How can you describe color to a natural born blind person? It's very challenging, yet there are other sense perceptions that become activated and sensitized through out the person's growth given the right 'conditions' to function normally in life and have a significant life. The world we live in is the projection of previous 'THOUGHT' perceptions of our collective consciousness. Manifesting as WHAT it is. The experience of it is "TRANSITORY". It comes with different flavors, some distasteful such as the current events you hear, experience, and witness. Yet there is the "OPTIMIST" side of it. The side that is striving for "PEACE" and holding the space for it. How do you change? How can you have an active participation in a Spiritual Principal that is NOT just a rhetoric, it's Real. Perhaps the only Reality that exists. Yet, we've been hijacked by our own Ego's and been fed negativity through different channels for profit, war, personal gains, hate, and bigotry. Peace is an inner STATE OF BEING on an INDIVIDUAL basis. Doesn't matter who you are , where you are, and what your previous experience has been. It does require an INTENTION to bring it FORTH. Realize I'm saying to bring it FORTH, not creating it. Peace already exists, it's an ETERNAL quality. Having the WILLINGNESS is the first criteria which will lead you to FORGIVENESS. FORGIVENESS will open the gateway to COMPASSION which is understanding the LACK OF UNDERSTANDING. Once you are there, COURAGE shows up as you INHERENT VIRTUE. With courage you can LOVE UNCONDITIONALLY. This is the KEY that will make you a CATALYST for CHANGE. Change in What? A real change not based on your previous held thoughts, emotions, experiences of FEAR and LACK. A change in REAL THOUGHT that CAUSES a change in your DAILY CONVERSATION. Once your conversations starts CHANGING, your AGREEMENT about these high CONVERSATION changes. A COLLECTIVE agreements of masses of PEOPLE who have these HIGH INTENTION to Forgive, find their portal to compassion through COURAGE and tap in their UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for the ENTIRE HUMANITY will bring forth PEACE in the world. This is not a DREAM. It's Reality into MAKING. Now , it's your choice!!!! Choice is the function of your AWARENESS, and your AWARENESS is the function of your spiritual practice!!!! ARE YOU READY TO BRING FORTH PEACE??????
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in LOVE. In God I reside and move forth in FAITH. My Soul is activated with the POWER of PEACE and has the WILLINGNESS to be a CATALYST for CHANGE. I am available and receptive to MORE ABUNDANCE than I can imagine, experience, or manifest. I trust the universe. I AM an affirmatory OPTIMIST with LIFE. "
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