Friday, November 1, 2013

Higher Space

Can you feel yourself as an INFINITE being? No beginning , no end. A continuum of an energy field that always was, IS, and will be present. What if you woke up everyday, connected to your eternal self with each breath, and felt that you are the Soul encapsulated in a physical form , having a temporary human incarnation to reflect and reveal the glory of the cosmos according to your unique individual pattern called your LIFE? Surrender to the FEAR of Death right now! There is no better time than this very NOW moment to do so. The second you Let Go of that, you'll feel lighter, more connected. You become the observer of your own AWARENESS, it's pretty sweet space to be, to LIVE from when you encounter another Human BEING today. You'll feel their infinity, connect to their soul, and automatically view them as field of LOVE ENERGY. What if everyone started walking around from this SPACE of higher BEING Today? Well, this is where we are EVOLVING through the evolution of our Consciousness! You are getting a head start BABY. Take a deep BREATH.......Feel the LOVE that you ARE! WE are All ONE!

Affirmation: I love and am in LOVE with the universal All GOOD, the presence! I am living, moving, and having my BINGNESS in it, with full TRUST, I engage from a high space of my own Consciousness... I radiate beauty, joy, and kindness to whomever I encounter today. With an open heart, I attract and allow ABUNDANCE in my life, manifesting through my BEING."...have a beautiful day everyone

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