Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Activation Time

Activating the spiritual potentials in you has to do with your own self realization. You've got to have a WILLINGNESS to expand beyond your present paradigm. Become an explorer with an intention to change something from within. During the day, you'll realize you get caught up in your thoughts. Yesterday, I was so totally in that mode. I could observe and hear my EGO in every circumstance. It is so interesting when you become an astute observer and realize the madness. Thoughts of self sabotage, guilt, shame, not good enoughness, lack, scarcity, fear, pessimism, and sadness show up. Yes, they all come and go when you fail to be present. When you get caught up in your drama. As you begin to do inner work, specially meditation, a direct KNOWING from an un-KNOWN place starts dancing through these thoughts. It differentiates between what's Real and what is Truth. In the moment you are available and receptive to the Truth, contents of your Reality change and purify. A new vision is revealed right where the illusion of your thoughts were creating obscurity. Clarity LIGHTS up. Bliss starts releasing it's scent and joy experiences it's sweet taste as your life's essence. Time becomes Still. Peace finds it's way through the cracks of the prison walls that were once surrounding your heart a second ago. YOU BECOME LOVE ITSELF... Can you feel what I just felt? 

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in GRATITUDE. My attitude is aligned with optimism. I am a creative, kind, loving, beautiful, ever expansive, totally receptive, endlessly abundant, plentitude, joyous, and peaceful individual. My life is the life of God. I am available for more Good to show up as miracles and activation of my highest potential in every area of my Life. The universe supports and guides me"


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