"Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know." - Lao Tzu.....There is a time to listen and go within to capture the essence of what is Real without your judgment. There is a time to fall back and surrender to natural order of things. There is a force greater than your little mind and ego orchestrating the perfection of the universe. To know this, stop talking and listen. Listen to your children, to your spouse, to your family, and to the outcry of humanity without telling them what's right or wrong. Sometimes all you've got to do is listen, observe, know, and allow the space for source energy to handle things without wanting to take credit for anything or wanting anything in return. Most importantly, listen to your Self. See which direction is guiding you. See whether or not you are happy or you are pretending to be happy. Ask your heart, listen to the messages it sends you. Listen to your body. Is it in pain? Is it over weight, is it screaming to be taken care of? Listen my friend, stop talking. Stop neglecting your self and pretend you are there for others because if you are not centered in your Self and taking care of yourself, others wont matter. You are harming your relationships with others if you have no relationship with your Self. You are destroying the environment around you if your inner household, your emotions are full of baggage, hatred, guilt, fear, shame, and judgment. Listen to your heart, listen to your body, and then you'll be able to listen to your Soul for guidance
Affirmation: "I am in tune with the inner silence of my heart. I am available for wisdom and guidance from the universe. I am aligned, receptive, and inspired to live a purposeful life with passion. My life is divine. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I belong. I am available to more abundance than I've ever imagined. Success is the order of my day. Healing is revealing it's original self through my body. My thoughts are pure, my words are powerful, and my actions are making a difference in the world."
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
A big hug
We all go through personal relationships and the feelings we develop through our experiences. Even the toughest relationships have the seed idea for our growth and develpment. The ultimate paradox of human relationships is that " You have no need for a particular other in order for you to experience, fully, Who You Are, and without anther,... you are nothing"... Take a deep breath, let this sit with you for a second. Imagine you are looking at a mirror. As you look closely at your beautiful face, you realize that there is something on the right corner of your chick. A little stain you picked from somewhere. As you notice this, your immediate reaction is to wipe your face. You raise your right hand and wipe your face. Notice which side you are Really cleaning. It's the Left side of your actual face because of the illusion from the mirror you just saw yourself from. We see in others what we really want to see in ourselves. Sometimes this turns into expectations instead of bringing our full hundred percent in a relationship. A relationship is an opportunity for you to bring your absolute completeness forward to another person. An opportunity to bring out your best Self. When you see something wrong outside, instead of immediately trying to fix others, look at yourself, the stain is on your face, not on the mirror. Here is a paradox and the opposite of what you see, or experience, yet without others you are 'NOTHING'. How? Take your right hand and put it on your heart. Which side is it on? In most people, your heart sits in the left side of your chest cavity. What happens when you fall in love with another human being or you see someone you truly adore? You want to hug them, embrace them, and show your affection to them. You feel most complete in the moment you embrace the other in your arms. Notice what happens as you hug another human being. The part of you that is empty, the right side of your chest, becomes one with the part of the beloved that has their heart sitting there. Another opposite and paradox that makes us whole, perfect, and complete in the presence of a beloved. Both hearts connect literally in the same space. The feelings of love, passion, peace, and joy overflow in this connection. We become ONE. Take a look at a mirror today and send yourself a big message of love. Go up to your loved ones and give them a big hug. Let this paradigm shift and paradox do it's wonder. Namaste...
Affirmation: "I bring out the best in you as you bring out the best in me. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life affirms it's beauty through the prism of my thoughts. My words are powerful, yet gentle. My joy in internal and eternal. I am available, open, and receptive to more prosperity than I can imagine. Healing is the order of my day. Love is the language my soul speaks to me and guides me in all of my relationships.".
Affirmation: "I bring out the best in you as you bring out the best in me. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life affirms it's beauty through the prism of my thoughts. My words are powerful, yet gentle. My joy in internal and eternal. I am available, open, and receptive to more prosperity than I can imagine. Healing is the order of my day. Love is the language my soul speaks to me and guides me in all of my relationships.".
