Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Prayer through the OWL

I asked last night "Do you believe in guardian angels protecting you?" So many of you responded with YES and your own explanations. I believe in my own guardian angels as well. They always show up in different timings and situation revealing their guidance through the language I could understand. Sometimes in a form of dream, sometimes I energetically feel a hand on my upper back giving me direction. As I was sitting in meditation just now, I tuned in the sound of an owl singing his song outside of my window. He had 5 beats to his declaration, welcoming the sun rays shooting through my window, caressing my back and lighting up my desk as I'm writing this. Surrounding the sound of the owl were singing sounds of hundreds of birds. Their melody perfectly matched the 5 beats of the owl, as if they were listening to the tale of the night. As if they were learning the wisdom of this magnificent messenger from the heavenly bodies. I was tuning into my guardian angels through the owl. Articulating a vision for this post, knowing that so many of my friends will read this. Asking for healing energy of love, joy, peace, abundance, and harmonizing prosperity for YOU and I, through this beautiful channel. So here it is, a prayer through the owl, connecting you to ALL OF YOUR GUARDIAN ANGELS RIGHT NOW, asking them for protection, guidance, and wisdom. They are all there with you, tune into them, ask them for blessing, and forward this blessing to our PLANET EARTH. She needs our healing prayers and help to sustain her blessing for all the BEINGS walking this planet. Thank you for opening your hearts on my page and Sharing my messages. They are intended to raise the collective cosmic consciousness and healing the world with simplicity, ease, and grace.  Namaste....Dr. Rod...

Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with love, one with God. All of my needs are met. Everything happens for my higher good. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I can ever imagine, experienced, or manifested. My body is healing. My heart is open to love and compassion. I live my life through ease and grace. Joy is the order of my day. I am blessed and a blessing to the world for healing and Peace"


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