Lets start a spectacular week through the inner feeling of gratitude and appreciation. Your starting point is always gratitude for all there is, where ever you are in life, and whatever you are doing. This very recognition of giving thanks in the moment, focuses all of your energy at the vortex of your BEING. There are infinite ways that you can make a choice and create possibilities for whatever action that may follow. Make a choice to be love, to be happy, to be healthy, and to be abundantly wealthy. Make a choice to be better than your old patterns. Set an intention right now to express your uniqueness in whatever path you are taking, knowing that you are WORTHY, YOU are GREATNESS, and YOU are LIGHT. As I inspire you to take your next breath in TRUST of your full potential, I invite you to SMILE and pass this positive energy to ALL of your FRIENDS. Together, we can Change Our World! Happy Monday
Affirmation: "I am living, moving, and having my BEING in PEACE. Life supports me. I am available and receptive to MORE GOOD than I can possibly imagine. My life reflects and reveals the very perfection of infinite cosmos. Come what may."....have a spectacular day everyone..
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