Monday, July 28, 2014
You are a Healer
How can I go about healing the world? This is the question that popped up in my meditation and I was contemplating. I realize that everyone has a healing capacity. You are reading this for a reason and I'm communicating this message for a purpose that becomes clear to you. You have a healing capacity and a true healer is the person who creates more healers by having them recognizing that aspect of themselves. It's the re-connection to what is already yours and the understanding of how to use it. You have this inherent power to choose and observe your thoughts. The world around us is nothing more than the condensation of old thoughts based on fear and scarcity mentality. Check out the current events and you know exactly what I'm talking about. Now, how YOU use your capacity to heal the world is totally up to you. If you get involved in the negative news constantly thrown at you and duplicate it over and over, you are only feeding more of the same to the fear based thoughts already in existence. You have a responsibility and a mandate as a highly realized being of light to discern between which thought to utter, share, and go for. Are you standing for peace or judging and creating division based on your stereotype and emotion? Are you standing for compassion or you view the world from the filter of hatred and pessimism? This is not being naive or not seeing the reality of what is taking place. However, this is being responsible about choosing the higher thoughts of love, peace and compassion as your duty of the true healer you are. You want to be proactive and change the world for the better? Change your conversation about what you are observing and your agreement about your conversation as you start your day today. The blame game and pointing fingers is an old paradigm. It's not for you, not for a being of light with immense power of healing laying dormant , yearning to be expressed and acted upon! I see that in you, see it in yourself and take action. The world needs more healers to heal themselves and radiate that peaceful energy out for a major transformation into higher consciousness which is happening now. You are in it.......Namaste..
Affirmation: "I am whole , perfect, and complete as I was created. I have dominion over my thoughts and chose the highest actions according to the vision of my soul. My life is divine. I forgive and let go , I let go and let God. I activate my healing capacity through every thoughts, words, and action in the world. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I can ever imagine. Today, peace breaks out everywhere I go. Life affirms it's beauty upon every soul. Love is the order of my day"
Affirmation: "I am whole , perfect, and complete as I was created. I have dominion over my thoughts and chose the highest actions according to the vision of my soul. My life is divine. I forgive and let go , I let go and let God. I activate my healing capacity through every thoughts, words, and action in the world. I am available and receptive to more abundance, success, and prosperity than I can ever imagine. Today, peace breaks out everywhere I go. Life affirms it's beauty upon every soul. Love is the order of my day"
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Overflow with Passion
"Passion is the love of turning being into action. It fuels the engine to creation. It changes concepts to experience."...What are you passionate about? I ask myself this question over and over and each time from a deep contemplative state I get profound answers. The answers are derived from my direct connection with the source and the feeling that is created by aligning myself with it through meditation. It's a beautiful place of being and then becoming. I really love the quote I opened this writing with. Passion is the love of turning being into action. It's the vehicle, it's that which is necessary to get you Do from Being and then have. Having the experience without the expectation of what to experience. It's being with the experience of the doing. How cool is that? You are always creating this cycle of being, doing, and having yet sometimes you are caught in the expectation of what to experience and fall for your judgment. This applies to every area of your life. Find yourself where in this process you are derailing from the path that is getting you closer to God consciousness and you'll realize the the expectation of experiencing something that is of an illusion has shifted your creative being into doing. The key: Check out your degree of passion. I am now so passionate about writing this because I know that the energy behind these words is tickling your soul and making you giggle. I invite you to let your passion overflow in whatever you intend to create and be. Let it come forward, you know, each time you feel this incredible gift from the universe, you are aligned with life, and becoming more of your authentic self. Forces in nature are complying to uplift your life from your current paradigm into manifesting the vision that God has already made in perfection as this universe, as your life, as your creation, and as the passion within you heart. Let if flow. Be present in the moment when this rush of energy takes you over and enjoy the ride. Make sure you wear your seat belts, because it will shock and surprise you beyond what you can currently imagine. Namaste.
Affirmation: "I live a purposeful life with passion. My heart is aligned with the heart of the universe. It overflows with joy, with love, and with peace. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever imagines, experienced, or manifested. Passion is the fuel to my thoughts, words, and action. I cultivate every aspect of my being with compassion and allow it to express through the passion of my soul. Life supports me. "
Affirmation: "I live a purposeful life with passion. My heart is aligned with the heart of the universe. It overflows with joy, with love, and with peace. I am available to more abundance and success than I've ever imagines, experienced, or manifested. Passion is the fuel to my thoughts, words, and action. I cultivate every aspect of my being with compassion and allow it to express through the passion of my soul. Life supports me. "
Friday, July 25, 2014
I am strong enough
Am I strong enough to let you go? This was a question that surfaced up in my meditation a few moments ago as I was observing the deepest places in my being Am I strong enough to let go of the pain? The pain from the past that somehow finds its way to show up in the moment. There is a pain of denying yourself the good that is all around you. The pain of obscurity, a sense of lack. Have you felt that? It comes and goes occasionally and if you are aware of this feeling, you maycatch it. It comes like a thief in the night and takes away your innocence. In the deepest spaces between your thoughts, you have the capacity to observe these feelings, not getting caught up with them. and get to know who you truly ARE. Simple act of observation brings about transmutation. Am I strong enough to let you go? To let go of the guilt, of the shame, and of the times I've thought I had to be something other than what my Spirit wants me to be? The answer to the question is : Yes I Am, Yes I CAN, and Yes I Am Willing. Within this willingness you are choosing to participate, forces of nature and the power of the universe align individually to take each of your hand.They will lift you up from the bondage of the Ego into the awareness of pure love, pure peace, pure joy. This is the True you! Are you strong enough to let it go? I'm asking you this in the most subtle form of communication, a kind and healing vibration that has the capacity to free you in this very moment with the healing energy embedded in your own heart and soul. I hear your answer: Yes I Am, Yes I can, Yes I Am willing. Take a deep breath my friend, you've just been liberated - Namaste.
