Saturday, July 5, 2014

Living FREE

You ever notice that the very things you want to change about yourself keep showing up? Those negative aspects of your personality or the things that bother you, show up out of nowhere and drives you crazy. It's a very interesting phenomenon and the more you become AWARE of your internal state of BEING, the more you'll catch this phenomenon happening. Specially when you are concentrating on letting things go, letting previous habitual thoughts that don't serve your highest best go. I know it happens to you because it happens to me all the time , over and over again. Each time though, my reaction to the negative thoughts start loosing power and my impulses as to how to deal with the challenge changes. As you move in the direction of Self Realization and Personal Development, you become more in tune with your inner state of BEING. From this state of BEING you ARE BECOMING more of WHO you are CREATING yourself to BE. Resistant thoughts show up to be the FUEL of the EGO which challenges you and tests you. Without it, you wont tap into the deeper aspects of your AUTHENTIC SELF. The key is not to JUDGE yourself for falling short. Realize the negative energy operating, and shine the LIGHT of Transformation as you focus on the part of you that needs healing. Don't condemn it. Don't get pissed off. Be grateful because the universe is showing you which direction to go in order to expand and grow. This is a blessing in disguise. This phenomenon happened to me yesterday. The exact opposite of what I was concentrating on and meditating on showed up like a tornado. Ohhh, I FELL for it. MY ATTITUDE completely shifted and my old habitual pattern expressed itself again. However, I realized which aspect of ME needs healing and Self LOVE. Trust and APPROVAL in myself for bypassing FEAR and standing in compete FAITH. As time passed, I cleared out this energy and felt FREE. I intend to stay this way next time the same issue shows up. When it does, I will conquer my FEAR and live FREE.

Affirmation: " I Am free in the light of trans-formation. Going beyond the form of EGO and knowing the infinite WISDOM of my ONENESS with GOD. I Am living, moving, and having my BEING in eternal LIGHT. I am available and receptive to more prosperity that I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest. Life supports me. LOVE is the Fuel and Funding of my SOUL. MY higher Self guides me into the path of my DIVINE DESTINY. I walk in FAITH and peace of MIND. "..

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