Friday, May 16, 2014

The Glory

This very moment is a pause in eternity. As you are reading this, you are becoming the CAUSE onto your own life, becoming more aware of your higher self by just remaining in this space for these brief moments. I just came out from a very deep meditation. Feeling my physical body dissolving in a beautiful light. Beyond the star formations, I felt spacious. As I inhaled, I felt the path of oxygen in the deepest part of my brain, expanding into trillions of cells residing there. It's very challenging to describe this here, yet I'm in a space right now where I INTEND to share this and rise your vibration because I've already connected to your consciousness and soul. In this field of unity, I've intended a life of joy, prosperity, health, well being, success, love, compassion, beauty, and peace for you already because these qualities were what I was feeling in the fiber of my cells a few moments ago. There are so many people who read my updates that I don't even know of. Then I get a random feedback from a lady with stage 4 cancer, people who are going through such difficult times, and they are being inspired to move on, live in the moment, and overcome whatever challenge they are facing. I become so humbled and touched when I receive these feed backs, owing it all to a commitment I've made years ago to change the world for the better. The resonance of spiritual practice and meditation, the vibration it exudes to the planet is beyond our understanding and perception. So, in this moment, I'm grateful for the energy that's being transferred to your higher self, and knowing that this loving source is invisible yet indivisible from our HEART and SOUL. It Breaths and LIVES as us in our thoughts, words, actions, and INTENTIONS.I solute the Divine in you as the Divine in me is bowing to yours!!!! Namaste. Have a beautiful day....and so it is , Amen.....-Dr 

Affirmation: "I am that, I am. I am living, moving, and having my being in God

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