I have four rocks surrounding me during my meditation. One of them is my favorite that's been made into a necklace by my dear friend. It's in a shape of 'Heart'. You may have seen me wearing it or in the pictures. The two bigger ones are the ones that sit on my lap and accompany me in every group meditation I hold. One is from the ocean and has a soft texture, the other from mountain, it's sharp like blade of a spear. The last one is a soft crystal like quartz from the ocean as well. The significance of these rocks match my purpose and intention in life: To love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I had an insight the other day while hiking and meditating. The four energy vortex and entry point of these qualities are shaped this way. It begins with the intention to LOVE, starting from the master of the physical body which is the heart, illuminating LIGHT. As my necklace lays on my chest wall, I feel the vibration of it's molecules penetrating my heart. There is a sense of support there, a connection beyond my description here. The second intention is to heal which I see it through my First Eye chakra and Crown. It's the connection between heaven and the earth, The big soft rock from the ocean covers for that. The ocean for me is healing and any energy shape shifted through me is directed to the ocean. I become one with the waves, feeling the ocean's incredible power, yet it's still. It's presence is healing by itself. The third intention is to IN-SPIRE: To be in flow with the SPIRIT of the infinite. Remembering this statement: People may forget what you say, forget how you act, BUT they will not forget how you make them FEEL. When you inspire someone, you uplift their Soul. You become the catalyst that is required for the alchemy of their lead into GOLD. The precious treasures that sits dormant in the deepest spaces of their BEING takes on FORM and LIFE. YOU, in essence, become the life blood of their activated ENERGY. I feel this in my Spine and Back and is covered by my Solar plexus, third chakra with the little soft, white quartz. The last one is Abundance. At my root and spine chakra, the ones connected to the physical realm, strong yet gentle, persistence yet surrendered to the higher orders of the universe, sharing my talent and cooperating in humility, not wanting to have more than what is already enough. I affirm that all of my needs are met in the beginning and until the end which is the beginning point of another end. A cycle that goes on forever. Traveling with these for entry point of my intention with my beautiful rocks, I'm sending you tons of love and a blessing to uplift your spirit, heal your heart, inspire you beyond imagination, and showering you with abundance, prosperity, peace, and joy... Namaste..
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my BEING in abundance. Life supports me in everything I do. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My life is a direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of GOD. I am available and receptive to more peace , more joy, more healing, and more prosperity than I can ever imagine possible. My word is LAW that fulfills itself into eternity and uplifts the human spirit to it's highest potential. I am grateful and appreciative of everything that I have, and everything that I AM. This is the moment, it's NOW. That's what I feel in my HEART and I give it all AWAY"....and so it is ,,,,,Amen...
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