Monday, June 30, 2014

Permission for PEACE

Today is End of the Month and Beginning of the Week. So, which one is it? It's both and neither. Today, is a present in eternity. A gift for you to experience life full on in the moment. Give yourself permission to be grateful for whatever you have and where ever you are in life. Self judgment is the most destructive energy that we impose on ourselves. Can you give it a break, even now? As you contemplate yourself into this peaceful energy of Self Love, I invite you to think of some of the ways you can BE in order to simplify your life. Ways to get connected to nature and let go of relying too much on technology. Whatever that can get your attention away from the world outside and get you more in tune with your true Nature. The peace you are looking for is laying dormant deep within your heart. It's there...It needs your permission to show up as your experience in life. I'm dedicating this week to PEACE within and setting an INTENTION to create Global Peace, starting with my own heart, yours, and everyone we get in touch with. Lets do this! Are you guys down with me? I need your permission so that we can do this together....Are you up for it?

Affirmation: "I give myself permission to live in peace. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to instant miracles in my life. Abundance is the order of my day. Healing and mending of my Soul is shining through my authentic Self. I am on purpose and my purpose is calling me to live a life of significance. I matter, I am worthy, I am inspired, and I live in flow. Life IS....."

Sunday, June 29, 2014

I Am Free

Have you ever had a conversation with the Angel of Death? I did. Yesterday. It was a special communion with this phenomenon we call Death. I visited a friend of mine in the hospital yesterday. He had a stroke about 7 month ago and he's physical body has been depreciating ever since. Struggling with life, laying in bed, having a G. Tube to get fed, and has half his body paralyzed. He's around 80 and a really cool guy. I remember when I was a kid, I used to wrestle with him and tease him around because he despised a certain vegetable. So, anytime we called the name of this vegetable (Shalgham) he'd make facial gestures and we'd laugh at him. So, here we were yesterday, my friend on the bed, I was holding his hand and massaging is shoulder. All I felt was his bones. The muscles totally gone. He'd come in and out of consciousness as he would open his eyes, gaze at me, and with all his power would give me a smile. I'd continued asking him questions, specially those that would trigger his memory from the past and have him remember some of the pleasurable events. He'd remember and squeeze my hand. Then, fall back to sleep until few minutes later to open his eyes again. In the midst of my physical encounter, I was beholding him in the presence of God. Bypassing my Ego, I'd see him as whole, perfect, and complete. I felt myself becoming an energy field of consciousness, surrounding his body in different shades of colors, going in and out of his Chakras. I'd look above his crown Chakra and see a halo. As I was holding this healing space for him, I'd have tons of insights with angel of Death. Seeing his face in disguise, showing up as physical changes in my friend's fragile body. Giving me lessons about how to appreciate life and let go of FEAR because everything eventually belongs to God. From your most precious possessions all the way to your physical health, your LIFE. It all belongs to God. As I was having moments of self Realization, I was thinking about the times that I get into arguments with my loved ones. Times that we take for granted and hurt each other. Times that we could stay in gratitude and enjoy, yet we totally forget who and what we are. We blindly go in resentment and quarrel. If my friend would want to continue writing this note, he'd say something like this: "Listen to the tune of your heart, love each other, and don't take your happy moments for granted. Live full on with vigor! Live full on with every ounce of your energy in serving and loving each other through KINDNESS. Be a Giver rather than a Taker. Give off your blessings everywhere you go and enjoy. When the time comes to face the Angel of Death, look at it without FEAR. Be proud that you lived a life of Significance as your Legacy will echo into eternity"....I AM FREE

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. My life is the life of GOD. I am grateful for all of my blessings and share it with others. I intend to be kind and caring, allowing for life to flow through me. I let go, forgive, and stay in peace. The universe supports me and I trust it. Abundance is the order of my day. Harmonizing prosperity and healing reign supreme. I begin again, now, and so it is, Amen..."

