Saturday, November 9, 2013

Where are YOU?

By the time this message reach you, you've taken hundreds of breaths, thought thousands of thoughts, and have experienced so many different emotions. Perhaps you are contemplating the meaning of life, or setting a goal for future. Perhaps you are stuck in your past, feeling regret. Or perhaps you are excited about the future, looking forward for something great to happen. You may be in LOVE or searching for LOVE, happy or searching for happiness, maybe you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your LIFE stuck in the same place bumping into problems over and over. Where ever you are Right Now is Divine. The entire UNIVERSE has evolved into cosmic order, manifested in this precise moment into it's own AWARENESS as your life, as your BEING, and as YOU. Did you get that??? Take a deep breath and allow a split second of stillness enter your consciousness right now. Contemplate your enormity, the vastness, and the infinity you are. Read in between the lines here. Focus on your breath. As you inhale, experience your connection to the PRESENCE, and as you exhale, LET GO of any mental idea of who you are, where you are in life, and what your challenges are. Take another deep breath, feel the love energy surrounding you, LIGHTING up the fire of inspiration, passion, and compassion deep in your heart. "There is something within you that KNOWS, and KNOWS IT KNOWS THAT IT KNOWS." Connect to it. Feel it. Embrace it. Make it the primary focus of your awareness.

Affirmation: "I Am ONE with my source. I KNOW AND KNOW THAT I KNOW. I AM JOY, LOVE, PEACE, ABUNDANT, PROSPERITY, AND DIVINE. I AM BLESSED AND A BLESSING TO THE WORLD."....Have a beautiful weekend everyone.

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