Monday, September 30, 2013

Go For It!!!

I have an amazing feeling of enthusiasm gushing through my veins right now. It's pretty early in the morning. I feel it all over my energy field. As I'm writing, my intention is to transfer this energy to you who is reading my thoughts and emotions. To uplift everyone's spirit that comes in contact with this. I'm inspired to completely surrender to the divine order of universe and allow the perfection of God to take over my life. In complete faith, I know that I'll be supported and guided. Just for today, keep your HOPE up high, mix it with a conviction that you are here for a PURPOSE, know that you are LOVED, if not by anyone, certainly by me you ARE!!!.....LET's make today COUNT. You can change someone's life for the better by simply smiling as you get in contact with random strangers. My hands are shaking as I'm writing this,,,wow....have a spectacular day/night where ever you are my friend 
 "Go for it! The future is promised to no one"....Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more joy, abundance, wealth, healing and success than I can even imagine possible. I live in a friendly universe. Infinite abundance shows up as permanent prosperity in my life. My spiritual infrastructure supports me in every way everyday!!!!" u guys.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Past

You can change your habitual questions that dis-empower you such as : 'What is wrong with me?' into questions that change your immediate state of inner being such as: "WHAT IF THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME? WHAT IF THERE IS SOMETHING RIGHT WITH ME? WHAT IF I'M ON AN AWESOME DESTINY?" Don't fall for the happenings of your past! You can co-create a brilliant present moment and build a fantastic future. I loved all your feedback's on my 'heart break' question. Thank you! Each one of us come from a different paradigm yet we are all swimming in this oceanic love energy called life, together. Have a great Sunday my friends

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I am available and receptive to more abundance, healing, inspiration, wealth, joy, peace, and love that I can even imagine possible. COME WHAT MAY! I AM READY, I AM WILLING TO BE BLESSED AND A MIGHTY BLESSING IN OUR WORLD.".....Peace.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sun Flower Meditation

This is a meditative thought: Take a deep breath, and slowly exhale. Do it couple of times until your focus is just on your breath and my writing. You may have to read this couple of times. As you are reading this, imagine the sun, seeing it's beautiful shiny light and feeling it's warm energy on your entire body. Open your heart and invite the sun energy into your heart. Each time you breath in, feel that the sun is nourishing the cells in your blood and clearing the oxygen that is floating in it. Now take a deep breath, HOLD IT! Hold it until it becomes a bit challenging to hold. Say: "ALL OF MY NEEDS ARE MET, I LIVE IN A FRIENDLY UNIVERSE, DIVINE HARMONIZING GOOD AND ABUNDANCE IS THE ORDER OF MY DAY, I AM LOVE IN ACTION." As you exhale your breath, feel the sun energy penetrating every cell of your body. Here is your task today: Go outside and stay in the sun for 20 min. Meditate on it with this writing. Then, go buy some SUNFLOWERS, hold them, feel them, touch them, smile at them, and put one on your heart. Send out a prayer of PEACE AND LOVE for the entire humanity with it. Keep one and give the rest away as a gift to anyone you like. Have a beautiful day 

Friday, September 27, 2013


This coming Thursday, October 3rd, from 7-9 pm, we have an OPEN PUBLIC MEETING AND FUND RAISING EVENT for our LOS ANGELES CHILDREN'S CHARITY GROUP- non profit organization, serving ORPHAN & ABUSED KIDS. As a DIRECTOR there, I will serve you and your loved ones, friends, and family. We have a group of awesome individuals who will be there. Please save the date, bring your open hearts, and CONTRIBUTIONS. You can become our member through our website now. You can donate from any state, any country through our paypal account TODAY. Here is our membership link and flyer. SEE YOU ALL THERE ON OCT 3. TONS OF LOVE AND BLESSINGS

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Conscious VISION

The most important part of your day is those few moments after you wake up in the morning. How you prepare your consciousness and the thoughts you think deliberately sets you up for your future experiences. I have voice recorded a beautiful vision I've written of my LIFE which is how I view, feel, experience, and INTEND life to be in 5 years from now. I've written it in the PRESENT MOMENT because universe's vision for you is already here. You just have to become available and receptive to it in the NOW. I've included lots of powerful states of BEING such as joy, enthusiasm, healing, passion, love, peace, ABUNDANCE, success, and harmony there. As I open my eyes and am contemplating GRATITUDE for everything I already have, I allow this 5 minute incredible energy to take over my thoughts, heart, and soul. I highly recommend it to you and can teach you how to do it. It creates an amazing state of BEING and enables you to navigate towards a beautiful destiny.

