When you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see? I invite you to take a few moments and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror then read on.....Now that you are back, take a deep breath and allow the energy behind these words to flow through you, captivating your heart, and penetrating somewhere deep within your soul. You see what lies in front of your eyes with your senses. You also see what lies behind your eyes, which is the perception of what you see. Now, take another deep breath, and remember those challenging times in the past. The people who have hurt you, the situations that have caused you so much pain. As part of what you see, you can observe all the experiences and the stories attached to these experiences in the mirror. You feel all the parts, fragmented, yet if you observe closely, you will see with what lies BEYOND your eyes. It's a deeper perception through your awareness. When you observe with the eye beyond the eye, you'll notice that all those experiences have been transitory, a dream leading to awakening , bringing you from no-where, to NOW-here. Their sole purpose have been to increase your capacity as a being of infinite potentiality. To have you realize your greatness and find out deeper aspects of your higher self for spiritual growth. That's what I see in you. That's what your authentic Self sees in you. Your soul sees you as whole, perfect, and complete. It sees you with that eye beyond the eye through the prism of love. Your soul has a prayer for you saying: "I pray, that you, see the best of life, the best of love, and the very best of everything". Now,go literally in front of a mirror and see what you see!.. Namaste
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. God is all that I see. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, healing, joy, and peace than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest in my life. Today, is a beautiful day. I live on fully with enthusiasm.
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