Are you high on your higher Self? This is a question that was popping up in my meditation earlier. I had a very interesting experience last night. I had a group meditation at my house which I had intended few days ago. Usually, when I set an idea in motion, it comes straight from the heart. During my meditations and hiking, I contemplate and pray on the idea and hold the highest vision for it. Knowing that it will manifest in perfection without my interference. What I do is just holding the space for the Spirit of living God to show up as it's own re-presentation through my availability. So, it did, and we had a great time. The focus was on Spiritual Success and holding on to the idea of "All needs met". We traveled some where out there in the universe, saw different spheres with beautiful colors, and in each dome we witnessed the four stages to infinite possibilities, then calling them forth as our lives. I had an incredible energy afterwards. I was invited to a friends birthday party at a Lounge. He was the DJ there. Usually, I get very tired after my sessions and I pass on other events, however I decided to go. So, here I am going into a very crowded club, loud music, everyone drinking and dancing. As I walked in, I felt I was a feet or two raised above the scene. Not being on the physical realm. I met old friends I hadn't seen for many years. It was great to see them having fun and hanging out. The interesting thing for me was that I could not identify with my past experiences at all with them. I could remember the good times, but even in remembering there was a huge space of change for me. So I got a beer and was chilling by the bar when two of my old friends wanted to go out and smoke pot. They offered and I smiled. They disappeared and I was still observing every one around me. When I went out to the patio, a young lady approached me out of no where. She asked if I was "Dr. Rod" and I said ya. She told me that she reads my posts here and she's been following them for the past 6 month. I was quite delighted and she started conversing about her journey from her country, the challenges she's been facing, and her journey in Spiritual path. I could tell she was an old soul and highly evolved, yet there were areas in her energy field that were blocked. She had an intention and calling to receive answers. Imagine my state of Being after 3 hours of Guided meditation. Our conversation flowed for a good 45 minutes and I deepened her understanding to where she needed to concentrate on her practice. I shifted her paradigm and expanded her awareness. We had quite different conversation than the people around us. My job wasn't finished at the end of the group meditation. I felt as if she needed to get her answer coming through me, and she did. Once we said goodbye and I walked towards my car, I was introspecting on how my life has turned out to BE. My state of BEING carries itself everywhere effortlessly, even at the least expected moments the Spirit of the Living God finds itself coming forth through my experience and availability. This is more than a High, it's a state of pure Bliss and I'm grateful for it.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise to collective cosmic consciousness. My life is divine. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. I live with peace and follow my heart into Bliss.
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