Saturday, June 28, 2014

White Flame

Illuminating your mind requires surrendering, meaning "I am available to what seeks to emerge through and as me". Are you ready for this illumination? If you wish to continue with this, let go of the past thoughts you are holding about yourself. If you don't wish to continue, simply smile and send out a blessing to the world. As you take a deep breath, allow the flow of the universal presence move through you. Let the oxygen feed every cell in your body and relax into the moment. I don't know where you are , I don't know what you are doing. What I know is that you've read this far and there is a deep connection beyond your mental conception of what these words are saying. There is a knowing that has nothing to do with your logic. It has something to do with the love in your heart. The energy that you are feeling is unconditional love. The only thing that IS. It's your essence, it's what will illuminate your mind and go beyond the rough edges of previous held thoughts you've been dealing with. Anything that does not support you from the past will disappear in the next few moments. Imagine now you are standing all alone in front of the ocean. You are breathing deep and feeling the soft wind coming from the waves. As you connect to your breath, you'll feel the inflow of your breath completely synchronized by the rise of the wave. When you exhale, the waves become one with the ocean itself. Feel the sun light covering your body, feeling the heat that's being generated. As you focus on your breath, feel the sun rays becoming infinite WHITE FLAMES, an energy field that is stemming from your heart, surrounding your physical body, It''s intensity is increasing as you breath, with each wave of the ocean flowing inside. With it's own mighty power through your breath, you feel the intensity of the white flame increase. It starts taking over the deepest component of your cellular structure, going through your blood stream, inside your brain cells. Be aware of the thought behind your thought now, and the thought beyond your thought. See the White Flame dancing in the spaces in between your thoughts. It moves through peacefully and clears out any past painful experiences. It stretches your paradigm and shifts your mental conception about our universe. It allows infinity find it's way through the portal of your thought. Possibilities are showing up as ways appearing out of no way. As your life's vision BECOMING more apparent by your higher Self, your LIFE experience is easing up. Challenges are fading away within the White Flame. Love is gushing through the spaces in between your cells. There is a peaceful energy passing through you right now. Do you Feel It? Simply Be with this and enjoy the moment. Carry this energy with you the entire day. Each time you experience sadness, fear, worry, and disappointment, simply go within and turn on your mental illumination with the White Flame of love, of joy, of infinite abundance, of inspiration and hope. You are being guided and loved right now, Fear is dissolved. Once again, we are becoming as ONE......Namaste...

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in total acceptance. I flow with LOVE and have my thoughts in Peace. I am an eternal BEING of LIGHT. My power comes from within. I am available and receptive to more Abundance and Success that I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest before. My life is the life of GOD. Today, I joyfully exercise my right to shine and be a blessing to the world."

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Victim No More!

Victim NO More my friend! I'm not a victim of my emotions anymore. I'm not a victim of what other people think about me or what I think what other's think about me anymore. The journey from victim to victor is a beautiful path. It begins with taking one hundred percent responsibility for your life. For your happiness, for you joy. Responsibility is the Ability to Respond to the lesser Egoic thought patterns and recognizing the negative energies surrounding you. Responsibility creates the possibility for CHANGE to express. In what areas of your life you feel you were a victim of society, of someone else's hatred, or a situation that completely hurt you? I'm sure you've experienced something at this level or experiencing it now perhaps. Let me tell you this: VICTIM NO MORE! you are waking up to your greatness and in that greatness there is POWER in you. There is a genius laying dormant, a spiritual warrior armed with her OPTIMISM, armed with COURAGE, armed with her inner ATTITUDE of GRATITUDE. You are backed up by the UNIVERSE and collective consciousness of people who CARE about you. There are KIND people out there, loving BEINGS who are ready to SUPPORT you in anyway possible. Your time to being a VICTIM is over! You are rising up and releasing the pain you've been holding on in your heart. You are becoming the VICTOR and feeling the VICTORY in every breath you are taking. It begins with this very decision you are MAKING NOW. SAY: I'M NOT A VICTIM ANYMORE. NOT A VICTIM TO MY FEELINGS, THOUGHTS, OR EMOTIONS. I'M A UNIQUE CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE AND I ALLOW MY OWN SPIRITUAL POWER TO LIFT ME OUT OF THE PAIN I'VE BEEN CARRYING. I HEAL THE PAST WOUNDS! I AM FREE. I AM LIBERATED!

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. I am a victor and feel victorious in every area of my life. I move with confidence, I breath at peace. I attract abundance and success in my life. I exude love energy everywhere I go. I am courageous and strong. My faith is crystal clear. I am available to more good than I can imagine possible in my life. I trust the UNIVERSE and exercise OPTIMISM within my SOUL. "

