Friday, July 25, 2014

I am strong enough

Am I strong enough to let you go? This was a question that surfaced up in my meditation a few moments ago as I was observing the deepest places in my being Am I strong enough to let go of the pain? The pain from the past that somehow finds its way to show up in the moment. There is a pain of denying yourself the good that is all around you. The pain of obscurity, a sense of lack. Have you felt that? It comes and goes occasionally and if you are aware of this feeling, you maycatch it. It comes like a thief in the night and takes away your innocence. In the deepest spaces between your thoughts, you have the capacity to observe these feelings, not getting caught up with them. and get to know who you truly ARE. Simple act of observation brings about transmutation. Am I strong enough to let you go? To let go of the guilt, of the shame, and of the times I've thought I had to be something other than what my Spirit wants me to be? The answer to the question is : Yes I Am, Yes I CAN, and Yes I Am Willing. Within this willingness you are choosing to participate, forces of nature and the power of the universe align individually to take each of your hand.They will lift you up from the bondage of the Ego into the awareness of pure love, pure peace, pure joy. This is the True you! Are you strong enough to let it go? I'm asking you this in the most subtle form of communication, a kind and healing vibration that has the capacity to free you in this very moment with the healing energy embedded in your own heart and soul. I hear your answer: Yes I Am, Yes I can, Yes I Am willing. Take a deep breath my friend, you've just been liberated - Namaste.

Affirmation: I am aligned with the universal laws of joy, peace, abundance, and love. My nature is good. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Prosperity is the order of my day. My consciousness is divine consciousness. My heart is filled with unconditional love. I intend to heal and change the world for the better. It's happening right now, and so it is ...amen...

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