Friday, May 9, 2014

My Challenges

I go through my own struggles on a daily basis. Challenging with deep seeded issues from the past that show up on the surface when my mind gets caught up in the lower energies around me. Sometimes without realizing it, I don't see clearly and get emotionally sucked into these thoughts. However, the only thing I can count on is my commitment and persistence to a vision I hold. As the external circumstances pass through my awareness, I rely on getting pulled through the rough tides with my Faith and an inner knowing that "This too Shall Pass". That I have the ability to respond to these changes by directly connecting to my Soul and ask for it's guidance. Allowing the obscurities to pass like the clouds in the beautiful sky, like the crashing waves in the hurricane waiting for the sun to break through to calm me down. There is a season for everything and each is governed by a perfect force orchestrating them to their purpose. Allowing the dark seasons to pass through, I remain available and receptive for the eternal power that gives birth to galaxies, beats my heart, and breath through my veins to whisper in my ears and lift me up! I feel it now! I flow into this infinite space with grace and ease. -Dr. Rod.

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