Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Astronaut Within

To be integrated back to WHOLENESS means to be in Integrity with your Soul. How? This is done through practice of meditation and discovering the inner aspects of yourself. There is a thirst for discovery from NASA and our scientists to travel deep within the universe and find out more about other planets, galaxies, expanding beyond our paradigm and knowledge of Reality. You can become your own astronaut and start exploring the universe within you if you are WILLING to claim what has been given to you all along. There is no difference between what lies deep within the spaces of your cells, molecules, and thoughts than the infinite expansion beyond what our telescopes can identify in the cosmos. So, pack up your gear! Everyday we start a new beginning into this mystery and get a chance to declare: I AM HERE, I EXIST. I AM WHOLE, PERFECT, AND COMPLETE. I AM ONE WITH THE INFINITE. I AM THAT, I AM. I AM LOVE AND PEACE. Are you ready to travel within?

Affirmation: "I AM".....

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