Good Morning Life. Once again there comes a beginning to the continuous cycle with an end. This cycle goes on to eternity. There is really no beginning or an end throughout the Cosmos. But, here we are in this moment. I'm intending to set you up for an amazing day. Just by focusing your attention away from the drama of the world you get bombarded with through the media, friends, co-workers, and family. For this instance, think and feel as if you are in a world full of love, peace, and compassion. Think of how many people are in meditation and prayer right now around the world. Get out of your myopic point of view which is restricted by your own life circumstance and expand your awareness to something bigger than yourself. Here is an invitation for YOU: Pick up a spiritual quality that is trying to be expressed through you. This can be anything. As you feel this quality in your heart, start noticing it in everyone and everything you come in contact with today. I pick LOVE, because as I walk my path each day, I see this quality in everyone and everything. I also pick Healing. This quality expresses through my own mental, emotional, and physical energy field when I practice Meditation and am in state of high consciousness. As I hold on to this vibration, I attract circumstances and people that need this energy. Not trying, but allowing. This is an alignment between that which your heart desires , your CALLING, and whatever actions your intellect chooses to do. Choice is the function of your AWARENESS and awareness becomes clear through spiritual practice. Tonight, I'm holding a group meditation. I'm inviting you to join me in spirit if you live far, to connect with the vortex of this gathering around 815pm Los Angeles time. Focus your attention on unconditional love, Forgiveness, Healing the world, and Gratitude. I'll be sending out global Reiki as well and clearing the Chakras through my guided meditation. As you decide to connect with us, please have everyone you know including all your friends on social media in consciousness. I'm hoping to make a HUGE ripple effect world wide. As such, I appreciate you in advance and sending you infinite blessings. Thank you for praying for the young lady in accident yesterday. Please continue your loving prayers for her....Namaste.
Affirmation: "I intend to love , to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intend to heal and change the world. I am available to more miracles showing up in every aspect of my life. I'm living, moving, and having my BEING in Peace. Life supports and guides me. I live in a friendly universe and exude this healing energy out to the world. In gratitude, I take my next breath and walk with full on FAITH in the world."
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