Thursday, June 26, 2014

Victim No More!

Victim NO More my friend! I'm not a victim of my emotions anymore. I'm not a victim of what other people think about me or what I think what other's think about me anymore. The journey from victim to victor is a beautiful path. It begins with taking one hundred percent responsibility for your life. For your happiness, for you joy. Responsibility is the Ability to Respond to the lesser Egoic thought patterns and recognizing the negative energies surrounding you. Responsibility creates the possibility for CHANGE to express. In what areas of your life you feel you were a victim of society, of someone else's hatred, or a situation that completely hurt you? I'm sure you've experienced something at this level or experiencing it now perhaps. Let me tell you this: VICTIM NO MORE! you are waking up to your greatness and in that greatness there is POWER in you. There is a genius laying dormant, a spiritual warrior armed with her OPTIMISM, armed with COURAGE, armed with her inner ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. You are backed up by the UNIVERSE and collective consciousness of people who CARE about you. There are KIND people out there, loving BEINGS who are ready to SUPPORT you in anyway possible. Your time to being a VICTIM is over! You are rising up and releasing the pain you've been holding on in your heart. You are becoming the VICTOR and feeling the VICTORY in every breath you are taking. It begins with this very decision you are MAKING NOW. SAY: I'M NOT A VICTIM ANYMORE. NOT A VICTIM TO MY FEELINGS, THOUGHTS, OR EMOTIONS. I'M A UNIQUE CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE AND I ALLOW MY OWN SPIRITUAL POWER TO LIFT ME OUT OF THE PAIN I'VE BEEN CARRYING. I HEAL THE PAST WOUNDS! I AM FREE. I AM LIBERATED!

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. I am a victor and feel victorious in every area of my life. I move with confidence, I breath at peace. I attract abundance and success in my life. I exude love energy everywhere I go. I am courageous and strong. My faith is crystal clear. I am available to more good than I can imagine possible in my life. I trust the UNIVERSE and exercise OPTIMISM within my SOUL. "

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