Monday, June 23, 2014


Identifying with Time is the root of anxiety. You know what I'm talking about? The beginning of the week, or getting to the middle of the year, looking at yourself and identifying with your chronological age, looking in the mirror seeing the gray hair and identifying with old age. All of these mental constructs that enable us to compartmentalize the world of material into functionality can create a sense of inner anxiety. Take a deep breath in this very NOW moment, the only moment ever existed and ever will be. Step out of your mental construct and anxiousness with TIME, let go of it. View this day as a moment in eternity. Think of the sun for a second. Imagine it's beautiful energy laying on your skin. Do you really think the sun cares about TIME? It's always up to it's own nature, shining, giving energy and doing it's thing. Think of the ocean and it's waves for a second. Do you think it cares about TIME? It's always BEING it's own nature, in tune with the harmony of the universe. You are made up of elements of the starts, energy of the cosmos vibrates through you. You can measure and experience time for the sole purpose to go beyond it. It's a reverse process, to re-member what you've forgotten. Take this on Today.Step outside time and re-cognize the eternal aspect of yourself. No end , no beginning, always IS. NOW, get rid of your watch today, try it, don't look at your phone or anything that reminds you of TIME. Stay focused on your breath as you do whatever you do and see how everything you are up to will ease up. You will FLOW from the TIMELESS essence of your higher self and remain in PRESENCE. This is where PEACE resides. Shift your energy from hurry to slowing down and you'll experience the peace you've been searching for from within...

Affirmation: " I am eternal. I am LOVE. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in the NOW. My life is the life of GOD. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I can ever imagine. Life affirms itself through the beauty of my SOUL. My heart is wide open to express it's purpose for revealing the DIVINE through my thoughts, words, and actions TODAY, in the NOW. I am grateful and thankful for NO-THING that shows up as everything my Soul requires to achieve it's purpose. I trust the universe and FLOW through it with ease.

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