Affirmation: I am aligned with the universal laws of joy, peace, abundance, and love. My nature is good. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Prosperity is the order of my day. My consciousness is divine consciousness. My heart is filled with unconditional love. I intend to heal and change the world for the better. It's happening right now, and so it is ...amen...
Affirmation: I am aligned with the universal laws of joy, peace, abundance, and love. My nature is good. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Prosperity is the order of my day. My consciousness is divine consciousness. My heart is filled with unconditional love. I intend to heal and change the world for the better. It's happening right now, and so it is ...amen...
Thursday, July 24, 2014
The 'Mighty Lizard'
Here's something I like to share from my hike yesterday. Lesson learned from the 'mighty lizard', one of my friends out in the wild. So much to learn from nature and our friends inhabiting this planet. Yet, we don't pay attention usually and are caught in our minds, forcing things to happen, not having patience, judging ourselves left and right, and as you can see destroying our own specie with other life's on earth. As I was walking up a narrow trail, I was in a deep meditative state and paying attention to my surrounding. I noticed a a tree on my left where it had bunch of bee's attracted to it. There was some sort of residue coming out from the surface of the tree, so naturally the bee's were hanging out, having fun, and going about their business. When I looked down, I notice my mighty lizard friend, chilling on the lower branch. Half of his body was covered with sun, the other half of his 4 inch body was in shade. I don't think he had worried about putting a sun tan lotion on. I slowed my breath and was absolutely in tune with what I was observing. The mighty lizard's eyes were navigating like telescope, in 360 degrees, looking at his buddies above, to his left and right. He was checking out this flying aliens, making kamakazi kind of sounds, and going about their operational business. I was thinking what he was thinking about me. Am I God to him? or Am I just another wonderous creature of nature, with no aim in life, with not objective, just in flow with the spirit of universe, reflecting and revealing cosmic order. As I was pondering this, I was amazed by the mighty lizrd's level of 'patience'. Usually they feel threatened and take off, waggling their little tail, and hopping on their two little spongy feet. This one was truly mighty, as if he was playing dare with me. Daring me to make a move, daring me to learn from him, to learn patience. This went for a while. The daring of a mighty lizard with this crazy creature smiling from distance and falling in love with him. Anyways, after the mighty lizard won the dare battle, he gently turned his head around and wiggled his tail, started his journey through the leaves on the trail. He moved into the unknown, into the infinite vastness of the mountain, to be his lizard Self. No judgment, no worries, not being anything else he is not. With patience he moved on to his experience. Lesson learned, when I went about the rest of my hike, I felt a sense of peace and patience. No hurry, no worry, not thought of who or what I should be. No judgment, no grief. I felt my oneness with the universe learned from my mighty lizard friend, wiggling my tail and hopping on the trail, wondering off into the Nothingness we call LIFE. It's more simple than I thought, because for few moments I was out of my THOUGHTS....God bless you
Affirmation: "I am available to be rich an mighty blessing on this planet. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence. I am available to more abundance than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. Peace is the order of my day"
Affirmation: "I am available to be rich an mighty blessing on this planet. I am living, moving, and having my being in God. Life supports me. Excellence breaks through into every sphere of my existence. I am available to more abundance than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. Peace is the order of my day"
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
People Pleaser
Every time I get to work with someone, I get to experience another way of thinking. I learn from people so much while I give them my feedback. How many of us are people pleasers? I'm sure at some point in life you've done this. You've put on a fake smile, acted totally out of integrity with your Soul, and pretended to be someone you are not just to impress someone or boost their ego because you felt inferior, less than, or not good enough! Am I speaking to you? I've been there at times myself. This is one of ego's mechanisms and it stems from lack of self love. It doesn't matter if you have or are doing this, however I invite you to re-cognize what you're up to. The second you fall into judging yourself and viewing your relationships with others from separation consciousness, you are more prone to become a people's pleaser. Your internal energy dynamic will reach a boiling point in the near future or it may have already. Usually, you'll find an escape goat. You will release all that negative energy you swallowed down while acting fake on your poor husbands or wives, children or pet, or blame the world for all your problems. Becoming aware of this and paying attention to your thoughts enables you to remain authentic. Be flexible in your approach with others and express not because you are depressed, rather express through the knowing of who you are, what your purpose is in life, and why you do what you do. The answers to these become apparent in a moment of meditation, introspection, and inspiration. You wont find them through informative knowledge. You'll find them through intuitive knowing, a direct connection within the sanctuary of your heart and soul .