Affirmation: "I live from an overflow of love, joy, compassion, and success. Life is an incredible journey that enables me to grow into my better self. I let go and allow the universe to manifest my beautiful destiny in it's perfection. I am living, moving, and having my being in creativity. Respecting myself and others. Sharing my gifts, talents, and LOVE with everyone that comes to my life. "....have a spectacular day everyone

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Divine Encounters

It's so interesting when you look back and remember all the people that came in your life. At a period of my life, I happened to meet many random people whom I became very close friends with and influenced their lives at such a deep level. You form a special bond with each individual. Sometimes those friendships don't last long but you realize that each person had a significant lesson to teach you. At it's precise moment, that unique soul was there to support your need, to give you love, to hear you out, and to be your mirror in order to reflect back exactly what you needed to experience. Try to get your emotional bias out of the way and view each past experience as a divine encounter. Remember those who came in and went out of your life through the lens of GRATITUDE. Hold them in space of LOVE and bless them with ABUNDANCE. Even if they have hurt you in anyway, FORGIVE them for they did not know any better. I know it can be tough, but LET THEM GO! You will experience such peace of mind and an inner joy the second you shift your energy towards them. 

Affirmation: "I let go and let God handle all the details in my life. I am available and receptive to more wealth, abundance, and success than I can even imagine, come what may. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly joyous for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I live in friendly that supports and guides me to a great destiny. Life is magnificently sweet. Divine love is the order of my day."....have a spectacular day everyone

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Morning Coffee :)

Good morning life. One of the best things I enjoy in the morning is getting my coffee, finding a quiet space deep within my heart, pray and meditate. Sending you energies of love, joy, health, abundance, healing, and absolute peace that passes human understanding. Have a beautiful Sunday.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in answered prayers. Abundance and health is the order of my day. Divine harmonizing GOOD comes forth in every thought, words, decision, and action in my life.....".  Namaste.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Good Morning Life. Here is a quote by Albert Einstein that really inspired me as I read it: "If you've never made a mistake, you've never tried anything new. " Are you willing to experience life at a deeper level now? 

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more good than I can even imagine. Come what may. Life supports me. The universe aligns me with infinite possibilities and they all work out for my HIGHER GOOD ALWAYS. " have a beautiful Saturday.

Friday, September 20, 2013

You'll never Run Out

I'm in a very chill mood, out of town and having a great time with my family. Right now, I'm in my own space which I always appreciate. When I go deep in thoughts, I get inspired to write. As I listen to my meditation music, I feel a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation for life. Every experience is unique, each of us are serving a purpose in each other's lives. I feel the energy I'm sending you now. It's a mixture of LOVE and KINDNESS. Ya, it's surfacing up from my heart and at my soul level. You know what, I've realized the more LOVE I share with people, the more I have to give away. It says, when you give away from ABUNDANCE, there is more ABUNDANCE to give away. YOU NEVER run OUT. Thanks for taking the time and reading this. I see you SMILING  Happy Friday my Friends...

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in PEACE"...BE blessed and a blessing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Sunshine :)

Gooooooood Morning Sunshine! Let this be a day full of joy, love, peace, abundance, healing, prosperity, and tons of FUN!!!!!! Play full ON 
Change your "I've GOT to do list" into "I GET to do" activities of the soul. Cool?

