Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pishi BaBa

Old school Persian men are very nostalgic and caught up in their Ego. The past is always running their present moment and the fear of future is a dimension of their imagination. It's a cultural thing. They were brought up in a society were 'men' are thought to be superior, the backbone of the house, the provider, the one who has to Give advice even though most of the time they have no idea what they are talking about. There is a stubbornness that's usually apparent. There is a sense of 'wanting' to be somewhere they ARE NOT. Why? Because they have scarcity mentality. There is never enough and in order to prove their manhood, material wealth becomes an identity. Identifying with what they can provide, rather than WHO THEY CAN BE. This runs in many cultures, including mine and many other male dominant cultures. Almost always when a woman is pregnant the Dad is assuming he has a boy. Sometimes they blame the wife why it turned out to be a girl forgetting that it's their own lazy 'Y' chromosome getting lost in the reproductive tract, never making it to the  egg. Times are changing though. There is a light of HOPE. As the feminine energy becoming stronger and expressing it's creative POWER, many lovely men are becoming more awaken to their beautiful nature. It's NOT the survival of the 'fittest' anymore. It's the survival of the 'KINDEST'. It's not complicating your life with material toys and hording wealth, it's SIMPLIFYING your life and tapping into your heart to share the financial abundance in a way it supports the echo system, uplifting the ones in need. It's not 'Showing OFF' your manhood by raising your voice, Forcing your way through a woman's heart anymore by being FAKE. It's Being Gentle, Compassionate, and Passionate by expressing your words through your Soul, tapping into your Wisdom and intuition, Leading by example, leading by grace, leading by remaining humble and low key. Fatherhood is a great honor! My respect goes to my Father who is the most loving and simple man I know. He is a Jewel, a kind Soul who has always been a beautiful LIGHT shining his gentleness everywhere he goes. I call my dad "PISHI BABA", in Farsi Pishi means a 'KITTEN' and "BABA" is Dad. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and my dad has taught me to BE SIMPLE, HUMBLE, and LOVING. I couldn't have asked for better virtues from and OLD SCHOOL PERSIAN DUDE :) I love you PISHI BABA....-Dr. Rod....Happy Father's Day to all the old schoolers and the new Bees.....God bless you ALL....

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