Affirmation: I dive deep into the sanctuary of my soul. I am one with life, one with love, and in flow the the spirit. My thoughts are clear and my words have the capacity to change lives. I am available to more miracles in my life than I have ever imagined. I activate, cultivated, and demonstrate the creative nature within me. Permanent prosperity is activated in my consciousness. I respect and trust myself. God powered insights reign supreme in my awareness. Healing is the order of my day and the world together as one.".
Affirmation: I dive deep into the sanctuary of my soul. I am one with life, one with love, and in flow the the spirit. My thoughts are clear and my words have the capacity to change lives. I am available to more miracles in my life than I have ever imagined. I activate, cultivated, and demonstrate the creative nature within me. Permanent prosperity is activated in my consciousness. I respect and trust myself. God powered insights reign supreme in my awareness. Healing is the order of my day and the world together as one.".
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Within Me
"How do I know the ways of all things at the beginning? I look inside myself and see what is within me".
Within me is pure Love and I"m sending out to the world. :)
Affirmation: "all of my needs are met. I am grateful for No-thing that manifests into miracles in my life. I am available to more abundance than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I live with optimism, think with a positive attitude, and attract health, wealth, prosperity, success, love, joy , peace , and passion into my life through sharing my blessings with the world"
Within me is pure Love and I"m sending out to the world. :)
Affirmation: "all of my needs are met. I am grateful for No-thing that manifests into miracles in my life. I am available to more abundance than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I live with optimism, think with a positive attitude, and attract health, wealth, prosperity, success, love, joy , peace , and passion into my life through sharing my blessings with the world"
Monday, July 21, 2014
"Emotions " are "Energy in Motion", this is something I read and totally loved. It resonates with me because emotions are truly an incredible phenomenon. Learn to respect your emotion and be an astute student of what messages they are giving you at any moment. Emotions are the language of your soul communicating to you and guiding you into a path of divine destiny. When someone tells me 'you are such an emotional guy', I take it as the highest complement, because I truly am. In each emotion there is a guidance, there is a key to the portal into the present moment. Learn to master the master of all emotions which is love. Love is like the relationship between you and your shadow. The closer it gets to you, the more it takes the form of your authentic self. The farther you are from love, the more distorted your shadow becomes.
Affirmation: "I am in perfect harmony with my emotion. Love is my master and I serve it with open heart. I am one with life, one with God, one with my authentic Self. Plentitude is my natural state of being. I am available to more prosperity than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I am at peace."
Affirmation: "I am in perfect harmony with my emotion. Love is my master and I serve it with open heart. I am one with life, one with God, one with my authentic Self. Plentitude is my natural state of being. I am available to more prosperity than I have ever imagined, experienced, or manifested before. I am at peace."
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Take It On
To understand our world, we have categorized everything into pieces. Science, math, art, on and on. It's been a way to put things together at a cognitive level so we would have a way to function in life. Also, we've started categorizing ourselves since we began to learn about our nature. This separation has lead to massive destruction based on our religion, belief system, social status, race, color, level of education, how much money we have, and so on. Here's a thought I'd like to whisper in your ears. Let's start going beyond our human description of ourselves as a spiritual practice. Try this on. Next time you are talking with a friend and you are describing someone, be conscious where your mind takes you. In my culture, it usually lands on which religion people have, or where do they live, or how much money they have, or are they doctor/lawyer as if nothing else is there to do in our society. Take it on, the second these description show up in your conversation, chose a different path. Catch yourself how many times during the day you are automatically dividing people in your thoughts, not seeing them from a higher place. Not acknowledging that each individual is part of ONE human body, like each cell making up your physical anatomy. Take it on, try, get out of your social mask and fear of judgment. Imagine you are trying a new pair of miracle sunglasses that will only show you oneness. That will show you beyond our separation and connects you to our common virtues. Try it on, see through the prism of love, compassion, and kindness today. Don't worry about what your mother in law or local butcher at your supermarket is talking about. It's the same old conversation rampant on the news, same old way of fear based living, fear based seeing, and fear based being. You're going to be ok. Chose the high conversation, see beyond the separation, tap into your heart, and exude love. You'll be doing your soul a huge favor because now you are experiencing being God like. You are practicing your Truth and honoring your purpose from which you manifested from. It's easier to chose oneness and love than fear. Go ahead, take it on my friend, even if it's only just for today.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I see from the prism of oneness and feel myself through the higher path of my soul. I am available to more prosperity, healing, success, and joy than I can ever imagine. The universal mind of God shows me the way. I am grateful for my life."
