Have you ever had a conversation with the Angel of Death? I did. Yesterday. It was a special communion with this phenomenon we call Death. I visited a friend of mine in the hospital yesterday. He had a stroke about 7 month ago and he's physical body has been depreciating ever since. Struggling with life, laying in bed, having a G. Tube to get fed, and has half his body paralyzed. He's around 80 and a really cool guy. I remember when I was a kid, I used to wrestle with him and tease him around because he despised a certain vegetable. So, anytime we called the name of this vegetable (Shalgham) he'd make facial gestures and we'd laugh at him. So, here we were yesterday, my friend on the bed, I was holding his hand and massaging is shoulder. All I felt was his bones. The muscles totally gone. He'd come in and out of consciousness as he would open his eyes, gaze at me, and with all his power would give me a smile. I'd continued asking him questions, specially those that would trigger his memory from the past and have him remember some of the pleasurable events. He'd remember and squeeze my hand. Then, fall back to sleep until few minutes later to open his eyes again. In the midst of my physical encounter, I was beholding him in the presence of God. Bypassing my Ego, I'd see him as whole, perfect, and complete. I felt myself becoming an energy field of consciousness, surrounding his body in different shades of colors, going in and out of his Chakras. I'd look above his crown Chakra and see a halo. As I was holding this healing space for him, I'd have tons of insights with angel of Death. Seeing his face in disguise, showing up as physical changes in my friend's fragile body. Giving me lessons about how to appreciate life and let go of FEAR because everything eventually belongs to God. From your most precious possessions all the way to your physical health, your LIFE. It all belongs to God. As I was having moments of self Realization, I was thinking about the times that I get into arguments with my loved ones. Times that we take for granted and hurt each other. Times that we could stay in gratitude and enjoy, yet we totally forget who and what we are. We blindly go in resentment and quarrel. If my friend would want to continue writing this note, he'd say something like this: "Listen to the tune of your heart, love each other, and don't take your happy moments for granted. Live full on with vigor! Live full on with every ounce of your energy in serving and loving each other through KINDNESS. Be a Giver rather than a Taker. Give off your blessings everywhere you go and enjoy. When the time comes to face the Angel of Death, look at it without FEAR. Be proud that you lived a life of Significance as your Legacy will echo into eternity"....I AM FREE
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. My life is the life of GOD. I am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with others. I intend to be kind and caring, allowing for life to flow through me. I let go, forgive, and stay in peace. The universe supports me and I trust it. Abundance is the order of my day. Harmonizing prosperity and healing reign supreme. I begin again, now, and so it is, Amen..."
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