Affirmation: "I am living , moving, and having my being in the field of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. LIFE SUPPORTS ME. I LIVE IN A FRIENDLY UNIVERSE FULL OF ABUNDANCE AND JOY"..... have a spectacular day

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Being Centered

What does it mean to be centered? It means to be connected to your authentic self, your higher self. Being centered in your consciousness allows you to be the observer of your emotions, thoughts, life's circumstances, and everything else that happens around you. You become fully aware of the HAPPENINGS, without getting dragged into the gravitational force of constant distractions, negative energies, and dramas. You will reside in a palpable gape between your mind and your heart. This state is pure UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Some may say it's BLISS. It's peaceful and serene. It's WHO YOU ARE without the attachments to the contents of your consciousness. MEDITATION daily is the key to discovering your inherent treasure. Little by little, as you become in tune, YOUR SOUL STARTS DANCING WITH THE HARMONIZING MUSIC OF THE UNIVERSE. It's such a beautiful dance I tell you :)))

Affirmation: "I am centered in the universe. I reside in love, joy, passion, miracles, and peace. Life supports me at every level of my existence. All of my needs are met. I am living, moving, and having my being in abundance and prosperity. With a heart full of love, I release all my gifts, talents, and creativity. I get in FLOW with infinite possibilities accept my blessings openly."....have a fantastic day everyone

Monday, September 16, 2013


As I'm sitting here, many thoughts are going through my head. I'm contemplating "FLOW"...When I take a deep breath, I feel the Flow of air going down my lungs, I feel the expansion of my chest cavity, even it's touch at the end of my spinal cord. I slowly exhale. Realizing the universal ONE POWER , ONE LOVE, ONE GOD presence. I feel a deep sense of surrender, gratitude, and PEACE. I'm listening to my favorite meditation music. Each note is caressing my soul. Continuing my writing and being present to my breath, I'm holding you in absolute high vibration of healing and joy. Sending you a prayer of well being and abundance. FLOW with LIFE. Release Resistance. With this in mind, put a beautiful smile on your face and expect the best day of your life ahead today....

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Today is a new beginning. I'm letting go and inviting you, my dear friend, to also let go of all your past excuses. You know what I'm talking about!! The old stories that's been limiting you. The old blame games and cheap talks. It's time to let go of your little SELF and step into your God given blessings. You have a mandate to be GREATNESS itself because you come from GREATNESS. EXCUSE YOUR PITY EXCUSES!!! Lets set an INTENTION together to be a beneficial presence for the entire planet in our lives. Lets INTEND to love, to heal, to inspire, and to create unlimited abundance for ourselves and anyone else we connect with, to their hearts, and their souls. Are you with me? 

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more love, more joy, more abundance, more success, more health and healing than I can possibly imagine. I live in a friendly universe and it supports me."...have a spectacular day everyone

Friday, September 13, 2013


Forgiveness is the most powerful act of courage. It allows you to clear out stagnate energies trapped in your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. To FORGIVE is to "Give Forward" or "For Give" part of yourself hidden deep in your heart. As we approach YOM KIPPUR, "I forgive and I ask forgiveness from every person, every being, in time and space who is karmically connected to my present conditions. If anyone has hurt me or harmed me knowingly or unknowingly, in thought, word, or deed, I freely forgive them. And, If I have hurt anyone or harmed anyone knowingly or unknowingly in thought, word, or deed , I too ask for forgiveness. MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY, MAY THEY BE PEACEFUL, MAY THEY BE FREE." Sending you tons of LOVE 
AND SO IT IS,,,,,AMEN. Have an easy fast everyone.

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go. I let go and let God. I am living, moving, and having my being in peace, joy, abundance, success, healing, harmony, and absolute bliss. I trust the universe. ".....have a spectacular day

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Take Control

Hearing a bad news from Doctors in regards to your health should not be a "DEATH SENTENCE". Doctors do the best they know how, however, many don't know how to communicate or deliver news. You can not train someone to BE compassionate or have empathy when their spiritual understanding within them is too IMMATURE. Don't take their WORDS as GOLD either. You MUST take your HEALTH and HEALING into your own hands. You know what your body needs, you know the basics. Understand your physician advice as an option but TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN DECISION MAKING. Your FAITH, DETERMINATION, POSITIVE ATTITUDE, GOOD EATING HABITS, EXERCISE, MEDITATION, and PRAYERS have WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more POWERFUL effects on your STATE OF BEING than anything else. REMEMBER, we don't really KNOW everything, or compared to the vastness of THE UNIVERSE, anything at ALL. You MUST expand and grow spiritually. You have a mandate to do it. Our physical challenges gives us an opportunity to GROW. So, GO FOR IT!!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sending Healing & Love to 9/11