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. I see from the prism of oneness and feel myself through the higher path of my soul. I am available to more prosperity, healing, success, and joy than I can ever imagine. The universal mind of God shows me the way. I am grateful for my life."
Friday, July 18, 2014
3 B's Movement
I would like to take you into a moment or a snap shot of what I experienced yesterday. It's as if you pause right here and capture this in your heart. Take a deep breath and go with the ride because I have no idea what's going to express out of me. Before I was centering myself to speak with my awesome client, I was leaning against my car and sipping on my coffee. Just chilling. I usually go to a park next to my residence to do my healing work and talk to my long distance clients. I find nature to be healing for me, therefore I transfer that energy as I pick it up myself. You have to come from an over flow before you create a space for someone else to benefit from it. So, I was chilling and watching a great drama taking place so effortlessly, so beautifully. I will call this the "3 B's movement" and if you have a B in any part of your name, I want to specially dedicate the B energy to you. There was a puddle of water against the curb in front of me, a beautiful house at the corner of the street, and a huge tree on the sidewalk. As I was meditating and observing, I could see4 friends whistling and nodding to each other, so playful, so full of positive energy. These four birds would notify each other of the right timing to take a swim in the puddle of water as the sun lid the way towards their swimming pool. They'd systematically fly down joyously and take a dip in the water. Some would actually drink from it. The ones that drank, raised their head towards the heaven. I could see the droplet of water traveling down their throat and feel their quench of thirst. The little birds seemed like they were sending a prayer of gratitude towards God for this puddle of water. What was so awesome is that each time they heard a car coming form some distance, they systematically notify each other and bail out. The second the big, dead, machine with it's zombi operator left, these beautiful birds would come back to play. On the right of this saga, there was a huge bee hive having thousands of bee's vizzzing and working together. They were so in tune in what they were doing. It was amazing to watch them work together, literally they were on top of each other. Non complaining, I tell you that. They were in perfect harmony with each other. As soon as the big, dead machine with it's zombi operator showed up, the bee's would send out the bee soldiers to protect the hive. Their movement would shift into offensive. Some of them would actually attack towards the car and become martyrs for their sacred cause: To make honey and keep the Bee Queen safe! How incredible. In the space between these two saga happening simultaneously, the birds and bee's, I noticed a yellow/black butterfly, floating and greeting her friends. She'd fly towards the birds as if she was sending them a message of peace and then she'd ride towards the bee's, as if sending them a message of encouragement and inspiration. I was mesmerized by this perfect interaction and for a split second felt one with them all. Only if the big, dead machine with the zombi operator could learn from these B's. Our world would be so much better. That's my hope for humanity and my prayer right now! -Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am in flow with the universal energy of love. Peace is the order of my day. I am in tune with movement of life, aligning my thoughts, words, and action with the truth of my soul. Today, is an incredible day for being me. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I could ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. Cosmic good is everywhere I intend to be."
Affirmation: "I am in flow with the universal energy of love. Peace is the order of my day. I am in tune with movement of life, aligning my thoughts, words, and action with the truth of my soul. Today, is an incredible day for being me. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I could ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. Cosmic good is everywhere I intend to be."
