Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happiness is the Choice

You hear so much about The 'Happiness' movement and how it effects your activities of daily living. Happiness can totally change your life for the better in every aspect; financial, relationship, personal, spiritual and physical health. One thing I'm adamant about is focusing on what the pre-cursor to Happiness IS: SELF LOVE! Without self LOVE you'll never be able to reach the joy & ecstasy of True happiness. So, here is the challenge for you: Focus on as many ways as you can LOVING yourself today and witness how it turns into pure HAPPINESS. As you walk in a state of JOY, pass it to others, smile, crack a joke, be like a child. One of my favorite saying goes like this: "There is no way to HAPPINESS, HAPPINESS IS THE WAY"......and the most AUTHENTIC WAY itself is SELF LOVE  -Dr. Rod.

Affirmation: "I am conscious about my CHOICES today. I choose to be Happy, joyous, peaceful, grateful, and kind. I choose to be and feel LOVE as I breath in and breath out. I am available and receptive to more abundance and prosperity than I can even imagine. Come what may...."....have a spectacular day friends.


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