Sending out love and healing energy around the world to every single soul that got caught up with 9/11. Lets create a better world for our children to remember our generation as. My prayer is for PEACE and HARMONY. We can do it once we discover PEACE and HARMONY within ourselves first.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I forgive and let go. I let go and let God. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance shows up in every aspect of my life, NOW. I am available. I am receptive. I am enthusiastic to discover that TODAY IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Light beyond the Shadows

The sun always shines whether you are feeling down or not. Life just IS. As human beings we give it all sort of meanings. Why not choose empowering, loving, kind meaning. Why not letting go of our old belief systems and embodying a fresh new thinking. The shadows in our heart is waiting for the inner LIGHT to give life a new meaning. It begins with this next BREATH. LIFE IS...

Affirmation: "I forgive and let go of any unwanted feelings that doesn't belong to me. I am a spiritual being, living, moving, and having my existence in harmonizing divine order. Abundance and success is the order of my day. Health and healing is the energy I invite in my life. Loving Joy is my first and last name".....have a spectacular day

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Healing prayers and loving thoughts makes a difference in people's lives. We are energetic beings, strong at the core, LIGHT waves and Luminosity as our essence. We are ONE, so as we intentionally raise our own energy, we uplift the entire globe with us. 

Affirmation: "I am blessed and a blessing to the world. Life supports me. I am living , moving, and having my being in peace, prosperity, abundance, success, and complete health.".....have a spectacular day

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Depression GONE!

Depression is clogged up energy that is unable to be expressed. What are you trying to express? What is your soul yearning to create? Why are you holding back on those creative instincts and intuitive thoughts guiding you? Ask yourSELF these questions and allow the answers to reveal your path in life. Do the little things AS IF they are the most important tasks in the MOMENT. Be present to your heart beat, acknowledge your beauty, pay attention to how your body works, smile often, talk only when you have something nice to say, and give yourself LOVE. Acceptance of who we are is the first step to personal transformation. Are you WILLING?

Affirmation: "I am willing and receptive to express my genius. I am available to all the creative ideas in the mind of universe to express through my life, as my life. I trust myself. I am worthy. I give and receive abundance of wealth through circulating my talents. Life supports me. Joy is the order of my day. Peace reigns supreme. "...have a spectacular day

Friday, September 6, 2013

Living in FLOW

Doing what you love is a blessing to yourself and others. When you are connected to your 'calling' or acting out of passion, your entire BEING is into whatever it is you are doing. The end result is not about making money, even though you will. The end result is not about manipulating a system, following someone's orders, leading somebody on, or trying to cut corners. When you are LIVING in high INTENTIONALITY, your desire to express your SOUL's character takes over your life. You are living, moving, and having your BEING in your artistic expression. The DESIRE to give ALL you have within away to others becomes a priority. You don't judge, you don't worry, you don't act from scarcity. YOU ARE NOT WORKING FOR ANY ENTITY and neither YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT HOW YOUR NEEDS ARE GOING TO BE MET. You are working for GOD, in God Consciousness. Your legitimate needs WILL ALWAYS BE MET when you are in flow with LIFE. THE END RESULT IS PEACE. IT'S PURE JOY AND BLISS. When you are residing in these inner states, LIFE WILL TAKE ON A DEEPER MEANING. The illusion of materialistic world disappears. YOU BECOME MORE OF YOUR AUTHENTIC, LOVING SELF AND THE ENTIRE GLOBE BENEFITS JUST BECAUSE YOU EXIST. BE BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO EVERYONE!!! 

