Monday, November 4, 2013

Yes Factor

Lets generate a loving, positive energy of 'YES' to life as you move into the next stage of your spiritual growth and development. Right here, NOW, in this very moment you can CHOOSE to be a 'YES' factor in order to shift the direction of your life for the better. Have the Courage to freely love yourself. To let go of the judgments you have about yourself. The more you clear your internal energy and harmonize them with the universe, the more you will radiate joy, happiness, compassion, and peace out to the world. You'll attract what your radiate out. Feel the Abundance and Success that you are. Now is your time. I'm holding the highest possible state of BEING for you at this very moment. NOW, is your time! Namaste.

Affirmation: "I say Yes to life, Yes to joy, Yes to abundance, success, prosperity, Yes to healing and health, Yes to compassion and love, and Yes to the unknown knowing that whatever the universe has in mind for me is for my higher good. I am available, receptive, worthy, and appreciative to it all. Life supports me."...have a spectacular MONDAY everyone

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