Thursday, July 17, 2014


Relationship is an incredible concept. By associating with another person, you get to know who you are. You get to experience yourself through the different conditions you find yourself going through as a result of your choice, thoughts, and actions. Think about the concept of 'change'. Literally, the only constant in life is change. For many, change creates fear because of attachment. Usually it happens in relationships because you get scared of losing your loved one. A fearof end. When you are so attached to something, it becomes difficult to grasp the underlying principal of change which is it's 'constant' nature. There is life, no- life, then life cycle which is part of who we are. Part of the grand design in our beautiful universe as an out picturing of the mind of God. You and I are part of this out picturing and we have the opportunity to recognize it through our lives. As you get aligned with the constancy of change, you find refuge in every ending, because you know that in every end there is a beginning. You find healing after every adversity, you find a deeper sense of love after giving up your fear. The fear of death of a loved one, death of an old idea, death of a habitual way of destructive thinking. In the act of letting go, you'll activate a new beginning infused with the energy of love. Then, every moment becomes in and of itself an eternal creation. Every moment takes on a mysterious adventure. A love story between your heart and your soul, dancing through this magnificent story we call our lives. - Namaste

Affirmation: "I open my heart to change. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in life, in the grand vision for my Soul. My life is the life of God, it's divine. I am available and receptive to infinite abundance, success, health, well being, joy, and courage than I can ever imagine possible. Today, I break free from my limitations and invite infinite possibilities to shine through my heart"

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