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Willing to Expand

I had an incredible experience yesterday going through a Forgiveness meditation with one of my clients. It's very interesting the way life works. The moment you are available and receptive to expand, the universe brings about the exact thing you need for your expansion. My friend took on this receptivity when I suggested to her to go through this process. Her inner YES transformed into a moment of deep self realization. Forgiveness is POWERFUL. Probably the most powerful thing you can go through when you understand how it works energetically. As we took on an inner journey together, I was completely transformed as well. I felt and experienced the coagulated thought energies, blockages, and other things going on from holding on to my own point of view while I surrendered for the best possible outcome to manifest.. At one point, I felt the presence of spirits all around us while we were meditating. As my own receptivity is increasing, so is the shift that is happening in my internal world. There is more INSIGHT. IN-Sight, an ability to see what lies beyond the physical eyes, seeing through your wisdom and intuition rather than what the world of phenomenon is dictating to you. Forgiveness is For-Giving. Giving away that which no longer serves you and replacing it by Giving away that which will Free you from the bondage of past memories, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Freedom of the heart is gained through finding the courage to say YES and yielding to the unknown. Letting Go. For-Giving and allowing life to have it's way through you. When you see someone eye to eye today, look at them beyond their physical appearance. Let go of your judgement about them. Walk through the gates to their Soul, knowing that there is something deep within their heart that needs Forgiveness. Send them a blessing and a prayer to go through this process of inner transformation as I'm sending it FOR YOU, NOW!!! -Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am receptive to infinite possibilities to show up in my life as I'm willing to Forgive. I am available for the ALL GOOD, right here, right now. Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence. I am available to more LOVE, more joy, more Abundance, and more healing shot through eternity as it manifests into my experience. I love endlessly, I sing my song joyously, and I walk through the world with confidence. In ease and grace".

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Rocks in my Life

I have four rocks surrounding me during my meditation. One of them is my favorite that's been made into a necklace by my dear friend. It's in a shape of 'Heart'. You may have seen me wearing it or in the pictures. The two bigger ones are the ones that sit on my lap and accompany me in every group meditation I hold. One is from the ocean and has a soft texture, the other from mountain, it's sharp like blade of a spear. The last one is a soft crystal like quartz from the ocean as well. The significance of these rocks match my purpose and intention in life: To love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise the collective cosmic consciousness. I had an insight the other day while hiking and meditating. The four energy vortex and entry point of these qualities are shaped this way. It begins with the intention to LOVE, starting from the master of the physical body which is the heart, illuminating LIGHT. As my necklace lays on my chest wall, I feel the vibration of it's molecules penetrating my heart. There is a sense of support there, a connection beyond my description here. The second intention is to heal which I see it through my First Eye chakra and Crown. It's the connection between heaven and the earth, The big soft rock from the ocean covers for that. The ocean for me is healing and any energy shape shifted through me is directed to the ocean. I become one with the waves, feeling the ocean's incredible power, yet it's still. It's presence is healing by itself. The third intention is to IN-SPIRE: To be in flow with the SPIRIT of the infinite. Remembering this statement: People may forget what you say, forget how you act, BUT they will not forget how you make them FEEL. When you inspire someone, you uplift their Soul. You become the catalyst that is required for the alchemy of their lead into GOLD. The precious treasures that sits dormant in the deepest spaces of their BEING takes on FORM and LIFE. YOU, in essence, become the life blood of their activated ENERGY. I feel this in my Spine and Back and is covered by my Solar plexus, third chakra with the little soft, white quartz. The last one is Abundance. At my root and spine chakra, the ones connected to the physical realm, strong yet gentle, persistence yet surrendered to the higher orders of the universe, sharing my talent and cooperating in humility, not wanting to have more than what is already enough. I affirm that all of my needs are met in the beginning and until the end which is the beginning point of another end. A cycle that goes on forever. Traveling with these for entry point of my intention with my beautiful rocks, I'm sending you tons of love and a blessing to uplift your spirit, heal your heart, inspire you beyond imagination, and showering you with abundance, prosperity, peace, and joy... Namaste..

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my BEING in abundance. Life supports me in everything I do. I am blessed and a blessing to the world. My life is a direct emanation of the only life that exist, the life of GOD. I am available and receptive to more peace , more joy, more healing, and more prosperity than I can ever imagine possible. My word is LAW that fulfills itself into eternity and uplifts the human spirit to it's highest potential. I am grateful and appreciative of everything that I have, and everything that I AM. This is the moment, it's NOW. That's what I feel in my HEART and I give it all AWAY"....and so it is ,,,,,Amen...

