Thursday, July 24, 2014

The 'Mighty Lizard'

Here's something I like to share from my hike yesterday. Lesson learned from the 'mighty lizard', one of my friends out in the wild. So much to learn from nature and our friends inhabiting this planet. Yet, we don't pay attention usually and are caught in our minds, forcing things to happen, not having patience, judging ourselves left and right, and as you can see destroying our own specie with other life's on earth. As I was walking up a narrow trail, I was in a deep meditative state and paying attention to my surrounding. I noticed a a tree on my left where it had bunch of bee's attracted to it. There was some sort of residue coming out from the surface of the tree, so naturally the bee's were hanging out, having fun, and going about their business. When I looked down, I notice my mighty lizard friend, chilling on the lower branch. Half of his body was covered with sun, the other half of his 4 inch body was in shade. I don't think he had worried about putting a sun tan lotion on. I slowed my breath and was absolutely in tune with what I was observing. The mighty lizard's eyes were navigating like telescope, in 360 degrees, looking at his buddies above, to his left and right. He was checking out this flying aliens, making kamakazi kind of sounds, and going about their operational business. I was thinking what he was thinking about me. Am I God to him? or Am I just another wonderous creature of nature, with no aim in life, with not objective, just in flow with the spirit of universe, reflecting and revealing cosmic order. As I was pondering this, I was amazed by the mighty lizrd's level of 'patience'. Usually they feel threatened and take off, waggling their little tail, and hopping on their two little spongy feet. This one was truly mighty, as if he was playing dare with me. Daring me to make a move, daring me to learn from him, to learn patience. This went for a while. The daring of a mighty lizard with this crazy creature smiling from distance and falling in love with him. Anyways, after the mighty lizard won the dare battle, he gently turned his head around and wiggled his tail, started his journey through the leaves on the trail. He moved into the unknown, into the infinite vastness of the mountain, to be his lizard Self. No judgment, no worries, not being anything else he is not. With patience he moved on to his experience. Lesson learned, when I went about the rest of my hike, I felt a sense of peace and patience. No hurry, no worry, not thought of who or what I should be. No judgment, no grief. I felt my oneness with the universe learned from my mighty lizard friend, wiggling my tail and hopping on the trail, wondering off into the Nothingness we call LIFE. It's more simple than I thought, because for few moments I was out of my THOUGHTS....God bless you 

Affirmation: "I am available to be rich an mighty blessing on this planet. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence. I am available to more abundance than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. Peace is the order of my day"

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