Sunday, June 22, 2014

Being in AWE

I just came out of an amazing meditation. Listening to a beautiful Native American Music. I had time travel in my meditation. It's quite an amazing experience. Feeling and seeing yourself as everyone and everything. The closest way I can describe ONENESS is through the sense of LOVE. The way to experience this is through appreciation and AWE. Take a deep breath and let this thoughts come through what you are reading here and allow it to simply flow with your breath. Focus on the in flow of your breath. At the end of the inhalation, make a conscious pause for a second or two, then gently allow the out flow, effortlessly. Continue reading and relaxing. Let it all go. I know you are feeling in tune with what I'm writing. Otherwise you wouldn't have read this far. Continue visioning a beautiful mountain with all the trees, rocks, it's inhabitants. Feel your breath connected to the flow of energy through the trees and the rocks. The roots of the trees, getting nourishment from the soil, finding their connection in the darkness of the ground, connected to the soul of the mountain. Travel up from the roots, up to the branches and the leaves. Feel the fresh air touching the surface of the leaves. Breathing in Oxygen from the leaves, exhaling tension out in the open. Feel the sun sitting on the leaf. It's like a beautiful rug, covering the surface with it's beautiful design, the photons dancing around a fire pit to the tune of the wind, the leaf shaking from it's base. As this is happening, see yourself as the eagle sitting on this branch. Noticing what's happening with the leaf, the wind, and the sun. She's connecting to the root, the soil, and the mountain itself. In Awe and appreciation of life, she takes of by opening her wings. Feeling the freedom of expanding beyond her space. Her role as a peace keeper and paradigm changer expands as she encounters the ocean. With her dark brown eyes, she see's the dolphins dancing with the waves, expressing their affection to the sun as they rise above the crest and send out the kiss to the eagle.Each breath you are taking now is in sync with harmony of natural laws of the universe. This law stems from LOVE and it's opposing polarity is FEAR. You are meant to experience and live in LOVE, because that's your true nature, your authentic self. The opposing pole is a way to let you know that you are getting distance from your source. FEAR creates an illusion and this illusion becomes obsolete as you become in AWE of the natural order of the universe. Look inside my friend, you've read this far and have become one with your SOUL. As you take this last conscious breath, know that you are in my prayers and know that the POWER OF LOVE will guide you to what is exactly meant for your GREATNESS, A DIVINE DESTINY unveiling itself as your LIFE, in this very MOMENT!!!! -Namaste..

Affirmation: "My life is the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I am available and receptive to more prosperity, abundance, success, and wealth than I can imagine possible. Healing break through every area of my life. My relationships are in harmony with joy. Peace shows it's face everywhere I go. The energy of cosmic good seeks expression through me. I let it. I allow, I let go. I AM..

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