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Relationship is an incredible concept. By associating with another person, you get to know who you are. You get to experience yourself through the different conditions you find yourself going through as a result of your choice, thoughts, and actions. Think about the concept of 'change'. Literally, the only constant in life is change. For many, change creates fear because of attachment. Usually it happens in relationships because you get scared of losing your loved one. A fearof end. When you are so attached to something, it becomes difficult to grasp the underlying principal of change which is it's 'constant' nature. There is life, no- life, then life cycle which is part of who we are. Part of the grand design in our beautiful universe as an out picturing of the mind of God. You and I are part of this out picturing and we have the opportunity to recognize it through our lives. As you get aligned with the constancy of change, you find refuge in every ending, because you know that in every end there is a beginning. You find healing after every adversity, you find a deeper sense of love after giving up your fear. The fear of death of a loved one, death of an old idea, death of a habitual way of destructive thinking. In the act of letting go, you'll activate a new beginning infused with the energy of love. Then, every moment becomes in and of itself an eternal creation. Every moment takes on a mysterious adventure. A love story between your heart and your soul, dancing through this magnificent story we call our lives. - Namaste
Affirmation: "I open my heart to change. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in life, in the grand vision for my Soul. My life is the life of God, it's divine. I am available and receptive to infinite abundance, success, health, well being, joy, and courage than I can ever imagine possible. Today, I break free from my limitations and invite infinite possibilities to shine through my heart"
Affirmation: "I open my heart to change. I am living, moving, and having my being in God, in life, in the grand vision for my Soul. My life is the life of God, it's divine. I am available and receptive to infinite abundance, success, health, well being, joy, and courage than I can ever imagine possible. Today, I break free from my limitations and invite infinite possibilities to shine through my heart"
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
O' Great Spirit
Here is some insights I invite you to read and pick up. You already have experienced them. I'll just let it flow from my own experience yesterday. I was working on editing my book at a local coffee shop. Chilling and hanging out. Right before it, I had an incredible meditation with one of my clients. We became one with the wind, the sun, and the sounds of birds in a triangle of life, finding our center in the heart. It was an amazing space of total connectivity and bliss. Anyways, as I was working on my book, I had intended to keep focus so I can finish soon. However, the universe has its own way of operation. I had two random people conversing with me. One of them was someone I knew from a very long time ago. She's gone through her ups and downs in life. Our very brief conversation turned into a full on healing session. For me it really doesn't matter where or to whom I'm speaking. Regardless of the circumstances, my purpose and mission in life shows up. There is not a set boundary or a rigid guideline to Not be Who I Am and inhibit myself from what needs to be said or created. As we were talking, a gentleman who had sat next to my table recognized me from before. We met at a Rehab center long time ago. He brought up the subject of oxygen therapy for his girlfriend. She was a perfectly healthy 27 year old young lady who suddenly got a stroke. Their entire life has turned upside down. She has absolutely no family support and his family are out of state. Our conversation turned more personal and I could see the frustration on his face. Yet, as a 36 year old gentleman, he totally kept it together. I feel people and pick up their vibration. I knew underneath his questions he was looking for an answer to how his life challenge and circumstances has led him to where he is. So, I went with the flow, got into his current situation with his girlfriend. They've been totally focus on only one thing, which is to get her health back together. She has half of her body paralyzed. Absolutely no previous health condition. My heart dropped for them. I have seen families and people get into this situation many times, yet each time when I hear stories like this, my heart drops. As our conversation continued, I started shifting his perception about life, love, commitment, and perseverance. He is the one supporting his girlfriend, with limited funds, working full time and taking care of her full time. I could see unconditional love in his eyes and also the layer of disappointment and heart break. I navigated through his through process, feelings, and started shifting his perception to spiritual principles. I focused his attention on his higher Self and brought out insightful information in a form of inspiration that he already knew somewhere deep in his heart. As we continued talking and sharing, total strangers became very close friends. I knew I had a mission to help this couple regardless of their financial challenges right now. The bliss factor was activated in both of us because we both knew that our encounter wasn't accidental. So, couple of hours had past and my book's editing is still pending. It matters not because everything will show up in divinely order. What's important is that a shift in consciousness and perception of an awesome individual was made possible at a local coffee shop. I'm grateful for this experience and hope that you've picked up on this vibe right now. Thanks for reading this far.
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in Oneness. My life is divine. Love is the language my heart speaks and peace is the vibration behind my words. Infinite abundance shows up as permanent prosperity in my life. Healing is the order of my day. I live in flow with the universal presence and align my passion with whatever I'm challenged with today. I trust this guidance and live free."
Affirmation: " I am living, moving, and having my being in Oneness. My life is divine. Love is the language my heart speaks and peace is the vibration behind my words. Infinite abundance shows up as permanent prosperity in my life. Healing is the order of my day. I live in flow with the universal presence and align my passion with whatever I'm challenged with today. I trust this guidance and live free."
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Recycle Being
What does a recycle machine and you have in common? Read on my friend and you'll understand where I'm going with this. There is a difference between people who are not readily conscious about their choices and are sleep walking than individuals who are on the Spiritual path and waking up to the Truth of their authentic being. The sole difference is re-memberance of their true origin, which is the entire Cosmos and the knowingness of their oneness with the entire universe. A highly conscious person understands the responsibility of this realization and consistently strives to become a better human being, in service to others, and finding ways to create solutions to the challenges we are facing in the world. One of these ways is acting as a recycle machine, where the highly conscious person remains centered to the garbage and waste products coming her way. She has the ability to discern what is real and what is transitory, choosing a higher thought when a negative thought of fear comes her way. As the most advance recycling entity with her own creativity, she shape shifts the negativity and see's the best out of the mess coming towards her energy field. She see's the light in the darkness. She see's the optimism in the midst of the constant bad news. She finds an opportunity for growth in every seeming difficulty. This advance entity doesn't judge what comes at her or who she encounters. She simply strengthens her capabilities to transmute lead into gold, being the perfect alchemist she is. Have you ever thought about yourself this way? Next time you get hit by the darkness, remember your immense capability to change the world around you as you stay centered, solid, peaceful and fully conscious of the choices you make, the perception you hold, and the intense level of love you exude to the world. You are a very powerful recycling being.
