Monday, June 2, 2014


Fear is the byproduct of "the need to control". Let go of the need to control others and trust the process of Life. There is a hidden virtue in the nature of existence, an eternal force that's breathing through your right now, closer than your neck veins, nearer than your hands and feet. How often do you contemplate it's existence and how often do you doubt yourself being separate from it? In the moment you break into separation, you open the gates of negative energy into your energy field. Why? because you are in judgment. Judgment of us versus them, me versus you, or the envious longing to have what they've got which dis-connects you from the hidden virtue and pulls you in the madness of the world. Simplify your life. Let go of arriving somewhere in the future and yielding to the NOW.

Affirmation: 'I Am Free"

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