Monday, June 9, 2014

Living Beyond Duality

Yesterday I visited an Orphanage with our Group to serve Neglected and Abused kids in our society. These kids are byproduct of low level consciousness from their parents, guardians, and the system itself. Lack of knowledge and knowing causes dis-ease of the mind that manifests into poverty, abuse, hate, and judgment. Before I met up with my volunteers, I had a 2 hour hike and meditation. I wanted to bring my best to the table. I wanted to remain as connected as possible so I would not get distracted by the hype, emotions, and the energy field of the center we visited. I'm extremely sensitive when it comes to kids as I feel their entire psychic pain in my energy field. It was challenging for me to remain in both states of BEING as I was passing through the day. One state was the highly enthusiastic and inspirational vibe to hold the flow of our gathering up high. However, the most important was remaining in state of Healing. I monitored my thoughts continuously to be able to discern between these two states. There was a silence in the space between my thoughts through out the whole day where I was bypassing the physical realm and observing everyone as spiritual beings floating around. I became one with these kids at heart and was going through their Chakras like a tornado passing through a wide space sweeping away whatever comes on it's path. I enjoyed fulfilling my purpose in that environment. From time to time, I'd disappear , finding a quiet place to pray and send out Reiki. It was quite an interesting experience for me because I was challenging myself to walk both in physical and meta-physical at the same time. It was a stretch to bypass my emotions and stand solid in OPTIMISM regardless of what the evidence around us showed. I know our group made a huge difference yesterday for these kids. As I'm writing this, I'm feeling blessed and sitting in bliss. I'm feeling very connected and having YOU , the reader, in the same Healing Energy I was holding for our kids yesterday. Take a deep breath and notice the spaces between each word you are reading. In between these spaces, there is the connection of a Loving Energy coming through the spaces between my thoughts and landing softly in your HEART  Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to more abundance, healing, joy, and prosperity than I can imagine possible. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I intent to heal and change the world"

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