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with God, one with our planet. All of my needs are met. I am responsible for my own thoughts and actions. I am conscious of my choices and create the best possible outcome. Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness. I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me. Abundance and healing are the order of my day.
Affirmation: "I am one with life, one with God, one with our planet. All of my needs are met. I am responsible for my own thoughts and actions. I am conscious of my choices and create the best possible outcome. Real and meaningful changes take place in the field of my willingness. I allow the good of God to come to me and flow through me. Abundance and healing are the order of my day.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Amazing Ant
The other day I was hiking and after meditation I was observing the world around me. Fascinated as I took my steps, I totally became one with all the creatures I was walking by. One of them being Ants. I truly love them. These incredible insects. I was walking by them and noticing their persistence, resilience, and discipline as they were roaming around, doing their thing, minding their own business. I was being very careful not to step over any. Do they ever sleep? Do they ever take lunch or dinner break? Do they ever complain about the heavy loads they are moving around? Do they ever dream about being something less or more than being their authentic Ant Self? I was wondering about these questions and having my imagination running wild. I literally became one and could see my antennas picking up signals in the traffic jam among my buddies. Every one of us had our own specific purpose. Our purpose was to Be the best Ant we could possibly be. Our purpose was to create more of who we are and more of who we could be in every moment of our existence. As I greeted my friends, the only thing mattered was encouraging each other and helping each other. if one was becoming crushed under a heavy load of a seed, we would naturally help out. We jumped on each others back, split the seed, and each took part of the whole to lower the burden from the others. We weren't competing with each other. It was a space of perfect cooperation and paying it forward to my fellow Ant buddies. My introspection took me into a world of pure unconditional love. No judgment, no wanting to be something I'm NOT, and an inner awareness of content. Contentment for momentarily being the Ant, a simple yet sophisticated being of pure love, courage, and joy. Lesson learned from this magnificent creature. I told myself I'll write about this experience sometime soon and see what comes out of it. Here it is, if you connected to it, the Divine Ant in me is honoring the Divine Ant in you. Namaste.
Affirmation: "I am part of the perfection of our universe. I live a magnificent life of simplicity and pure joy. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. I am available to more prosperity than I can imagine, experience, or manifest than before. God's will for my life releases me and sets me free. Gratitude and appreciation light my path and show me the way. Healing is the order of my day. "
Affirmation: "I am part of the perfection of our universe. I live a magnificent life of simplicity and pure joy. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in God. I am available to more prosperity than I can imagine, experience, or manifest than before. God's will for my life releases me and sets me free. Gratitude and appreciation light my path and show me the way. Healing is the order of my day. "
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Anger and Insanity
Have you ever fallen to someone's verbal attack out of no where and in the most least expected circumstance? I'm sure at some point in your life you came across somebody unloading on you because of their own insecurity and pain. When someone is angry, the energy behind the anger is pain. If pain goes on unrecognized for a while without being mended or healed, it will turn into mental and emotional suffering. Pain is inevitable as our human experiences for growth. However, the story of it over and over again will create suffering. This is optional because you have spiritual faculties of choice and free will. It's resistance to what Is in life which continues persisting in becoming a suffering mentality. Specially when you continuously compare your present paradigm with the old you. When you can't get out of previous experiences of your life and get caught into the dichotomy of good and bad. You are fighting WHAT IS. Your soul will continuously tickle you around until you rise above this dichotomy and see the Truth of what is. It will put your back against the wall until you fall to your knees, surrender to your higher Self, and release old ideas about yourself and your life. As an observer and bystander in getting caught in someone else's drama, there are aspects of you that's being tested. These situations are tests and testimonial to your inner work of meditation, personal growth, and life experience. You get challenged and it's with these challenges that wisdom is gained. Don't take things personal, yet don't allow falling victim to people using you as their punching bag. Set your boundary and use non-reaction as your best means for communication. It take power to be still and non-reactive. This power is birthed through Self recognition, inner peace, and oneness with the source. Next time you get caught up in a situation I described, hold on to your spiritual practice and strength. Know that there is a message coming from a temporary insane messenger. We live in a progressive, ever expansive universe which is always conspiring on our behalf for our own good. Your freedom is only a thought away. Dr. Rod...
Affirmation: "I am an affirmative optimist. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in peace. Love is my name and nature. Through the state of bliss, I face my challenges in peace. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine. Life supports me. I live in a friendly universe. . Abundance is my divine right flowing to me and through me.