Monday, June 23, 2014


Identifying with Time is the root of anxiety. You know what I'm talking about? The beginning of the week, or getting to the middle of the year, looking at yourself and identifying with your chronological age, looking in the mirror seeing the gray hair and identifying with old age. All of these mental constructs that enable us to compartmentalize the world of material into functionality can create a sense of inner anxiety. Take a deep breath in this very NOW moment, the only moment ever existed and ever will be. Step out of your mental construct and anxiousness with TIME, let go of it. View this day as a moment in eternity. Think of the sun for a second. Imagine it's beautiful energy laying on your skin. Do you really think the sun cares about TIME? It's always up to it's own nature, shining, giving energy and doing it's thing. Think of the ocean and it's waves for a second. Do you think it cares about TIME? It's always BEING it's own nature, in tune with the harmony of the universe. You are made up of elements of the starts, energy of the cosmos vibrates through you. You can measure and experience time for the sole purpose to go beyond it. It's a reverse process, to re-member what you've forgotten. Take this on Today.Step outside time and re-cognize the eternal aspect of yourself. No end , no beginning, always IS. NOW, get rid of your watch today, try it, don't look at your phone or anything that reminds you of TIME. Stay focused on your breath as you do whatever you do and see how everything you are up to will ease up. You will FLOW from the TIMELESS essence of your higher self and remain in PRESENCE. This is where PEACE resides. Shift your energy from hurry to slowing down and you'll experience the peace you've been searching for from within...

Affirmation: " I am eternal. I am LOVE. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in the NOW. My life is the life of GOD. I am available and receptive to more abundance than I can ever imagine. Life affirms itself through the beauty of my SOUL. My heart is wide open to express it's purpose for revealing the DIVINE through my thoughts, words, and actions TODAY, in the NOW. I am grateful and thankful for NO-THING that shows up as everything my Soul requires to achieve it's purpose. I trust the universe and FLOW through it with ease.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Being in AWE

I just came out of an amazing meditation. Listening to a beautiful Native American Music. I had time travel in my meditation. It's quite an amazing experience. Feeling and seeing yourself as everyone and everything. The closest way I can describe ONENESS is through the sense of LOVE. The way to experience this is through appreciation and AWE. Take a deep breath and let this thoughts come through what you are reading here and allow it to simply flow with your breath. Focus on the in flow of your breath. At the end of the inhalation, make a conscious pause for a second or two, then gently allow the out flow, effortlessly. Continue reading and relaxing. Let it all go. I know you are feeling in tune with what I'm writing. Otherwise you wouldn't have read this far. Continue visioning a beautiful mountain with all the trees, rocks, it's inhabitants. Feel your breath connected to the flow of energy through the trees and the rocks. The roots of the trees, getting nourishment from the soil, finding their connection in the darkness of the ground, connected to the soul of the mountain. Travel up from the roots, up to the branches and the leaves. Feel the fresh air touching the surface of the leaves. Breathing in Oxygen from the leaves, exhaling tension out in the open. Feel the sun sitting on the leaf. It's like a beautiful rug, covering the surface with it's beautiful design, the photons dancing around a fire pit to the tune of the wind, the leaf shaking from it's base. As this is happening, see yourself as the eagle sitting on this branch. Noticing what's happening with the leaf, the wind, and the sun. She's connecting to the root, the soil, and the mountain itself. In Awe and appreciation of life, she takes of by opening her wings. Feeling the freedom of expanding beyond her space. Her role as a peace keeper and paradigm changer expands as she encounters the ocean. With her dark brown eyes, she see's the dolphins dancing with the waves, expressing their affection to the sun as they rise above the crest and send out the kiss to the eagle.Each breath you are taking now is in sync with harmony of natural laws of the universe. This law stems from LOVE and it's opposing polarity is FEAR. You are meant to experience and live in LOVE, because that's your true nature, your authentic self. The opposing pole is a way to let you know that you are getting distance from your source. FEAR creates an illusion and this illusion becomes obsolete as you become in AWE of the natural order of the universe. Look inside my friend, you've read this far and have become one with your SOUL. As you take this last conscious breath, know that you are in my prayers and know that the POWER OF LOVE will guide you to what is exactly meant for your GREATNESS, A DIVINE DESTINY unveiling itself as your LIFE, in this very MOMENT!!!! -Namaste..

Affirmation: "My life is the life of God. I am living, moving, and having my being in LOVE. I am available and receptive to more prosperity, abundance, success, and wealth than I can imagine possible. Healing break through every area of my life. My relationships are in harmony with joy. Peace shows it's face everywhere I go. The energy of cosmic good seeks expression through me. I let it. I allow, I let go. I AM..

