Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Yes, I Care

You live in a beautiful field of abundance and infinite possibilities for your life. There is so much to the depth of our universe that is not picked up simply by our senses. It requires tapping into deeper realms of your own inner wealth that is only possible through meditation. Connecting with your higher self allows you to shift perceptions. Everything is Perception. As you change the way you look at things in your life, you'll see the circumstances shift and challenges dissolve in the way that supports you. To walk in this direction requires persistence on your practice and a WILLINGNESS to change the sail of your ship towards a magnificent destiny. Your destiny is not out there, it's in the depth of your heart and your Soul. It's waiting to be discovered and recovered from the illusions you've fallen for, from the pain and suffering you've picked up from your mis-perceptions, dis-eases, and dis-connection from the Source. The path to healing and acquiring inner peace is through your perception. It's through becoming overflow with the bank of your consciousness. True Wealth is inter woven in between the molecules of your DNA, swimming in the midst of your blood stream, feeding your every cell with the energy that is connected to astral bodies. Your entire BEING is ONE with the Universe. Take this on as a new perception and walk with the KNOWING and the WISDOM that YOU ARE IT my friend. Care to Share this as I'm holding you in unconditional LOVE...

Affirmation: "I am one with LOVE, one with the UNIVERSE. All of my needs are met. I am available and receptive to more prosperity than I can ever Imagine. My life is divine. Healing is the order of my day. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in ABUNDANCE, Plentitude, and Success."


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