Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I Don't Know!

Do you want to move from being self-centered into becoming centered in the Self? I'm talking about having a stronger connection with your higher Self and stepping out of your Ego. It's very possible and it requires your attention to your inner world. It requires knowing that YOU DON"T KNOW. Simple ha? Have you noticed people that play as if they KNOW it all? You've experienced that person and sometimes you've fallen for your own mask of I KNOW IT ALL. Well, now that you know you DON"T KNOW, it's a great space to BE. It's an awareness that will Simplify your LIFE. Through Simplicity, you become expansive, and through expansion of your consciousness, the wisdom of the universe finds it's way for expression through the vibration of your thoughts. You become an instrument of peace and love. These two are not KNOWING, they are eternal qualities of BEING. You just began a process of Self Realization , a change from being self centered to becoming centered in the Self. Take a deep breath and make this your INTENTION today: "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING and from KNOWING NOTHING , I tap into the mystery of life, thus downloading cosmic Wisdom through my intuition now." I can feel and sense the freedom you are feeling for not KNOWING. Let it Go...YOU know! Step in the UNKNOWN my friend through your Faith and loving INTENTION. - Namaste.

Affirmation: "I know that I don't KNOW. In the space of not KNOWING, I become available and receptive to the ALL GOOD. My life is the emanation of the only once life that exist. Love is my nature, peace is my song. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. Joy is the order of my day. I am available for more abundance and prosperity than I can even imagine. Life supports me. Healing is revealing it's beautiful face to me in every area of my life. And so it is, Amen...".

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