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Life can seem incredibly unfair specially when an innocent bystander gets harmed either in an accident or something happens that changes their life forever. It's so difficult to keep yourself centered as you enter an atmosphere knowing people are truly hurting seeing their loved ones hurt. It breaks my heart. As I witness this, I enter a zone of surrender. Please know the definition of surrender! It's not giving up to your emotions or giving up trying. It's giving up control over what is out of your control: That is " The hidden secrets of WHY things happen the way they HAPPEN?" So many mysteries and unknown, yet human beings get caught up in their mind and try to come up with a 'REASON' for everything. Sometimes, what really pulls you out of sinking deep down in your broken heart while gasping for the next breath in order to survive the turmoils of life is your FAITH. Nothing else matters! Nothing else can really guide you to the right direction. Faith is the " absolute substance of what you are hoping for and the vibratory evidence of what can't be SEEN". Surrendering to Universe and the Source of all origins is giving up control and Trusting. What else can you do when you see yourself in a situation that needs you to expand as a person, as a spiritual being having a temporary human incarnation? This is where I found myself BEING yesterday when I was talking to two beautiful souls who were hurting so much. As I was guiding them and having a deep conversation with this couple, the essence of this message was echoed into their soul and there was an INNER-standing, not an understanding by them. They felt that in the most challenging times of their lives there is an opportunity for Spiritual growth which requires their absolute FAITH in the unknown and full on Trust in the fundamental orders of the Universe. We don't know Why sometimes, It's just the way it is! - Namaste..

Affirmation: "I surrender, I let go. I let go, and let God. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in ONENESS and LOVE".

Friday, June 20, 2014

Clarity of Perception

Clarity of perception. That's what it's all about. How you view things and at what depth can you experience life. Everyone's perception is unique. We all have different ways of re-presenting cosmic order according to our gifts. Your DNA is a direct evidence of this Truth. Nothing the same. Can you really grasp the immensity of how great you ARE? No, really? When you step beyond what your physical eyes and perception can see, you can catch the vibration of eternal qualities that are within you. I was with a client of mine yesterday. She is absolutely an incredible person. Caught in the lower frequencies of the external circumstances just like every one of us. At the moment we were navigating through different spiritual principals, I could see a shift of perception happening through her eyes. It is as if you've been seeing through clouds, a morning fog. Then, suddenly rays of sun light show up and twinkle through your eyes. For me it's the most beautiful thing to witness trans-formation and experience this shift in consciousness. As clarity overcomes the shadows of our EGO, life begins to show it's REAL face through the authenticity of your Soul. Everything starts feeling and looking different. There is a bliss factor operating naturally without any kind of addiction to the high. It's just there. It's palpable, as real as your heart beat. Effortlessly showering you with love through it's presence. You have a great destiny not determined by your past Karma. Remember that karma could only determine a circumstance appearing to you as your reality.It can be shifted and overcome through your ATTITUDE, your resilience for greatness. Your attitude of love, peace, compassion, and gratitude will determine your destiny. You have a divine destiny waiting for your willingness to say YES to IT!....Yes my friend....I hear your YES from here!  Namaste

Affirmation: "I trust my destiny because I trust the universe. I am living, moving, and having my being in unconditional love. My perception is clear and each day becomes more aligned with the fundamental order of the universe. I am available for more abundance than i can even imagine. Life reveals it's secrets to me through nature. I am aligned with my Soul's authenticity. With a heart full of joy and eyes full of cosmic energy, I begin this eternal journey

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Beyond Appearance

Here is something I've learned over the years; "Don't ever assume what is best for other people." There is so much you don't know about them. Each person has a unique characteristic and has a gift deep within their soul regardless of what they are GROWING or GOING through in their life. Become a passive observer and hold a space for LOVE when you see them in pain. As you remain low and humble, emulating the great oceans of our planet, other river streams will FLOW to you because you are staying open and receptive rather that giving 'ADVICE' to them. When you encounter someone who is experiencing drama, ask yourself:" What is the meaning of what appears to BE?" Don't jump into sudden judgment because that's the trap of the EGO. You can totally heal others by being present to your own thoughts and at the moment the temptation of "I KNOW BETTER THAN" crawls into your mind, say to yourself: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF WHAT APPEARS TO BE? There is a hidden answer in every challenging circumstance that will reveal it's true face when you become in tune with the fundamental order of the universe. I'm sending my love and blessing to people who are witnessing their loved ones in pain, or those who are going through very difficult times themselves. Hang on, go beyond what you are caught up in, and stay in tune for deeper understanding of what's being revealed to you through the challenge at hand. Ask your Soul for assistance. You will receive divine guidance and a solution for it....Namaste.

