Saturday, November 16, 2013

Starting New

Start of a new day, a new beginning. It always starts with yourself. How you prepare your consciousness the first thing in the morning. Spending few precious moments, acknowledging your greatness, nurturing your mind with positive- affirmative thoughts, and going deep WITHIN your heart to tap into your true essence, LOVE. As you make this a simple practice, you become more in tune with the natural FLOW of life. You realize that you have already arrived to your destination because you are connected into the NOW. Every experience becomes a spiritual adventure. Every encounter with another human being becomes a journey into SELF discovery. Cultivating seeds of success and growth begins right where you are. You don't need to rely on any external factor or guidance. All you need is right there WITHIN you. In this very moment, I'm holding you in higher vibration of love, joy, peace, abundance, success, and compassion. Inviting you to LET GO of your past! Allowing yourself to be present with LIFE! You can do it! You have a mandate to be HAPPY

Affirmation: " I show up to life with an open heart. My life is one with the infinite life of the cosmos. I attract and allow abundance, success, health, wealth, happiness, love, joy, peace, compassion, and kindness into my life because that's who I am."
Have a beautiful weekend my friends

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