and getting involved with gossip leads to depression, or lack of pure expression of what your creative genius is all about. You see, we do it to ourselves, yet we blame the world and label this as a disease. We just don't know better and don't take responsibility. Your third aspect of you, the spirit, is in constant communication with you only if you could listen. Tune within, meditate, and start listening to your heart's desires. Start tuning into your breathing, the wind, the sun, a flower, a child playing, birds flying, beautiful ocean waves, a lovers glance, a touch, a smile with a stranger, and sharing your heart with someone. An act of kindness, a compassionate hug, a loving gesture, and inspirational words uttered from your being. Your. soul orchestrates your entire life in perfect harmony with nature and the universe only if you listen. Once you do, it balances the other two aspect, your physical body and the mind, into perfect harmony. Depression heals with these three aspects are in harmony, and the creative vision of your soul or your life's purpose begins to EXPRESS itself. Mind, Body, Soul. Together in peace and harmony, drawing a beautiful masterpiece art called your life. Depression gone, time to change the world one person at a a time, one soul into their pure expression of their authentic being......Namaste.

Affirmation: "I chose to be an optimist. I am living, moving, and having my being in alignment with the expression of my soul. Life supports me in every aspect of my being. I am one with God, one with the source of love. My thoughts emanate from the beauty of my soul. I take care of my body and mind. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I've ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I let go of my past and dive into the present moment, creating an awesome future by being anchored into the now. My words are powerful and peaceful in this very second and I just let it be.....and so it is,,,amen".

Monday, August 11, 2014

Our collective consciousness

My purpose in this very moment is to raise the collective group consciousness with the help of anyone who is reading the energy behind these thoughts that are being translated into words. You play a major significance in healing and uniting our world of separation as we are experiencing today through your state of awareness. How do you take part in this noble act? By monitoring your thoughts and being a witness to the negative ones when they come up. By knowing your ultimate purpose which is the evolution of your soul, thus creating who and what you are according to the perfection of the universe, consciously becoming one with God. Everything else we experience are simply vehicles to get us on the path to Self Realization. You are being invited to create a powerful group consciousness through this post and allow it's energy wash through lower, negative energies being passed around. My assignment is to stay peaceful, compassionate, and kind by viewing the world through the lens of love. My intention is to love, to heal, and to inspire in order to raise our collective cosmic consciousness. I invite you to join this journey in your own unique way. Individually we can take personal responsibility for our lives and collectively we can change the world as we change from within......Namaste.. (please share)...Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in divine consciousness. My destiny is a great destiny. I am available and receptive to more love, abundance, healing, and enthusiasm than I can ever imagine. I yield to life and acknowledge my oneness with the universe. I exude compassion, talk with kindness, and share my gifts with love. Peace is the order of my day and I hold this space for the entire planet to heal.".

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I see you

"I see you" were the words being uttered during my meditation. Seeing myself through the window of my soul. It's a very beautiful place of just being and then becoming. The only game in town is this: Being and Becoming. I made a vow to remain peaceful and exude that peace through out the world. In a flash of time, that lasted as eternity, I made a vow to forgive all that has happened in the past. A powerful choice that can set you free in a moment. Life is not as difficult as we think it is. Perhaps, lets decide to simplify it, to make it easy. It's easy to be love and be in joy, yet very difficult to hold on anger, hatred, and sadness. What will you accomplish? What would the world accomplish other than destroying each other and killing our natural resources in the name and nature of old belief systems that don't belong to us anymore. You see, I see you, and I know you see me. If both see each other through the lens of our soul, then others will get to see from the same prism of light. The world needs us to shine this light instead of repeating and falling for the negativity. You know, the dinner table chats, repeating your prejudice and stereotypes of identifying people with different religions, background, and even those that have excessive plastic surgery. Falling for your Ego and judging others. Come on, you've done it, I've done it, even the one's that pretend they are saint and hide behind the mask of religiosity have done it and are doing it all the time. The way out is to go within and each time you've realized you've fallen out of integrity with your soul is to re-member, re-make, and re-do your thoughts into qualities that wipe away the sense of separation and brings us together in love. I see you my friend, it's easy, just watch what comes out of your mouth, the words you say as a reflection of your thoughts. Real understanding supports healing, a real understanding of your responsibility for raising the vibration of the planet from now, into the next now, into the next now, until we create a future that we can be proud of. It starts with this very next breath you are taking. Sending you tons of love ....Dr. Rod..

Affirmation: " I see the light in my heart shining bright. I am filled with love and enthusiasm to meet my calling today. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in joy, and in passion. Healing is the order of my day. I am available to more prosperity, success, and abundance than I can ever imagine possible. I manifest with ease and flow because I know all of my needs are met, even now, specially now. I exude peace and harmonizing good energy to the world and allowing it to be, and so it is, amen..."