Friday, June 20, 2014

Clarity of Perception

Clarity of perception. That's what it's all about. How you view things and at what depth can you experience life. Everyone's perception is unique. We all have different ways of re-presenting cosmic order according to our gifts. Your DNA is a direct evidence of this Truth. Nothing the same. Can you really grasp the immensity of how great you ARE? No, really? When you step beyond what your physical eyes and perception can see, you can catch the vibration of eternal qualities that are within you. I was with a client of mine yesterday. She is absolutely an incredible person. Caught in the lower frequencies of the external circumstances just like every one of us. At the moment we were navigating through different spiritual principals, I could see a shift of perception happening through her eyes. It is as if you've been seeing through clouds, a morning fog. Then, suddenly rays of sun light show up and twinkle through your eyes. For me it's the most beautiful thing to witness trans-formation and experience this shift in consciousness. As clarity overcomes the shadows of our EGO, life begins to show it's REAL face through the authenticity of your Soul. Everything starts feeling and looking different. There is a bliss factor operating naturally without any kind of addiction to the high. It's just there. It's palpable, as real as your heart beat. Effortlessly showering you with love through it's presence. You have a great destiny not determined by your past Karma. Remember that karma could only determine a circumstance appearing to you as your reality.It can be shifted and overcome through your ATTITUDE, your resilience for greatness. Your attitude of love, peace, compassion, and gratitude will determine your destiny. You have a divine destiny waiting for your willingness to say YES to IT!....Yes my friend....I hear your YES from here!  Namaste

Affirmation: "I trust my destiny because I trust the universe. I am living, moving, and having my being in unconditional love. My perception is clear and each day becomes more aligned with the fundamental order of the universe. I am available for more abundance than i can even imagine. Life reveals it's secrets to me through nature. I am aligned with my Soul's authenticity. With a heart full of joy and eyes full of cosmic energy, I begin this eternal journey

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