Wednesday, July 16, 2014

O' Great Spirit

Here is some insights I invite you to read and pick up. You already have experienced them. I'll just let it flow from my own experience yesterday. I was working on editing my book at a local coffee shop. Chilling and hanging out. Right before it, I had an incredible meditation with one of my clients. We became one with the wind, the sun, and the sounds of birds in a triangle of life, finding our center in the heart. It was an amazing space of total connectivity and bliss. Anyways, as I was working on my book, I had intended to keep focus so I can finish soon. However, the universe has its own way of operation. I had two random people conversing with me. One of them was someone I knew from a very long time ago. She's gone through her ups and downs in life. Our very brief conversation turned into a full on healing session. For me it really doesn't matter where or to whom I'm speaking. Regardless of the circumstances, my purpose and mission in life shows up. There is not a set boundary or a rigid guideline to Not be Who I Am and inhibit myself from what needs to be said or created. As we were talking, a gentleman who had sat next to my table recognized me from before. We met at a Rehab center long time ago. He brought up the subject of oxygen therapy for his girlfriend. She was a perfectly healthy 27 year old young lady who suddenly got a stroke. Their entire life has turned upside down. She has absolutely no family support and his family are out of state. Our conversation turned more personal and I could see the frustration on his face. Yet, as a 36 year old gentleman, he totally kept it together. I feel people and pick up their vibration. I knew underneath his questions he was looking for an answer to how his life challenge and circumstances has led him to where he is. So, I went with the flow, got into his current situation with his girlfriend. They've been totally focus on only one thing, which is to get her health back together. She has half of her body paralyzed. Absolutely no previous health condition. My heart dropped for them. I have seen families and people get into this situation many times, yet each time when I hear stories like this, my heart drops. As our conversation continued, I started shifting his perception about life, love, commitment, and perseverance. He is the one supporting his girlfriend, with limited funds, working full time and taking care of her full time. I could see unconditional love in his eyes and also the layer of disappointment and heart break. I navigated through his through process, feelings, and started shifting his perception to spiritual principles. I focused his attention on his higher Self and brought out insightful information in a form of inspiration that he already knew somewhere deep in his heart. As we continued talking and sharing, total strangers became very close friends. I knew I had a mission to help this couple regardless of their financial challenges right now. The bliss factor was activated in both of us because we both knew that our encounter wasn't accidental. So, couple of hours had past and my book's editing is still pending. It matters not because everything will show up in divinely order. What's important is that a shift in consciousness and perception of an awesome individual was made possible at a local coffee shop. I'm grateful for this experience and hope that you've picked up on this vibe right now. Thanks for reading this far.

Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in Oneness. My life is divine. Love is the language my heart speaks and peace is the vibration behind my words. Infinite abundance shows up as permanent prosperity in my life. Healing is the order of my day. I live in flow with the universal presence and align my passion with whatever I'm challenged with today. I trust this guidance and live free."

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