Friday, November 15, 2013

Mystic Journey

I'd like to take you on a mystic journey in these very few lines. As I'm sitting right here listening to my meditation music, I'm tuned into the energy that's beating my heart. My breathing is really slow and deep. I can follow the path of each oxygen molecules entering and exiting my body. Please take a conscious deep breath right now, you are now connected to my consciousness which is intentionally rising your vibration from a lower frequencies into higher. I'd like you to read this post couple of times allowing the words taking over your subconscious mind. There is so much love in this space, the only energy I feel is love, surrounding the spaces in each atom, molecule, cells, and tissue of my body. I see and feel a brilliant LIGHT passing through these space and emanating inward like a spiral and outward beyond my local space. When you close your eyes and have read this few times, focus on the center point between your eyebrows. Take a deep breath and allow your attention fall to the peripheral (side) of your visual field. Like a diver whose going to jump off of the diving board backwards in an infinity pool of BEAUTY and PEACE, step to the edge of the board, take a deep breath and dive energetically backward into oceanic space of your KINDNESS. Feel the LOVE energy washing over your entire body, cleansing the dense FEAR and WORRY frequencies surrounding you. The ocean of eternal LOVE you released yourself into is pure AWARENESS. You just shifted the content of your AWARENESS to absolute bliss. We are ONE body, ONE mind, ONE SOUL traveling into infinity together, NOW, forever, expanding. Feel your greatness and trust yourself. Enjoy the journey my friend. Namaste. -Dr. Rod 

Affirmation: "I release myself in the oceanic field of my LOVING consciousness. The universe is infinite, flowing gently through the body of my LIFE. My LIFE is the reflection of cosmic order, peace, harmony, ABUNDANCE, PROSPERITY, healing, and absolute JOY. I Am FREE in this very moment, expanding and stretching the energetic field of my BEING."...have a beautiful Friday

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