Affirmation: I am grateful and thankful for all the blessings in my life. I'm living, moving, and having my being in Love. The universe guides me and gives me directions as I take on my incarnation fully. I am available and receptive to more Abundance and success than I can ever imagine. I live in FLOW. I move in peace. I talk and act in accordance to the orders of the universe. Joy is breaking out in every area of my life. Healing is revealing it's beautiful face in my heart and emminates it's powerful aura everywhere I go. I am in tune with my song and sing it all day long."

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I Don't Know!

Do you want to move from being self-centered into becoming centered in the Self? I'm talking about having a stronger connection with your higher Self and stepping out of your Ego. It's very possible and it requires your attention to your inner world. It requires knowing that YOU DON"T KNOW. Simple ha? Have you noticed people that play as if they KNOW it all? You've experienced that person and sometimes you've fallen for your own mask of I KNOW IT ALL. Well, now that you know you DON"T KNOW, it's a great space to BE. It's an awareness that will Simplify your LIFE. Through Simplicity, you become expansive, and through expansion of your consciousness, the wisdom of the universe finds it's way for expression through the vibration of your thoughts. You become an instrument of peace and love. These two are not KNOWING, they are eternal qualities of BEING. You just began a process of Self Realization , a change from being self centered to becoming centered in the Self. Take a deep breath and make this your INTENTION today: "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING and from KNOWING NOTHING , I tap into the mystery of life, thus downloading cosmic Wisdom through my intuition now." I can feel and sense the freedom you are feeling for not KNOWING. Let it Go...YOU know! Step in the UNKNOWN my friend through your Faith and loving INTENTION. - Namaste.

Affirmation: "I know that I don't KNOW. In the space of not KNOWING, I become available and receptive to the ALL GOOD. My life is the emanation of the only once life that exist. Love is my nature, peace is my song. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. Joy is the order of my day. I am available for more abundance and prosperity than I can even imagine. Life supports me. Healing is revealing it's beautiful face to me in every area of my life. And so it is, Amen...".

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Your Calling is Calling You

Listen, something has been calling you. So many times you told yourself I'm gonna change, I'm gonna do that thing that gets me excited, gets me really happy. However, for whatever reason, you shut yourself down.How many of you guys relate to this? You are living yet you keep on leaving your heart's desire. You are living but you are waiting to get somewhere in the future to finally do the thing you are meant to do and BE the person you are meant to Be. In this very moment, think about it. I know there is something underneath your mind, if we sit together, you'll whisper it in my ears. You'll say :" I am more than this! I am meant for greatness! I know I have powers deep in my Soul that carry me through the challenges I'm facing right now! I also know that these adversities are creating the right conditions for the tiny acorn to manifest into it's maximum potential. BEING and BECOMING the mighty OAK." I know you've got it in you. I just know it and you can't BS around with me because I'm not talking to your excuses, your old belief systems, your complaints and nagging. I'm talking directly to your Soul and activating an AWARENESS that is beyond what you can see or what you can hear. There is a field of PURE POTENTIALITY that is invisible yet indivisible from you. YOU are it and IT is YOU. Thus, in this moment, I'm praying you up to align you with your Divine Purpose. Becoming who you are Truly meant to BE! Open your heart and accept this gift. As you do, hold on to that inner voice, contemplate and meditate on it. Your purpose is Calling you. Are you going to pick up the CALL? -----Namaste...

Affirmation: " I am one with life, one with love, one with the universe. My calling is calling me and I'm activating my potential right now. I'm picking up on my calling and allowing life to overflow it's abundance through me, as me, as my life, as my words, my actions, and my thoughts. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Healing is the order of my day. Joy is my middle name. Bliss is all that I see. Prosperity showers my entire BEING with LOVE and Peace vibrates through every cell of my Body"