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more love, joy, peace, abundance, prosperity, healing, vitality, and beauty in my life than I can ever possibly imagine. Come what may. I live in the overflow of blessings and I share them with everyone around me. Live is spectacular. "....have a beautiful Friday everyone

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Be Thankful!!

This is a new beginning. As you wake up and get another chance to see LIFE from a deeper perspective. You realize that you are the center of your own universe, yet you are not limited to time or space. Make this a new beginning to go beyond whatever challenges you are GROWING through. Imagine the best case SCENARIO of your life right now and start this MOMENT by embracing the feeling tone of appreciation for whatever it is you are experiencing. I've been having recurrent dreams of someone I love and missed who taught me great lessons in my past. I woke up with tears in my eyes, for being able to feel these feelings, yet knowing that I'm above and beyond them all. I realize I'm the Source observing the observer who feels these feelings. Knowing that the source of everything is God, God is LOVE!!! Therefore; I am ONE with LOVE. For this, I am so GRATEFUL and I just allow it to BE!!!

Affirmation: " I forgive and let go. I let go and let God. I am grateful for my new beginnings. Each breath allows me to experience a deeper sense of appreciation for experiencing life as is. I am available to more abundance and success than I can even imagine. More miracles NOW. Come what may!!!! Have a beautiful day

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Light Tunnel

You are the LIGHT at the beginning, middle, and the end of the TUNNEL of LIFE.....Keep your FAITH in the UNIVERSE real STRONG :)))

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more ABUNDANCE and SUCCESS than I can even imagine possible. I AM LOVE.".....have a spectacular day everyone

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's TIME :)

Got to love the calenders and events of the year in different cultures. Humans evolved into understanding the importance of time! Yet, we get so distracted and get consumed by it. We've developed holidays, weekends, new years, and all the goodies. A lovely reminder to the Eternal Citizens of the world: You've always been in the present moment. You are living, moving, and having your BEING in the present moment!! Your next breath in the future, IT'S STILL THE PRESENT MOMENT. You were never born, nor your spirit will ever die. YOU ARE AN INFINITE, ETERNAL BEING OF LOVE AND LIGHT. If this doesn't make sense, that's ok, because I'm not referring to your MIND anyways. Happy New Beginnings for our Jewish friends and everybody else around the world. Shana Tova. May the entire globe be blessed with a fresh, positive, peaceful, abundance, kind, and compassionate energy as we INTENT to WAKE UP by recognizing that WE ARE ALL ONE!!!! ONE LIFE, ONE PLANET, ONE SPIRIT.

Affirmation: "I am available and receptive to more miracles, more joy, more abundance and health in my life than I can even imagine possible. The universe supports me."....have a spectacular day everyone

Monday, September 2, 2013

What's U'r Prayer?

Inner Peace is my prayer for today. Opening myself up for real Clarity of my soul to unfold and reveal itself for my higher good. Come what may!

Affirmation: "I am receptive to more LOVE than I can ever imagine. Life supports me, nourishes me, and guides me to my destiny. Abundance and harmonizing peace is the order of my day."

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Inner Bliss

I had an incredible experience yesterday. I was doing guided meditation with one of my clients. I didn't have any agenda neither did I invite her to get into it with any per-expectation. I know there is always expectations because we either want to feel good from some experience or we want to let go of feeling bad. It's usually one of the two. However, I just left it up to the spirit and consciousness to take us for a ride. I traveled through time, space, and connected with the oceans, stars, the sun, and everything else beyond the cosmos. It was an amazing feeling of letting go, touching, feeling, living, and tasting PEACE, seeing the reflection of our own consciousness, and just hang out in BEing. Where I was residing for those brief moments had no room for pain, misery, judgments, worry, or impurity. IT WAS PURE BLISS. I get that connected from time to time and swim in it for a while. As I'm writing this post now, I'm sending you LOVE from that space. Beyond millenium, only in the MOMENT. Peace, be Still.
Happy Sunday.

Affirmation: "I am ONE with the cosmos. Peace is the order of my day. Abundance reigns supreme. Love is the name of the game."....take care of yourself