"Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine to creation. It changes concepts to experience."...What are you passionate about? I ask myself this question over and over and each time from a deep contemplative state I get profound answers. The answers are derived from my direct connection with the source and the feeling that is created by aligning myself with it through meditation. It's a beautiful place of being and then becoming. I really love the quote I opened this writing with. Passion is the love of turning being into action. It's the vehicle, it's that which is necessary to get you Do from Being and then have. Having the experience without the expectation of what to experience. It's being with the experience of the doing. How cool is that? You are always creating this cycle of being, doing, and having yet sometimes you are caught in the expectation of what to experience and fall for your judgment. This applies to every area of your life. Find yourself where in this process you are derailing from the path that is getting you closer to God consciousness and you'll realize the the expectation of experiencing something that is of an illusion has shifted your creative being into doing. The key: Check out your degree of passion. I am now so passionate about writing this because I know that the energy behind these words is tickling your soul and making you giggle. I invite you to let your passion overflow in whatever you intend to create and be. Let it come forward, you know, each time you feel this incredible gift from the universe, you are aligned with life, and becoming more of your authentic self. Forces in nature are complying to uplift your life from your current paradigm into manifesting the vision that God has already made in perfection as this universe, as your life, as your creation, and as the passion within you heart. Let if flow. Be present in the moment when this rush of energy takes you over and enjoy the ride. Make sure you wear your seat belts, because it will shock and surprise you beyond what you can currently imagine. Namaste.
Affirmation: "I live a purposeful life with passion. My heart is aligned with the heart of the universe. It overflows with joy, with love, and with peace. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever imagines, experienced, or manifested. Passion is the fuel to my thoughts, words, and action. I cultivate every aspect of my being with compassion and allow it to express through the passion of my soul. Life supports me. "
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