Monday, June 16, 2014

It's easy, yet it's hard

You wonder what I'm talking about? I don't even know yet as I'm getting in a zone to just write. It's one of those states of being that I feel my creative urge overflowing with insights. My heart is racing and my mind is wondering to so many places. I'm actually very present, in the moment. I'm very present to my feelings. I feel every cell in my body vibrating. My hands are actually shaking at a very subtle level. It's a strange space to be, yet for me it's a very pleasant place because I feel free in this moment. Free from the confinements of my mind, having my heart rule. My heart Chakra is widely open and feels the vibration of the universe. The Ohmm sound of creation echoing in my ear drums. It's easy to get lost in your own thoughts sometimes. Not being in flow, then it becomes hard to deal with everyday challenges. Can you relate? Have you notice the times when you hurt a loved one without really meaning it? Not having control over your impulses and all of the sudden hell breaks lose? You then get into this feeling of regret. Regret is very powerful and dense. It sucks the living energy out of you. If you are a sensitive BEING, you may carry it's residues for many hours unless you give yourself a chance to introspect, go deep down in your heart, and clear this energy out. It's easy to fall pray to your EGO, yet it's hard to keep yourself together in peace and harmony. It's easy to stay in ignorance and ignore your connection to ONENESS, yet once you feel the feeling of being connected, it's hard to forget. It's easy to be in LOVE, yet when you get used to the feeling of being in LOVE, it's hard to maintain it. You may take it for granted and forget what allowed you to be in love in the first place. Life is full of surprises and ups and downs. It's easy to witness these surprises, yet it's hard to believe that every surprise is synchronized for your own evolution. The evolution of the Soul. It's easy to deny your Reality and fall into abyss, into emptyness, into the dark matter that easily pulls you down and disconnects you from the source. The hard part is knowing that this is happening to you. The hard part is surrendering to the Truth. Knowledge becomes resistance. The more you know sometimes becomes your own worse enemy for becoming available to witness the Truth. To experience the Truth. I feel every breath going in and out of my lungs right now. The heat and the tingling in my hands is getting more intense. I can see my Soul floating above my physical body and expanding beyond this space. It's easy to be in joy of recognizing your divinity, yet it's hard to be aware of this all the time. The pull and push of the energies outside sometimes gets the best of us. That's why practicing what you believe becomes your bread, your water. It becomes the nutrient that feeds your brain and feeds your organ system.  Why am I writing this I don't know. Maybe there is a hidden message that wants to resonate through me and find it's way to you. Maybe there is something you need to hear that will expand and create space within your heart to become more than who you are. Maybe it's just an escape right now for me, allowing me to cope with my feelings. It's easy for me to write, whether or not I'm making sense, however it's hard to express what I'm feeling. It's hard to describe that which is not describable. Have you ever had a dream where you were awake in your dream? You witness yourself in the dream without being part of the dream. As if you are an extension of something bigger. Now, has this happened to you when you are awake? If so, next time you get in this situation ask yourself am I dreaming in my awake state or am I truly awake in my dream state? The answer is up to you. It's up to you to perceive how you want to perceive it. It's easy to fall down and blame everybody else for your fall, yet it's hard to accept that you are not alone on this journey, that once you fall down, the cycle of life will support you to get back up. It's hard to accept this right? Yet it's easy to yield to it. If I've driven you crazy by now, it's easy for me to ask forgiveness. Because in the act of For-giveness, I'm giving you something beyond what your conscious mind is able to accept, or pick up. It's easy to infuse my love through these words and inoculate you with a high energy that I'm feeling. Yet, it's hard for me to not feel the blood flow in your body, getting more intense, becoming more lively, more passionate, more alive . As I leave you with this note, my prayer is for expansion of your thoughts, blessing you through unconditional love, knowing that in this very moment you and I are ONE. I hold you in the secret place of the most high, where you can only experience peace and love. YES,  It's easy to SEE you as you ARE, yet it's hard to stop loving you because we are ONE. Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in GOD. Love is my name and is my nature. I am available and receptive to more Good than I can possibly imagine. Healing is the order of my day. Abundance and prosperity are showing their face everywhere I go. I live in a field of infinite possibilities for fulfilling my purpose. I am aligned with my DIVINE destiny. Life supports me.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pishi BaBa

Old school Persian men are very nostalgic and caught up in their Ego. The past is always running their present moment and the fear of future is a dimension of their imagination. It's a cultural thing. They were brought up in a society were 'men' are thought to be superior, the backbone of the house, the provider, the one who has to Give advice even though most of the time they have no idea what they are talking about. There is a stubbornness that's usually apparent. There is a sense of 'wanting' to be somewhere they ARE NOT. Why? Because they have scarcity mentality. There is never enough and in order to prove their manhood, material wealth becomes an identity. Identifying with what they can provide, rather than WHO THEY CAN BE. This runs in many cultures, including mine and many other male dominant cultures. Almost always when a woman is pregnant the Dad is assuming he has a boy. Sometimes they blame the wife why it turned out to be a girl forgetting that it's their own lazy 'Y' chromosome getting lost in the reproductive tract, never making it to the  egg. Times are changing though. There is a light of HOPE. As the feminine energy becoming stronger and expressing it's creative POWER, many lovely men are becoming more awaken to their beautiful nature. It's NOT the survival of the 'fittest' anymore. It's the survival of the 'KINDEST'. It's not complicating your life with material toys and hording wealth, it's SIMPLIFYING your life and tapping into your heart to share the financial abundance in a way it supports the echo system, uplifting the ones in need. It's not 'Showing OFF' your manhood by raising your voice, Forcing your way through a woman's heart anymore by being FAKE. It's Being Gentle, Compassionate, and Passionate by expressing your words through your Soul, tapping into your Wisdom and intuition, Leading by example, leading by grace, leading by remaining humble and low key. Fatherhood is a great honor! My respect goes to my Father who is the most loving and simple man I know. He is a Jewel, a kind Soul who has always been a beautiful LIGHT shining his gentleness everywhere he goes. I call my dad "PISHI BABA", in Farsi Pishi means a 'KITTEN' and "BABA" is Dad. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and my dad has taught me to BE SIMPLE, HUMBLE, and LOVING. I couldn't have asked for better virtues from and OLD SCHOOL PERSIAN DUDE :) I love you PISHI BABA....-Dr. Rod....Happy Father's Day to all the old schoolers and the new Bees.....God bless you ALL....

