Sunday, May 18, 2014

Riding the Waves

When a wave of sadness penetrates your heart and you feel hit by it, you realize your vulnerability in places deep within yourself that require healing.These emotional waves are residues are past experiences and thought patterns that for some reason have formed condensed energy fields inside and need to be cleared from your space. They even create physical symptoms, showing up as fatigue, muscle ache, having a heavy chest, clenching in the upper shoulders, and not seeing clear with an obscure thought patterns. You know what I'm talking about? I think we all go through it in one way or another, getting caught up at times. Remember that this is a transitional state of BEING which is not in alignment with your Soul's purpose yet it is a gift from your higher Self to re-direct and guide you into areas of yourself that needs healing, that need your Self Love, Self approval, and Forgiveness. As you go through this journey we call life, you'll hit these waves and rough seas. Your way of passing through is riding these tides and opening up your heart to give and receive LOVE. To listen to your body, rest, hydrate, and exchange words with a highly conscious individual who does not judge you for what you are experiencing, rather recognizes You for who you truly ARE! -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance. I am available and receptive to more good than I can imagine in my life. In gratitude, I take my next breath and ride the waves of success, healing, joy, peace, and bliss"

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