Wednesday, July 30, 2014


"Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know." - Lao Tzu.....There is a time to listen and go within to capture the essence of what is Real without your judgment. There is a time to fall back and surrender to natural order of things. There is a force greater than your little mind and ego orchestrating the perfection of the universe. To know this, stop talking and listen. Listen to your children, to your spouse, to your family, and to the outcry of humanity without telling them what's right or wrong. Sometimes all you've got to do is listen, observe, know, and allow the space for source energy to handle things without wanting to take credit for anything or wanting anything in return. Most importantly, listen to your Self. See which direction is guiding you. See whether or not you are happy or you are pretending to be happy. Ask your heart, listen to the messages it sends you. Listen to your body. Is it in pain? Is it over weight, is it screaming to be taken care of? Listen my friend, stop talking. Stop neglecting your self and pretend you are there for others because if you are not centered in your Self and taking care of yourself, others wont matter. You are harming your relationships with others if you have no relationship with your Self. You are destroying the environment around you if your inner household, your emotions are full of baggage, hatred, guilt, fear, shame, and judgment. Listen to your heart, listen to your body, and then you'll be able to listen to your Soul for guidance

Affirmation: "I am in tune with the inner silence of my heart. I am available for wisdom and guidance from the universe. I am aligned, receptive, and inspired to live a purposeful life with passion. My life is divine. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I belong. I am available to more abundance than I've ever imagined. Success is the order of my day. Healing is revealing it's original self through my body. My thoughts are pure, my words are powerful, and my actions are making a difference in the world."

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