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Here is a wake up call to MEN with strong EGO's. The Feminine, YIN energy is the creative, healing energy that has made our progression and evolution possible. It has slowed down and healed SELF destruction caused my the YIN energy, even though both of these co-exist together. Unconditional Love is the vibration of Yin energy. The mother is the one who holds the little fetus in her womb for 9 month, observing every movement of her baby, experiencing the physiological and emotional changes in her body. Her body is one with the fetus. She nurtures the fetus through her blood, becoming one with every molecule and cell of her baby. It's pretty incredible when you observe this beautiful unity and expression of divine love through creation. Motherhood is sacred, wearing the Hood of a Mother is not an easy task. It is given to the strongest specie who has the YIN energy as her backbone, already blessed with this courage, strength, and patience. Our planet earth has been damaged through the EGO of the YIN, caused by the force for accumulation, envy, never having enough, and separation through judgment. It's time for the YIN's to step up and take charge through their nurturing POWER that will overcome the darkness driven FORCE of the YIN into the LIGHT of FREEDOM blessed by the mother GOD. Thank you YIN's for BEING who you are and Saving our Future....- Namaste.

Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. MY YIN energy is strong and Gives away blessings in every moment of my life. I am available and receptive to more Abundance than I can ever imagine possible. Prosperity is the order of my day. Healing is manifested through my connected with MOTHER GOD. God and Goodness flow through my creativity in creating ONENESS throughout the WORLD. I trust the universe and have courage to walk my path. In Gratitude, I let it be. And so it is, Amen..."

Friday, June 13, 2014

'I AM' Available

For me it's quite amazing to witness someones' transformation right in front of my eyes. It gives me a pleasure beyond description and inspires me to follow my heart, keep on doing what I'm doing, and moving in flow on my path. Last night, one of my students had told me that she is blocked. Her 3rd and 4th chakra's has been blocked for a while. She used to be very connected and meditate before but not being able to do so for a very long time. She's had her own set of life challenges. It can and does happen to all of us. When life challenges hit us strong, we lose hope and get frustrated. Perhaps fall victim to external circumstances. Asking the wrong questions such as "Why does this happen to me?" which is a detrimental question that will lead you to path of destruction. A better question is: "How can my life get BETTER than this?" Asking this question shifts your energy to become available for POSSIBILITIES rather than getting stuck in the inertia of your own thoughts. I'm sure my dear student had asked herself a better question to show up at our group meditation last night. She followed her instinct and acted upon FAITH to answer her CALLING which is to Re-Cognize the Divine within her. I don't take any credit for anything. The credit belongs to YOU! When the student is ready, the teacher will appear out of Nowhere. When you are available and receptive to trans-formation, the universe aligns in perfect harmony to manifest that which your Soul yearns for it's next level into evolution. This is a beautiful thing, you know. We are All at the cusp of new discoveries within the depth of our hearts and the magnificence of our Soul. Stay receptive and available my friend. You are just Beginning. Have courage and be the love, the peace, the kindness, the compassion, the beauty, the abundance, the forgiveness, the healing, and the joy you want to SEE IN THE WORLD  - Welcome to your new YOU....Namaste 

"Affirmation: I am available and receptive to more good than I can ever imagine. I am receptive to more abundance and healing than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. The universe supports me. I am corageous, I am present, I am love, I am Peace, I forgive and let go, I let go and let God, I am confident, I am Free, I am more than good enough, I am prosperous and successful. I live in the moment and take my next breath with full on vigor, enthusiasm, inspiration, and joy"