Affirmation: "I am an affirmative optimist. I am living, moving, and having my BEING in peace. Love is my name and nature. Through the state of bliss, I face my challenges in peace. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine. Life supports me. I live in a friendly universe. . Abundance is my divine right flowing to me and through me.
Friday, July 11, 2014
The high of Bliss
Are you high on your higher Self? This is a question that was popping up in my meditation earlier. I had a very interesting experience last night. I had a group meditation at my house which I had intended few days ago. Usually, when I set an idea in motion, it comes straight from the heart. During my meditations and hiking, I contemplate and pray on the idea and hold the highest vision for it. Knowing that it will manifest in perfection without my interference. What I do is just holding the space for the Spirit of living God to show up as it's own re-presentation through my availability. So, it did, and we had a great time. The focus was on Spiritual Success and holding on to the idea of "All needs met". We traveled some where out there in the universe, saw different spheres with beautiful colors, and in each dome we witnessed the four stages to infinite possibilities, then calling them forth as our lives. I had an incredible energy afterwards. I was invited to a friends birthday party at a Lounge. He was the DJ there. Usually, I get very tired after my sessions and I pass on other events, however I decided to go. So, here I am going into a very crowded club, loud music, everyone drinking and dancing. As I walked in, I felt I was a feet or two raised above the scene. Not being on the physical realm. I met old friends I hadn't seen for many years. It was great to see them having fun and hanging out. The interesting thing for me was that I could not identify with my past experiences at all with them. I could remember the good times, but even in remembering there was a huge space of change for me. So I got a beer and was chilling by the bar when two of my old friends wanted to go out and smoke pot. They offered and I smiled. They disappeared and I was still observing every one around me. When I went out to the patio, a young lady approached me out of no where. She asked if I was "Dr. Rod" and I said ya. She told me that she reads my posts here and she's been following them for the past 6 month. I was quite delighted and she started conversing about her journey from her country, the challenges she's been facing, and her journey in Spiritual path. I could tell she was an old soul and highly evolved, yet there were areas in her energy field that were blocked. She had an intention and calling to receive answers. Imagine my state of Being after 3 hours of Guided meditation. Our conversation flowed for a good 45 minutes and I deepened her understanding to where she needed to concentrate on her practice. I shifted her paradigm and expanded her awareness. We had quite different conversation than the people around us. My job wasn't finished at the end of the group meditation. I felt as if she needed to get her answer coming through me, and she did. Once we said goodbye and I walked towards my car, I was introspecting on how my life has turned out to BE. My state of BEING carries itself everywhere effortlessly, even at the least expected moments the Spirit of the Living God finds itself coming forth through my experience and availability. This is more than a High, it's a state of pure Bliss and I'm grateful for it.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise to collective cosmic consciousness. My life is divine. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. I live with peace and follow my heart into Bliss.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in God. I intend to love, to heal, to inspire, and to be abundantly wealthy for myself and others in order to raise to collective cosmic consciousness. My life is divine. I am available to more prosperity than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest than before. I live with peace and follow my heart into Bliss.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
What do you SEE?
When you stand in front of the mirror, what do you see? I invite you to take a few moments and close your eyes. Imagine yourself in front of a mirror then read on.....Now that you are back, take a deep breath and allow the energy behind these words to flow through you, captivating your heart, and penetrating somewhere deep within your soul. You see what lies in front of your eyes with your senses. You also see what lies behind your eyes, which is the perception of what you see. Now, take another deep breath, and remember those challenging times in the past. The people who have hurt you, the situations that have caused you so much pain. As part of what you see, you can observe all the experiences and the stories attached to these experiences in the mirror. You feel all the parts, fragmented, yet if you observe closely, you will see with what lies BEYOND your eyes. It's a deeper perception through your awareness. When you observe with the eye beyond the eye, you'll notice that all those experiences have been transitory, a dream leading to awakening , bringing you from no-where, to NOW-here. Their sole purpose have been to increase your capacity as a being of infinite potentiality. To have you realize your greatness and find out deeper aspects of your higher self for spiritual growth. That's what I see in you. That's what your authentic Self sees in you. Your soul sees you as whole, perfect, and complete. It sees you with that eye beyond the eye through the prism of love. Your soul has a prayer for you saying: "I pray, that you, see the best of life, the best of love, and the very best of everything". Now,go literally in front of a mirror and see what you see!.. Namaste
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. God is all that I see. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, healing, joy, and peace than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest in my life. Today, is a beautiful day. I live on fully with enthusiasm.
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my being in love. God is all that I see. I am whole, perfect, and complete. I am available and receptive to more abundance, prosperity, healing, joy, and peace than I can ever imagine, experience, or manifest in my life. Today, is a beautiful day. I live on fully with enthusiasm.
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